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Recommended Treatments for 3gAS

For those of you suffering from 3gAS (3g Anticipation Syndrome), there is no cure, but I recommend the following therapies which have proven effective for me:
* Buy yourself a Wifi iPad and play with it for a while - then sell it on Craigslist for more than you paid for it (that's what I did)
* Buy your wife a Wifi iPad and then pretend to show her how to use it, load it up with apps while actually you're playing with it (does she really want RealRacingHD? I don't think so).
* Tell yourself how fortunate you were to discover early enough the perils of life with wifi only when you were cut off at the Panera Bread after only 30 minutes during lunch hour. A diagnosis of wifidis (wifi deficiency syndrome) is cureable if caught early (i.e. during the 14 day return period or while the wifi iPad is still hot hot hot and someone will buy it off you for more than you paid for it).
* Play with your iPhone and remind yourself how cool it is (or was until April 3 when it became so tired and so small). For this exercise, hold the iPhone as close as possible to your face and pretend that its much bigger than it is and keep repeating "I already have 3g .. I already have 3g"
* Keep hitting reload on your order confirmation until it shows that your iPad has shipped. (Have a bottle of Advil handy when painful finger cramps begin to set in.)
* Engage another human being in conversation, but only another 3gAS sufferer. Ask him/her "Did yours ship yet?"
* Hire an attorney and have him at the ready in case the promised ship date slips by more than a nano-second.

If we can live through this ordeal people, we will be ready to endure the wait for the next iPhone - now that you've seen it you know you want it!!!
For those of you suffering from 3gAS (3g Anticipation Syndrome), there is no cure, but I recommend the following therapies which have proven effective for me:
* Buy yourself a Wifi iPad and play with it for a while - then sell it on Craigslist for more than you paid for it (that's what I did)
* Buy your wife a Wifi iPad and then pretend to show her how to use it, load it up with apps while actually you're playing with it (does she really want RealRacingHD? I don't think so).
* Tell yourself how fortunate you were to discover early enough the perils of life with wifi only when you were cut off at the Panera Bread after only 30 minutes during lunch hour. A diagnosis of wifidis (wifi deficiency syndrome) is cureable if caught early (i.e. during the 14 day return period or while the wifi iPad is still hot hot hot and someone will buy it off you for more than you paid for it).
* Play with your iPhone and remind yourself how cool it is (or was until April 3 when it became so tired and so small). For this exercise, hold the iPhone as close as possible to your face and pretend that its much bigger than it is and keep repeating "I already have 3g .. I already have 3g"
* Keep hitting reload on your order confirmation until it shows that your iPad has shipped. (Have a bottle of Advil handy when painful finger cramps begin to set in.)
* Engage another human being in conversation, but only another 3gAS sufferer. Ask him/her "Did yours ship yet?"
* Hire an attorney and have him at the ready in case the promised ship date slips by more than a nano-second.

If we can live through this ordeal people, we will be ready to endure the wait for the next iPhone - now that you've seen it you know you want it!!!

:D I was just about to start a thread on "What 3Gers can do to pass the time..." You've hit on a lot of them. Well done Sir, well done!

Induced coma until Thursday 4/29 was another option :p. I had using a real big magnifying glass like they have on a gooseneck pipe, rather than holding it close to your face though.

I also had surfing Macrumors iPad forum at least every 15 minutes "just to see if they were playing with us". ;)
Good thing these 3gAS sufferers aren't in on the Nissan Leaf launch. The hoopla started sometime this last spring. Today was the beginning of the several week reservation period. At some point this summer the local dealer will contact each prospective buyer to have a sit down and review of the deal. Some lucky number of people will be chosen to receive their new Leaf in December. The rest will wait until 2011. OMG those with 3gAS would be locked up in mental wards before they every actually could drive home a new Leaf. :eek:
Good thing these 3gAS sufferers aren't in on the Nissan Leaf launch. The hoopla started sometime this last spring. Today was the beginning of the several week reservation period. At some point this summer the local dealer will contact each prospective buyer to have a sit down and review of the deal. Some lucky number of people will be chosen to receive their new Leaf in December. The rest will wait until 2011. OMG those with 3gAS would be locked up in mental wards before they every actually could drive home a new Leaf. :eek:

The real question is:
why would anyone buy that... thing... that looks like a car?
* Play with your iPhone and remind yourself how cool it is (or was until April 3 when it became so tired and so small). For this exercise, hold the iPhone as close as possible to your face and pretend that its much bigger than it is and keep repeating "I already have 3g .. I already have 3g"

...but I don't already have 3G. My iPhone never has more than an "E" up there. (It also has a flat brushed metal back...and a cheaper monthly rate.)
I am just enjoying the heck out of reading all of these - Pre iPad 3g - comments... I get the best laugh and think it is all a blast! :D Naturally, they are still not here :(:cool: and I just keep checking here to see if .... just maybe anybody has gotten a shipping notice email from our beloved :apple:... I nearly went into one of the coma states talked about earlier when I had a shipment notice on my iPhone and it was only for an extra charger... nearly lost it:D but for a minute there - it was OH MY

Keep it up, I love to check in and read these...

iPhone 3G S, iPod Classic 30gb, iPod Touch 64gb 3rd gen., Apple Extreme, 27"Quad Core i7 and patiently waiting for iPad 64gb 3g
Why are we arguing about the semantics of "late april"?

