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macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
I managed to get a Chromecast a little while ago at Best Buy. They got in a shipment and made them available around 7:00pm. I got there around 8:00pm and they only had two left out of fifteen they received. Geez I guess I was wrong about people in the know about this product since it went that fast. Then again, maybe some employees jumped on it.

I will try it soon but right now I'm just having fun with my N7 in itself. Color me impressed.

TTY tomorrow! :)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2013
in the taint
I know this is the Nexus 7 thread but would you mind testing something out that's being debated in the Chromecast vs. Apple TV poll/thread?

Can you test if the Chromecast can be controlled by a device NOT on the same wifi network as the Chromecast, say your Android phone over cellular?

Yes and no is the answer. You need to begin on WiFi, start the video and then you can disconnect from the network and the Chrome cast keeps going.
Basically, the phone, tablet or PC needs to control the Chromecast to get things started.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Are BBY's selling out of Nexus 7's? There are different reports...

Staples is sold out. Amazon has the 32GB on back order for 3-4 weeks.

It's going like hotcakes.


macrumors 68020
Apr 9, 2008
Can you swipe on different sides of the status bar and get a different action on the nexus 4? On the nexus 7 you can do right for quick goggles and left for notifications. I was curious if this was limited to the tablets.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Can you swipe on different sides of the status bar and get a different action on the nexus 4? On the nexus 7 you can do right for quick goggles and left for notifications. I was curious if this was limited to the tablets.

Two finger pull down will get you straight to the Settings toggle page. Single finger pull down will bring down notifications like normal.

No left or right separator.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2013
in the taint
Are BBY's selling out of Nexus 7's? There are different reports...

Staples is sold out. Amazon has the 32GB on back order for 3-4 weeks.

It's going like hotcakes.

Luckily I ordered mine online for store pickup at BB. They were sold out when I got there at 2:30pm. Staples next door was also sold out.

Of course, this sort of reporting doesn't mean much without knowing how many each store had to begin with. I am pretty optimistic though, because this Nex7 is a significant upgrade from the original and a lot cheaper than the Mini.
I can now say Android tablets like the Nex7 are on par or better than the iPad. By next year, they will def surpass the iPad, much like flagship Android phones have surpassed the iPhone.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Are BBY's selling out of Nexus 7's? There are different reports...

Staples is sold out. Amazon has the 32GB on back order for 3-4 weeks.

It's going like hotcakes.

The 10 closest BB to me all show available in stock ready for pickup. This may very well change tomorrow but still have stock for the moment.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
The 10 closest BB to me all show available in stock ready for pickup. This may very well change tomorrow but still have stock for the moment.

I checked the BBs around me and they say in stock on the website, but when you call to confirm, they all said nope. =T


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Question. Can the keys be enabled to "pop up" when typing on the nexus 7? I wasnt able to find it in keyboard settings.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
First impressions:

FANTASTIC BUILD QUALITY AND SCREEN. Yes the all caps was necessary.

Heavier than I expected but not bad at all.

I have experienced a few freezes and one app crash.

Still not as fluid or smooth as iOS although it is important to note that this is the first time it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I think it's becoming so minimal that I can overlook it for the other benefits.

I literally can't put it down.

Did I mention that the screen is AMAZING?


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
I checked the BBs around me and they say in stock on the website, but when you call to confirm, they all said nope. =T

Bummer. Best of luck tomorrow.

I'm personally waiting to give the LTE model a test drive so biting my lip and staying away from the shops. ;)


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Looks like places are getting it back in stock pretty swiftly.

Could Google finally have pulled off a successful launch?


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
Any idea if the LTE models are available yet? If so I'll probably pull the trigger on a 32gb LTE.


Jul 18, 2013
Amazon has them through a seller for $317 for the 32GB. BestBuys in my area ( Denver ) have the 16GB but not the 32, they never got the 32 GB yet.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
Anandtech review and watch that hands-on demo:

My advice? If you are interested at all and on the fence, grab it if you find it in stock and decide later.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2007
Is the DAC still crap along with the sound level and quality?

I have the N7 and it sounds horrible along with a screen that broke far to easy from a drop of about 3-4 feet while in its case.
How about the colors and display? In my opinion the iPad is a more beautiful display as far as colors.
Did the new software and hardware make it leap ahead in performance/smoothness?
I do not have the iPad but I have played with them numerous times as we all have friends that own them and Apple stores to demo them.
The bottom line is price and availability for some people.

I compare the Nexus 7 as if it is the Kia and the Apple iPad is the German made car. Yes the Kia/Hyundai or even the Toyota and Honda will get you to work... but the German car is a joy to drive... the others are slow, boring, and do not want to stop when needed.
I have had top non German cars and trucks, and yes some were ok. The Subaru and Honda I owned were crap.
I now have a car actually made in Germany and it has been just as reliable as the others but FAR more enjoyable to drive.
It seems to me that Ford is trying to provide both performance, economy and feel to us.

It is different in that the Apple products VS others are closed= stability, SAFER and less problematic. Of course price charged for the full size iPad seems unreasonable to me, along with the monthly cellular fees.

The N7 is not horrible like the Kindle Fire HD and others, but it is not nearly as good as the Apple product.
Apple in my opinion does need a kick in the as* though to get some focus and move forward though, they seem to be sitting back instead of moving forward.
I do not understand why Apple does not offer choices in phone size, STILL. How long have other companies given us a choice in screen size?
There are good and bad of both Apple and Android.
We choose at the time of purchase.
If the iPad where less costly to buy I do not think the other companies would even be talked about.
They are all made in China, it seems that the USA headquartered companies just are greedy, which is their right. What I mean is the chinese labor cost nothing compared to making them in the USA but we still pay made in the USA prices seemingly.
For those that know of Assos cycling kit they charge a outrageous price for bibs, jerseys etc. when they were made in Switzerland the price seemed logical and reasonable but the product is not made there why has the price not dropped in unison with the switch in manufacturing and all that goes with it?

Should Apple really be so concerned about how thick, or light the phone is?
To some people maybe, but I would rather have a larger screen with a little more thickness and weight to make it perform longer and be more durable vs degrading the end product in the name of weight and aesthetics.

What did we do before cell phones and tablets?
Who is John Galt?

Sorry I could not help the attempt to enlighten.

So to sum it up I think the Google Nexus 7 is a ok purchase for the price, I see it continuing to improve. But I am disappointed that Apple is not moving forward with R&D and production like I hope they would. The iPad Wi-Fi and over all performance is far better, faster and smoother, although the iPad Mini should have a higher resolution screen considering the price and where it is manufactured, in my opinion.
These are my thoughts which do not jibe with all of you.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
If any of the below story is true, it looks like I'm going to just pull the trigger on the Nexus 7.

A small part of me wants to stay with iOS in the tablet world, but when you consider things like the rumor below, and you remind yourself Apple cares so much more about profit than the consumer (I understand all companies are a busines and need to make money, but Apple takes it to another level; often intentionally withholding updates/upgrades to "save" for the next generation of upgraders) it just turns me off. Not to mention the shortcomings of iOS.

"An interesting whisper on the grapevine mentions that there has been internal debate in Apple on whether the company should bring Retina displays on the iPad mini as that would allegedly eat into regular iPad sales."

I'm happy to see Nexus 7 reviews say that there are more and more tablet-optimized apps for Android now that their tablet arena is growing. It's also relieving to read that even blown up apps don't look or feel bad on a 7" screen.

I think the next chance I get to purchase a Nexus 7, I'm going for it. C'mon Best Buy...

EDIT: Also just read this: "Apple iPad Market Share at all time low" Interesting.
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