Well of you go to ringstone settings you get the option to buy/download new ones from itunes![]()
I'm sure we all know that we can do that, the question was if thee was a way to use existing mp3 files as ringtones.
Well of you go to ringstone settings you get the option to buy/download new ones from itunes![]()
If this is what makes it for you, then your mind must be blown by what Android can do.
It's amazing what you'll accept when it comes to iOS and what you won't tolerate when it comes to android.
He said ringtones/alarm - So how do you set as a ringtone without using itunes etc.
Why change the subject to be about me? Can't even admit you are wrong again and again about iOS?
You made a bunch of incorrect statements about what iOS can't do.
I refuted those incorrect statements.
All you proven in this thread is how little you know about iOS.
As I have mentioned before. This was the result of a lawsuit against Apple.
It has nothing to do with how advance an OS is.
And Android doesn't group notification by apps. All I can do is clear the individually or all at once. If I have 50 notifications, it becomes a pain not just to read, but to clear them as a group.
Often times, I just want to clear a group after reading all the notifications.
Sure you can. Create a playlist on the fly and add what music tracks or album you want.
Been available for years.
Of course you can set MP3s as alarm. Been available for years.
Long press on a key gives you a number of options. Is this your first time using iOS?
You can share to more than just FB/Twitter.
I can tap on the top of safari and it jumps right to the top.
On Android, I'm required to flick and flick and flick to the top.
A statement that is partially true and partially false doesn't make the whole statement true. It's simple logic.
If I said you are a man/prostitute, does it make it true that you are a prostitute just because you are a man?
I was refuting the incorrect part of the statement. I made no statement regarding
Well of you go to ringstone settings you get the option to buy/download new ones from itunes![]()
Haha buying a ringtone?!?
What a rip off!
Haha buying a ringtone?!?
What a rip off!
There is a free multi step way of creating your own ringtones by creating AAC versions of it in iTunes but again thats what it takes for the worlds most advance mobile operating system.
I've been following this topic for a while, and in the last pages, it's become evident that iOS just isn't for you. Stick with Android and you'll have a much better experience instead of being bitter about nearly everything in iOS.
This is not a troll post. I have a Nexus 4 and an iPhone 5, and I greately recommend each to different people highly. Nexus 4 is the best Android experience - no phone will beat this. It has no crap ass TouchWiz, it's plain and simple, beautiful Android. iPhone, you know how it is. Fluid, responsive, just a marvelous OS in terms of stability (non-jailbroken) and app quality.
The things I LOVE about iOS, and Apple in general:
- Simple to use (it's a grid layout, how easier can it get?)
- Options are easier in general (EXCEPT toggles, which are a pain)
- Notifications are great when in the lock screen. I can act on a notification immediately, and it shows the contents right there. On Android I have to power the screen on, slide the shade down, and then tap. It's just extra annoyances. I also love how you can immediately know what kind of notification you get in ANY app, like if I'm on twitter and get an iMessage, I know what it is without even firing up the app. Really well done.
Many people differ on this, they prefer the Android way of doing things (with the light). I find the light very, very useful. I just don't like how Android immediately resorts to using the light WITHOUT powering the screen on.
It should have been: iOS style lock screen -> notification powers on the screen -> if not acted upon, turn off the screen after a threshold of time and then activate the light. So if someone is away from their phone, they know immediately what kind of notification it when they arrive without having to check. But if they happen to have their phone with them, they can act upon it, without it even having to turn on the light. I wish there was a way of doing this with Android (iOS doesn't have a light, so...).
- Apps are way more polished on iOS (non-major ones at least) and there's a bigger variety (where's Infinity Blade II for Android, or Air Video, or Mailbox, or Tweetbot?).
- Fonts looks better on iOS
- iTunes. HUGE game changer. I often love to check out new music, I always like to know what's new in some genres I listen to, so I can check out artists' new work and possibly buy their album if I like it. Same goes for movies, etc...On Android, I have no way of doing this. And don't even get me started on Amazon.
- iTunes U. Great stuff there, again, not on Android.
- Battery life. iPhone 5 has WAY better battery life than my Nexus, and I know this is not OS specific (since the Note II lasts way longer), but it's annoying. I have custom ROM and kernel on my Nexus, it lasts longer than stock, but still way below iPhone 5. I do know that there are people always complaining about this on both sides of the fence, though.
- Updates. I love how my iPhone will most likely be supported with updates until around 2016. My Nexus? Okay, that will likely get KLP (Android 5.0), what about after that??? And don't even get me started on the REST of Android devices, fragmented hell. Some manufacturers are so bad, they won't release updates. Ever. So you're stuck on 4.0, 4.1 or even 2.3. It's just terrible.
- Support from REAL people. If I have a problem with my iPhone, bam, Apple Store, talk to a Genius, probably gets it solved stat. And I don't even have to do much, just drive to the nearest Apple Store. If I drop my Nexus or something goes wrong (like some component dying), where do I go for support? Google? LG? It's just messy.
What I DON'T like about iOS:
- Jailbreaks take a long time
- Apple doesn't allow customization of their OS (come on, it's CUSTOMIZATION, not things like running pirated apps! Let us have a goddamn custom launcher)
- Some things take way longer to do with stock iOS (e.g. toggles)
That's it really.
