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macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Certainly intriguing. I prefer a bit larger display with less device (i.e. bezel) --frankly the iPad Mini's form factor is hard to give up. I also wasn't previously impressed with the app experience on the old Nexus 7. Also, I have concerns about battery life--the new Nexus 7 battery is about 400mAh less than the old Nexus, and over 500mAh less than the Mini, with more pixels to push.

On the other hand, that high res display is enticing, dual speakers, and now that it has LTE....I have some thinking to do over the next few weeks before the LTE version arrives.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
Certainly intriguing. I prefer a bit larger display with less device (i.e. bezel) --frankly the iPad Mini's form factor is hard to give up. I also wasn't previously impressed with the app experience on the old Nexus 7. Also, I have concerns about battery life--the new Nexus 7 battery is about 400mAh less than the old Nexus, and over 500mAh less than the Mini, with more pixels to push.

On the other hand, that high res display is enticing, dual speakers, and now that it has LTE....I have some thinking to do over the next few weeks before the LTE version arrives.

Battery life is projected for nine hours.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Not sure that is the best way if I remember correctly with the first n7. I am going to Best Buy but understandable that may not be the easiest resource for some.

I can walk it back to the store, 14 day return policy, if I end up buying it and not wanting to keep. I have a collection of devices starting to overwhelm a bit and many will not commend much in the way of resale value.

Yeah, if I do get one (LTE version), I'm in no rush and will probably pick mine up from Amazon to save shipping and sales tax. Alway had terrific customer service from Amazon---not so much from Google Play.


Battery life is projected for nine hours.

And we all know manufacturers estimates can be way off. I'll wait to see what hands-on reviews state.


macrumors 68030
Sep 22, 2009
Not sure that is the best way if I remember correctly with the first n7. I am going to Best Buy but understandable that may not be the easiest resource for some.

I can walk it back to the store, 14 day return policy, if I end up buying it and not wanting to keep. I have a collection of devices starting to overwhelm a bit and many will not commend much in the way of resale value.

I actually just purchased mine through the Best Buy website.

I can't even add one to my cart on the Google Play site, so I just wanted to make sure I get one pre-ordered if they start going out of stock everywhere else.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
For some reason I bought one, I honestly don't know why. I gave my Nexus 7 to my Mum and bought a Nexus 10 for myself because I like the larger screen. I sat there staring at the "confirm" button thinking "Why am I buying this?" And I couldnt answer that question. Then I bought it anyway. :D


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
No its listed at 10 hours. The first gen was listed at 9 hours.

Well, unless you know something Google doesn't, it's estimated at 9 hours.

The New Nexus 7 on Google Play


For some reason I bought one, I honestly don't know why. I gave my Nexus 7 to my Mum and bought a Nexus 10 for myself because I like the larger screen. I sat there staring at the "confirm" button thinking "Why am I buying this?" And I couldnt answer that question. Then I bought it anyway. :D

It's because you're inflicted with the same disease many of us here suffer from...musthavenewgadgetitis.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
For some reason I bought one, I honestly don't know why. I gave my Nexus 7 to my Mum and bought a Nexus 10 for myself because I like the larger screen. I sat there staring at the "confirm" button thinking "Why am I buying this?" And I couldnt answer that question. Then I bought it anyway. :D

Cause it is only $229, specs are very good, you want it, AND you can return it? :)

If it becomes hard to come by, maybe you can even sell it for more.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
For some reason I bought one, I honestly don't know why. I gave my Nexus 7 to my Mum and bought a Nexus 10 for myself because I like the larger screen. I sat there staring at the "confirm" button thinking "Why am I buying this?" And I couldnt answer that question. Then I bought it anyway. :D

I think I'm gonna stay with my Nexus 10. I was thinking of changing it for the new 7 but maybe that screen is too small for web browsing. It's perfect on the other hand for playing emulators :D:D

Looking at those specs, what will the next Nexus 10 have? 3GB RAM? 64GB of space? Snapdragon 800 out Tegra 4? Better battery? What more can they actually improve?

