You mean like I did with the Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 4? Both devices well over 30 days, especially the GN, with flaws and all.
The only one phones that I haven't kept for long were the HTC One X (horrid battery life) and the iPhone 5.
Again, get your information straight first.
Well I never knew that. Just checked mine and the holes are recessed more than my 30 pin adapter and micro USB leads.
I'll be watching where I plug my lightning cable in from now on I think.![]()
Buying a phone as basically a loaner until another phone comes out knowing going in that there is no intent to keep it.
Dishonest stuff like that is what causes stores to have to clamp down on their return policies for everyone.
How is it dishonest?
Did he lie about water damage or throwing the phone intentionally around? Because I see people returning their iPhones all the time for that under false stories.
And if apple allows a 30 day return, surely they expect people to return all the way to the 30th day, otherwise why not reduce the policy?
I don't call it dishonest, but come on why waste your time and Apple having to make the phone a refurbished one? If you saw were he said from the very beginning that he was getting the iPhone 5 just until he could get his hands on the HTC One. That to me is abusing the return policy. The return policy is there for people that get the phone and decide this is not for me, or I can't afford this I need to take it back.
Like I said before I work at a bookstore at a University and after the first week of class we have a 48 hour return policy on books. We still have problems with students buying the book and then studying with it and returning it. I call that abusing our return policy. To help with some of it we don't allow returns during finals. We are not in the business to loan books out so students can study. Nor is Apple in the business to loan iphones out to people for 30 days. I just think it is abusing a policy that was meant to help people.
How is it dishonest?
Did he lie about water damage or throwing the phone intentionally around? Because I see people returning their iPhones all the time for that under false stories.
And if apple allows a 30 day return, surely they expect people to return all the way to the 30th day, otherwise why not reduce the policy?
If you saw were he said from the very beginning that he was getting the iPhone 5 just until he could get his hands on the HTC One.
Because he never had any intent to actually purchase the phone. He basically gave them some cash as collateral for a loaner, which is not what return policies are in place for.
If he had been testing it out to see if it worked for him and decided it didn't....that's good and fine. But he knew going in he wasn't going to keep it. Just needed something to hold him over until the new round of Android phones came out.
Now you switched from being a google spokesperson to apple retail one, good one.
Sorry mate, it is NOT abusing the policy.
Ever hear the "if you are not satisfied with our product, return it within x days and get your money back" things?
So how do they know for sure that it takes 24 days or 13 days or 2 days for anyone to be satisfied?
It is obvious they provide a 30 day return because they probably think that is a fair period for anyone to make a decision if they are satisfied or not.
So if you are, good for you and them. If you are not, return it within 30 days and all is well.
How about all the retail and manufacturing companies simply abolish return policies if one is supposed to be content with it the moment they bought it?
Couch i like you but come on take it like a champ, you stated when you returned the nexus 4 that you will get a iphone 5 to hold up until the gs4 becuse apple will let you return it for a full refund within 30 days.
I personally wouldnt have any shame lol
As requested, here's my experience in its own thread. Ultimately, I'll be jailbreaking and looking for advice on what apps to download in jailbreak to make my experience better. Thanks in advance.
HISTORY: Previous iPhone 4S owner, then switched to Galaxy Nexus, then to Nexus 4. You can read about my N4 experiences in the Nexus 4 Owners Thread (long story short: bad, disappointing). Also an iPad 3rd gen owner, so I'm not unfamiliar with iOS 6, but as y'all know, using iOS on an iPad for leisure is vastly different than using iOS as a smartphone for work, everyday use, etc.
My recent disappointments with Android's offerings this year (so far) coupled with my recent return of multiple Nexus 4 devices has left me looking at iOS again to either be a) my smartphone to tie me over until I change my mind about the S4, or b) my return to iOS for the foreseeable future.
My recent disappointments with Android's offerings this year (so far) coupled with my recent return of multiple Nexus 4 devices has left me looking at iOS again to either be a) my smartphone to tie me over until I change my mind about the S4, or b) my return to iOS for the foreseeable future.
Ok this is why we are saying that you just wanted the iphone 5 to "tie" you over. Now sure there is point B as well
I'm glad you can admit you're wrong.
Maybe you should be careful with your own posts. Do you understand what the word "just" means when you say "you just wanted... etc"?
Glad you can admit you're wrong. That was not "just" my intent.
Again, if Apple is accepting the return willingly, if even Apple is not saying it's abuse, who are you to call it abuse? Why should we listen to you over the company that made the policies themselves? lol.
Ok this is why we are saying that you just wanted the iphone 5 to "tie" you over. Now sure there is point B as well, but I guess that does not apply now does it? You used the iPhone to "tie" you over. Now had you just said you wanted to test it and see if ios was something you wanted to return to then you would not be getting all this. Maybe you should be careful what you write cause it might just come back and get you later.
I am not admitting I am wrong. I put in bold were you said you may use the iPhone to tie you over. That is just what you did. You did not do option B did you?
Apple has the 30 day return policy to help people that don't know if they are going to like the phone or not. Just like all the carriers give you 15 days to decide if you want to keep the phone. Not for them to loan the phone out to you. You can claim that you did what was within their return policy, but you took a policy they had and made it meet your needs.
So you're telling me you don't know what the word "just" means when used in the context of "you just wanted..." Point taken.
Remember, the OP was written long before my decision was made. So to say that I "just" had one intent at that time is patently false.
And I should be the one that watches what I write? Right.
Alright I am done arguing with you about it. So you are saying that you did not know if you wanted to keep the phone? You were actually giving it a try? If so then cool that is what the Apple return window is for. I am not so sure that is what you were doing based on what you have written on this forum, but hey if you say you were giving it a 30 day trial then that is what you were doing.
You know companies by law have to offer some sort of return window.
It does not matter what reason he wants to use and return the phone.
If Apple really wanted to stop this sort of practice they could setup a scenario of a restocking fee. Obviously they have not done this because they know that this kind of scenario might affect their wonderful customer service reputation they have.
You know companies by law have to offer some sort of return window.
It does not matter what reason he wants to use and return the phone.
If Apple really wanted to stop this sort of practice they could setup a scenario of a restocking fee. Obviously they have not done this because they know that this kind of scenario might affect their wonderful customer service reputation they have.
These companies don't give these offers out for nothing, most people on a 30 day trial will be seduced by the phone and keep it, that is what the offer is all about, that is what the company desires, it will have bet against couch returning the phone even if though he said before hand that was what he was going to do. They lost the bet. Period, they win more than they lose (IMHO). There was nothing in the offer that said that he had to want to keep the phone beforehand. Can't see what all the fuss is about TBH.
These companies don't give these offers out for nothing, most people on a 30 day trial will be seduced by the phone and keep it, that is what the offer is all about, that is what the company desires, it will have bet against couch returning the phone even if he said before hand that was what he was going to do. They lost the bet. Period, they win more than they lose (IMHO). There was nothing in the offer that said that he had to want to keep the phone beforehand. Can't see what all the fuss is about TBH.