generik said:Sorry, if my experience with the "general public" is worth anything people care about cheap. They wouldn't "want a Mac" unless there is a tangible reason to. You can show them all the wizbangs with iLife, and they will ask, "Can I run my old applications on it?", and no, a reply like "MacOS has its own variant of software that does the same thing, except they are better!" doesn't cut it, they want the exact same thing they have been using to work, not something that is snazzed up to be "better!"
So Joe Public will take all the laptop brochures he rounded up that day, go home, pore over them.. and go "Hmm.. $1500 for this computer, Core 2 Duo 2.16Ghz" and look over at the MBP "$2499 Core Duo 2.16Ghz".
The choice is already decided right there, between a "safe" choice with a faster processor and a lower price and a "unsafe" choice with a slower processor for almost twice the money, only an idiot would choose the Mac.
This is where Apple has trouble in the business segment. Companies don't want to switch operating system and software for a computer that gives you less speed for more money. Most companies could care less that OSX is better, safer, easier to use, etc. They look at bottom dollar... and a lot of consumers do as well. Current mac users know the OS, but getting switchers will be hard if you don't have hardware that is at least up to par with other vendors.