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I ordered a 32 GB 3G on April 3rd. My credit card statement online isn't showing any postings from Apple for today. However, I just called my credit card customer service, and the rep. said she sees a transaction from Apple for $774.56 this afternoon and that it would post tomorrow (Tuesday). This is strange because this is actually a little bit less than I thought I'd be paying with tax in my area. Oh well!

I also got the magical e-mail and checking my order status, it currently says Not Yet Shipped.
Techdude! I've been wondering how you were. Did the iPad prove to be as exciting for you as the shipping drama? (<3 mine)

Folks, this is the guy you want around when the tracking numbers hit the street.

Haha very well thanks! I see you have been well, too!

Yea I LOVVVVEEEEDDDDDD the iPad. I mean, so many things. I can see where some people are coming fro with the "big iPod Touch" thing, but it is SUCH a different experience, definitely worth the $$ in my opinion.

I definitely missed the 3G though in places (like my school) where I don't have readily accessible WiFi.

Never the less, the 3G (mine, the WiFi was my moms ;) ) is coming soon.

And thanks for the compliment, I hope to provide support for those who are freaking over their shipments (hehe). I might even make a public doc on or something that people can download, that has info on it (like where you should track, important info and updates). Versus having to retype everything, I can just point people there.

Or I might even make a branch of website from a site that I admin :D Who knows... ;)
hmm, I ordered within the first 5 minutes of orders opening up on march 12th, and i did get the confirmation email. an apple rep also told me that I am in the "first batch" to go out when I called in to cancel my applecare. according to american express, I don't have an authorization on my card yet...
i ordered on 4/14 and i dont see a charge on my Suntrust account. I see priority shipping on the order status and ive got the email earlier this morning. Hopefully something turns up in my account tomorrow

As long as you got the email, I doubt you have anything to worry about.
When I got home from my Monday night road bike ride my wife said there was a long message from Bank of America Fraud Detection Department on the voicemail. Had to spend 5 minutes playing pingo-pango on my iPhone to get to the point of verifying the last three transactions on my account.

The first from the nice robot...a drum roll please....$782.77 from Apple Online Store. Doing my happy dance now! :D

Hey Steve....send me my stuff already! :apple:


Yeah, I've already had the pleasure of a BofA fraud dept call after placing my 4K+ order for the new 17" i7 MPB pro last week. I got the impression the Apple site is a target.
I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:

I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:


Sweet! Thanks for the post! :) :)
I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:


This looks awesome. I ordered mine on 4/6 got the email this morning but no charge on my cc yet
I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:


Nice. Mine still says late April. Sigh.
For "Late April" I'm wondering if we're going to see two waves of shipments for (this week and next) or just one (this week).
I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:


I would think everyone should be getting an updated status now.

Not everyone got the e-mail right away and not everyone was charged at the same time today - so there's no reason not to be optimistic as I see it!
I am a long time lurker and have just seen this thread. I just wanted to let you all know that my Visa Credit card was charged this morning at 5:59 AM and I got the email soon after.

I just checked my order status and it now has been updated to Priority shipping and "Prepared for Shipment"! Here is a screen clip:


Awesome! Congrats!

If I may ask, when did you order? I would assume Apple would have the decency to give those that ordered back in March the priority in terms of processing, I mean, those orders were received first.

But again they could all be held up like with the WiFi launch, until they get them out at the same time, as the continually produce them every day.

I ordered on 3/13 @ 11:30 AM PDT, so I am pretty confident that I will see mine ship soon :)

EDIT: Stupid me, I didn't see the order date xD Haha. Well thats the day before me and it does look like they are going in order. Mine hasn't been prepared yet though... I assume an udate will come soon :D
Awesome! Congrats!

If I may ask, when did you order? I would assume Apple would have the decency to give those that ordered back in March the priority in terms of processing, I mean, those orders were received first.

But again they could all be held up like with the WiFi launch, until they get them out at the same time, as the continually produce them every day.

I ordered on 3/13 @ 11:30 AM PDT, so I am pretty confident that I will see mine ship soon :)

Check HER! picture.... March 12 is HER! order :)
Awesome! Congrats!

If I may ask, when did you order? I would assume Apple would have the decency to give those that ordered back in March the priority in terms of processing, I mean, those orders were received first.

But again they could all be held up like with the WiFi launch, until they get them out at the same time, as the continually produce them every day.

I ordered on 3/13 @ 11:30 AM PDT, so I am pretty confident that I will see mine ship soon :)

March 12
Also - if you were charged today, I'd think there's a really good chance that you'll be getting your iPad this week. :D
Also - if you were charged today, I'd think there's a really good chance that you'll be getting your iPad this week. :D

The order status said delivering by friday! I can't wait. I just spent $400 in apps alone yesterday!
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