Was past there earlier. They have replaced all the paving stones at the front and also the bus shelter just at the very left unit. Apple are to occupy the the corner unit ie Three on the right and nearly all the way up the hill. Barclays is occupying the centre (isn) unit which is to be a flagship shop design.
Council are planning to fix the cobbles/pavements behind the shop so the area can be used as a walk through from the Tram stop & when the new shopping centre opens (St James Quarter). Pretty dingy right now, two great pubs there though... lucky staff!
Here is a recent photo now the scaffolding is largely down.
A person working at John Lewis mentioned to somebody at my work that a new Apple store would be opening up in Edinburgh in the next two months. She had been in John Lewis because of problems with her iPad but she didn't want it getting sent away and couldn't get through to Glasgow. No idea how accurate this information is but it would fit with how far the work is progressing.
By End of July. It will be open before the Festival.
I've been waiting years for an Apple store to pop up in edinburgh, but so far no damn luck.
The council are totally inept...
Wish they had cleaned the older section of the building .......
Glad someone agrees with me!
The situation at the end of February. Notice how the entire roof and tower have been lifted to provide another two hotel floors.