It's April 30. That's final. That's when it'll get here. What's the point in arguing wether or not it's "late" April?

Yes, it's QUITE silly... :rolleyes: Anybody in shipping knows the standard definition of "end of month" has ALWAYS been the end of the month, and late encompasses a wide range of dates which take place before that. Try telling your boss when you show up for work with one minute left in the shift that "technically I am only late, not here at the end of the day" and you'll get a ROFL copter back in your face. That's my opinion, shared by several others as well, so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

But folks on boards can't handle that. They seem to think it's an "argument" if anyone who has a strong difference of opinion than someone else chooses to declare it. There's no such thing as civil debate on a forum because if someone presents a differing opinion, suddenly thousands of gawking geeks leap to their feet pointing fingers yelling "OMG OMG OMG, fight, fight, fight!!!" or "This has me ROFL till I peed my pants!!!" and contribute absolutely nothing to either side of the debate.

So much for a civil discourse here. LOLOLOL.

BACK TO TOPIC: It is interesting to see all these credit card "charges" that have been placed since shipping won't even happen for at least another six or seven days.
Long wait till April 30th but...

On a lighter note my credit card has pending charges this am for the full amount of my ipad 3G!! Guess it is going to take 10 to process and ship out for next friday. (sigh) will pass the time reading iPad posts of those who already have a wifi one.

I'm just glad that they finally announced a date. I was getting worried when there was no date to the pre-order people, but the web site was saying shipping May 7.

I could honestly give two craps about the definition of "Late April" and won't even bother offering my opinion. All I can say is that we have a date, it is in April, and we need to live with it. Unless you have some super special relationship with Apple, you are not going to get it any sooner.

Peace out, my Apple homies!

My credit card shows pending amount and its full amount of iPad... it looks like they are gonna ship it soon. As people are saying that predicted shipping date is 23rd April Friday.

My question is: Can I still change my shipping address. What if they want to ship it on 23rd....Can I change my shipping address on 22nd? Is it possible?
My order status on apple site still says "Late April"...

Please advice ASAP..
You should be able to change your shipping address until it says "Prepared for shipment"

Personally, I'm not messing with my order at this point.
You should be able to change your shipping address until it says "Prepared for shipment"

Personally, I'm not messing with my order at this point.
I tried to change on the website...but it says I cannot do it...I have to call Apple Customer Care...
They are not allowing it online..
Apple store says 3g shipping on May 7th

I tried to change on the website...but it says I cannot do it...I have to call Apple Customer Care...
They are not allowing it online..
what would be the right source for the shipping date. Article in MR says april 30th yet Apple site says May 7th.
My account likewise was hit this morning for my iPad. I find it somewhat ironic that my case is sitting waiting and will ship nearly a week after I get the iPad itself.
BACK TO TOPIC: It is interesting to see all these credit card "charges" that have been placed since shipping won't even happen for at least another six or seven days.

They didn't charge me for the wifi one until after it had shipped - i wonder if they had issues/got burned at all on that? i'm going to assume they could have blocked those deliveries thru UPS if the charge didn't go thru.

I'm glad mine is basically out of my account though. I have some things going on and having to remember to subtract $780 from the balance was getting old. Now if my expense checks would show up life would be totally grand!
what would be the right source for the shipping date. Article in MR says april 30th yet Apple site says May 7th.

It depends. If you have a preorder in for the 3G prior to Apple moving the shipping date to May 7th, you'll receive your iPad 3G on April 30th. New orders placed now will ship by May 7th.

Also, Apple will have the 3G in stores starting on April 30th at 5pm.
My account likewise was hit this morning for my iPad. I find it somewhat ironic that my case is sitting waiting and will ship nearly a week after I get the iPad itself.

Same. My account was first hit with the temp charge on 3/13, then again this morning. Either Apple is being extra cautious in confirming the customer has the funds available before next week - or we could have an early surprise. I wouldn't complain.

But it just seems odd they would put the hold on the funds a whole week+ early as the temp charge will fall off in 2-3 days again.
My account likewise was hit this morning for my iPad. I find it somewhat ironic that my case is sitting waiting and will ship nearly a week after I get the iPad itself.

...Ordered my Ipad and case on the 11th of this month.y case is now on transit..:)

I had the charge for Applecare pending and looking now that charge is no longer there. My account balance went up the difference.

I wonder why that is. I guess I will check tonight and see if anything is new and different.

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