What I like about Android:
- Customizable OS: you can theme it anyway you like, and some homescreens just look gorgeous (like the ones on mycolorscreen)
- Can install anything you like
- Direct access to filesystem
- Open platform
- Rooting is easy and Google doesn't care
- Ability to install custom ROMs, kernels, tweaks, you name it
What I hate about Android:
- It lags sometimes. Yeah. Even on Android 4.2.2, with Project Butter. Not app lag, just general OS lag. My N4 has a quad-core, this shouldn't happen. And it probably doesn't on stock, so this point is void since I'm on cyanogenmod nightlies which might contain bugs. I'm just putting that out there, since with jailbreak, even iOS still remains fluid (not saying necessarity stable).
- Some apps look just hideous (seriously...)
- The UI isn't as polished as iOS (iOS looks and feels outdated, but it's still superior in looks)
Overall, they are great OSes and I love both for the strengths in some things and dislike them for different reasons. My main phone is the N4, as I use my iPhone 5 for development purposes only, for now at least.
I'm sorta doing your whole 30 day thing, only with Android instead of iOS, and I'm feeling that Android just isn't my home overall. I like how you can customize it and all, but the fluidity and user experience of iOS just makes me feel confortable and there are many things in this OS that Android does not have (and vice-versa), but the things it DOES have are just pretty important to me (like iTunes), and therefore I probably will make the transition to the iPhone 5 as my main phone in about a month or so. As you probably will go to Android (at least judging by your last posts).
Could not agree more about the notifications.
As far as updates, as long as you have a nexus device you will continue to get them so that is a non-issue. It's the other phones you have to worry about. I'm sure the nexus 4 will get updates well beyond KLP. The samsung nexus had gingerbread, jelly bean, and i'm sure it will also get KLP
Exactly, that's why I got the N4. It's a great device, bit fragile (got a case ofc), but what a powerhouse. I do wish that it could run iOS (that would be a dream), but Android has to suffice. The hardware is fantastic.
The notifications though, yeah, it's like I said. Both OSes do some things wrong and some things right. If Apple implements a light in iPhone 5S, it will be the best thing (they'll call it 'a reminder light. reinvented.' or something like that lol).
Exactly, that's why I got the N4. It's a great device, bit fragile (got a case ofc), but what a powerhouse. I do wish that it could run iOS (that would be a dream), but Android has to suffice. The hardware is fantastic.
The notifications though, yeah, it's like I said. Both OSes do some things wrong and some things right. If Apple implements a light in iPhone 5S, it will be the best thing (they'll call it 'a reminder light. reinvented.' or something like that lol).
Heck yeah ! the nexus 4 is the best experience on Android specially for a beginner (best bang of the buck also).
My brother first smartphone is a nexus 4 and let me tell you hes not a very tech person but handles himself just fine with stock android and have never complaint about ithe even loves the damm camera (old phone was a blackberry) battery have never been a issue for him.
The only thing he doesnt like is no super easy way to backup like icloud and well its a legit complaint.
This is not a troll post. I have a Nexus 4 and an iPhone 5, and I greately recommend each to different people highly. Nexus 4 is the best Android experience - no phone will beat this. It has no crap ass TouchWiz, it's plain and simy (with the light). I find the light very, very useful. I just don't like how Android immediately resorts to using the light WITHOUT powering the screen on.
It should have been: iOS style lock screen -> notification powers on the screen -> if not acted upon, turn off the screen after a threshold of time and then activate the light. So if someone is away from their phone, they know immediately what kind of notification it when they arrive without having to check. But if they happen to have their phone with them, they can act upon it, without it even having to turn on the light. I wish there was a way of doing this with Android (iOS doesn't have a light, so...).
Yea I love how my barely 2 1/2 year-old iPad 1 was rejuvenated by iOS 6. Oh wait...- Updates. I love how my iPhone will most likely be supported with updates until around 2016.
Yea I love how my barely 2 1/2 year-old iPad 1 was rejuvenated by iOS 6. Oh wait...
But for the record, no iPhone has gotten iOS updates 4 years after it was released. The original iPhone got its last update in early 2010, 2 years and 7 months after release. The iPhone 3G lasted a few months less. The 3GS is almost guaranteed to not get iOS 7--it's already running a crippled version of 6.x.
TBH, I only need my phone to be updated for two years at the most, after that my contract will expire and I would upgrade to a new phone with the new contract.![]()
Yea I love how my barely 2 1/2 year-old iPad 1 was rejuvenated by iOS 6. Oh wait...
But for the record, no iPhone has gotten iOS updates 4 years after it was released. The original iPhone got its last update in early 2010, 2 years and 7 months after release. The iPhone 3G lasted a few months less. The 3GS is almost guaranteed to not get iOS 7--it's already running a crippled version of 6.x.
There are jailbreak apps that can make iOS think you are on WiFi. 3GUnrestrictor is one.Just discovered I can't download anything over 50 MBs from App Store over network connection. It has to be either WiFi or through iTunes on the computer.
Android prompts you with a warning if an app is very large but lets you proceed if you want to.
With iOS, if I'm not near accessible WiFi or at a computer, I can't download the app.
Just discovered I can't download anything over 50 MBs from App Store over network connection. It has to be either WiFi or through iTunes on the computer.
Android prompts you with a warning if an app is very large but lets you proceed if you want to.
With iOS, if I'm not near accessible WiFi or at a computer, I can't download the app.