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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Aaaggghhh, it won't be available here until September

Seriously google need to get their **** together when it comes to launching things - worldwide / internationally.

Anyone in the market for a Nexus 7 are likely to wait now till the new one is out, leaving the likes of Curry's, PC World, Dixons, Argos with dead stock as unless they discount old model significantly.. most folks will wait.

This wait then pisses off the consumer and the retailer. How to alienate your audience and your resellers....


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
If I buy a Nexus 7 from best buy vs google am I losing anything? I don't think so but I just wanted to double check. I assume I would still call google for support?


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
This is going to sound absurd, but there's one thing that's making me reluctant to let go of the iPad. And more specifically, one game.

If there's one exclusive game that iOS has that is a real burn, it's this game:


I'm being dead serious.

Is there any hope of a port to Android? Any hope at all?



macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
I'll end up buying a Nexus 7 because it will give me something to mess around with until the Retina iPad mini arrives! :D


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2007
Hoping for some big improvements in hardware and software.

Apple maybe getting some serious competition from Google and the new Nexus 7.
The old N7 needs better sound quality and sound quantity though.
Also the old N7 is not as responsive as the ipad.
We will see if the new N7 is a big leap in overall performance.
If nothing else it will be another slap in the face to Apple to get off their as* and start making some progress instead of relying on the past.
The size of the old N7 is perfect. The iPad mini is just a little too big for my cargo pocket, and too big in price.
Also the N7 screen breaks too easy.


macrumors regular
May 3, 2010
Well Ebuyer has it listed with "stock arriving in August" so there doesn't seem to be a fixed date atm. My concern is how long will we have to wait until the 4G version is released over here?

This is going to sound absurd, but there's one thing that's making me reluctant to let go of the iPad. And more specifically, one game.

If there's one exclusive game that iOS has that is a real burn, it's this game:


I'm being dead serious.

Is there any hope of a port to Android? Any hope at all?


You're probably best asking the developer on their facebook page. That is pretty much my biggest concern in terms of apps when it comes to the idea of abandoning iOS. While Android has got everything else covered (for my uses anyway) and an enormous selection of games there's still a large, very noticeable number of big titles that are missing from their library.

For me its probably going to be a Nexus 7 + wifi only version of ipad 5 at a later point. I can get the latter at a reduced rate which i guess justifies it a little.


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2010
If I buy a Nexus 7 from best buy vs google am I losing anything? I don't think so but I just wanted to double check. I assume I would still call google for support?

No you aren't losing anything, you are probably better off relating to returns etc.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
Just picked up a 32GB at Best Buy so they are available there if they are in stock in your area.

I did not preorder and was able to get it no problem. I did not hestitate cause I saw posts elsewhere that there is a backlog with some resources to acquire one. I am a Silver Rewards Member so I have 60 days.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
Just picked mine up at Best Buy, charging now.
FYI, they seem more Qi-charger-agnostic than the Nexus 4. I bought a Nokia Qi charger last year before the official N4 ones were available, and it didn't work.

Works fine with the new N7.

Edit: beware - my officemate bought the same model, and the charger does not work with his. Weird.
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Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
I'm just using the wall charger :)
That's so, so 20th century! ;)

Actually, it's better for the battery not to heat it with a Qi charger, but better for the port not to continuously plug and unplug the USB cable, so it's probably a wash as to which way is "better" overall. That said, the USB charger works faster.

But, you know, it's less cool. Well, literally, it's cooler. But figuratively, no.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2011
I preordered mine on Best Buy's website last night and it says "Preparing Order" now. My local Best Buy has them in stock and I cannot cancel the online order anymore. Dang it! I could have had it today. Now I have to wait till next week. Ugh!


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Didn't expect best buy to jump the gun! Calling my local store now! And I need to watch the verge review. 9/10 is awesome.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
OK, I have to say, the new N7 is amazing. Well, except for the cameras, which are... fine. Not great, not terrible, but fine.

It is easily held in one hand, unlike the iPad mini and not really like the 1st gen N7. The screen is incredible. The speakers are quite good given the form factor - not audiophile but, IMO, as good as the Kindle Fire HD's (which are quite good).

I still love my Macs, and I love my full-size iPad, but... the N7 is better than the iPad mini is almost every way. And the bezel? Seriously, look at the iPad mini. Yes, it's smaller bezel-wise, but it's not that much different. That said, I'd have preferred a few mm more thickness if it cut off most of the top/bottom bezel.


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2008
Got mine a few hours ago. I love this thing already. As much as it pains me to say it, i think i like this device more than my mini....

First impressions:

-The screen is gorgeous
-Build quality is better than expected
-Feels GREAT in the hand. Much better than my iPad mini.
-Very fluent. No lag whatsoever.

Overall i am very pleased. Battery looks like it is holding up well too.
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