Nothing changed yet on my side and my order date was Mar 12, 2010 at 05:32 AM PDT. No pending charges yet today but have had the round of on/off charges like other folks.
Nothing's changed on my order either. I ordered the 64G WiFi 3G on 4/30.
Nothing changed yet on my side and my order date was Mar 12, 2010 at 05:32 AM PDT. No pending charges yet today but have had the round of on/off charges like other folks.
Nothing's changed on my order either, and like you I also ordered the 64G WiFi 3G. Maybe there're packing them in Gigabyte order????
Nothing changed yet on my side and my order date was Mar 12, 2010 at 05:32 AM PDT. No pending charges yet today but have had the round of on/off charges like other folks.
I have a feeling there is something wrong with my order. Status hasn't changed and the money has reappeared in my account. Not sure what the deal is, I might need to call them tomorrow.
Late April will pass on May 1st at 12:00am ...
Mine just switched to Prepared for Shipment. 2x 64GB ordered on Mar. 12 @ 5:51 AM PDT.
You have any favorite Mac/iPhone/iPad weather software? Weather has always been a hobby, always looking for good monitoring SW, besides NWS website.
After reading a lot of "Prepared for shipments" and mine not changing I got worried. But it just changed around 10pm EST. Here it comes....
Now I just have to worry about FedEx getting it here. They are a laugh in my area. Usually they just drop off what they are trying to deliver at the post office and have them deliver it. They don't even try. Pretty poor. UPS rules out here. They are great. When I ordered, Apple would not let me use UPS.
Ordered Mar 26th.
A really good iPad/iPhone app is radarscope. A cool Mac software package made here in OK is WeatherScope. While it is heavily weighted to the Oklahoma mesonet, it can and does display national weather data, both at the surface and in the vertical.
Websites, I always check include the Storm Prediction Center and RAP for real-time observations. For current weather data + model forecast data I like OU's Hoot and Penn States e-Wall.