If its any consolation I've had despatch confirmation emails from O2 as late (early) as 6am on the actual day of delivery. I upgrade my phone every year with them. When there is a major launch they seem to work through model by model - with no particular logic.Anyone ordered through O2 for launch day delivery? Was hoping to wake up to a dispatch email but nothing sadly.
If you happen to be an early model they are processing you might hear by the afternoon before launch day. If you are a late model it could be tomorrow morning.
There are still no guarantees though, they do seem to be very cautious, and have told me in the past its because they dont know what stock allocation they are going to get from apple until it arrives. Sometimes its different to their expectations, so there does seem to be some luck involved.
Fingers crossed for all of us aboard the good ship iPad for tomorrow.
Which, lets be honest are both much more important. See my post above - it might help your expectations.The debacle is sucking all the excitement out of this launch and makes me wish I’d never bothered.
Nothing from O2 and being held to ransom with no idea when I’ll get any dispatch notification, if at all. They seem to forget some of us have work and lives to live !!