Oh, and the Nexus 7 has HDMI output!!!


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2011
I'll pick one up when the LTE version is available in Canada unless the new Nexus 10 rolls out before that time. In other words I might have a new tablet by 2014.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
Looks significantly thinner in the comparison pictures:

As you can see, the new Nexus 7 is much slimmer than the one of yesteryear, at only 0.3" (8mm), which is about a quarter of the thickness shaved off of the device. Not only that, but the 2013 edition is 11.2 oz (318 g), about ten percent lighter than before. It is almost as tall when held in portrait mode, but with a much slimmer side bezel, making it more comfortable to hold this way, while the top and bottom bezel is kept thicker, so you can rest your thumbs comfortably in landscape mode.

Sounds like the thinner and lighter argument Apple always pulls.

Going to be interesting to see if the same radios will be on offer in the next nexus phone.

Finally, freedom from Verizon updates and bloat on a true nexus device? :eek:

This definitely makes me think the Nexus 5 will have LTE and still be unlocked through Google Play.


I just ordered one on Best Buy. Not sure when they will be available to order on Google Play, so I figured I might as well. Plus shipping was free and estimated delivery is any day between July 30th and August 4th. So not too bad.


No its listed at 10 hours. The first gen was listed at 9 hours.

This new Nexus 7 is listed at 9 hours of video playback and 10 hours of web browsing.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
I want a retina iPad mini so badly, but this just happened to come out the right(or wrong) time. UGH, the 32GB LTE model is hard to pass up. I hate impulse buying!


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
I have another issue that's only slightly related but as it would involve a new Nexus 7 LTE I'll pose it here anyway.

I still have one of the grandfathered AT&T unlimited data plans for the iPad--the ones that were only available for a couple of months and are only maintained as long as it stays active. If I switch my sim card from my iPad to my Nexus, any idea if AT&T would allow it to continue? I know they can determine the device a sim is being used in and as it's technically an iPad data plan, fear they'll cancel/change it. I do not want to lose it as I use quite a bit of data and unlike the phone plans, it doesn't get throttled after a certain amount of usage.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
Love the ad, too:

YouTube: video

So if you get a Nexus 7 you also get a girlfriend? Is that what everyone else got out of the video, or just me?


I have another issue that's only slightly related but as it would involve a new Nexus 7 LTE I'll pose it here anyway.

I still have one of the grandfathered AT&T unlimited data plans for the iPad--the ones that were only available for a couple of months and are only maintained as long as it stays active. If I switch my sim card from my iPad to my Nexus, any idea if AT&T would allow it to continue? I know they can determine the device a sim is being used in and as it's technically an iPad data plan, fear they'll cancel/change it. I do not want to lose it as I use quite a bit of data and unlike the phone plans, it doesn't get throttled after a certain amount of usage.

My gut says you can keep it. Just like someone with a grandfathered unlimited iPhone plan can go to Android and still have unlimited.

Sith Vol

macrumors 6502
Oct 7, 2011
Memphis, TN
I've been debating whether to preorder from Best Buy online now or try my luck going to some local BBY's on Tuesday morning. Any recommendations? What is everyone else doing (those of you planning to get the N7)?

I'm worried about stores not having them in stock, but at the same time I can't imagine them selling out, especially on the first day.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
I've been debating whether to preorder from Best Buy online now or try my luck going to some local BBY's on Tuesday morning. Any recommendations? What is everyone else doing (those of you planning to get the N7)?

I'm worried about stores not having them in stock, but at the same time I can't imagine them selling out, especially on the first day.

I'm not in any major rush so I ordered mine from BB. You could order it and then go try and pick one up in store. If you get one, cancel your order or just return one.


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
Looks like a great tablet. The S4 pro has been a proven performer in my nexus 4. It'll be a hard purchase to justify because of all the devices I already have but hey, almost all of my tech purchases are done on impulse anyway.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Looks like a great tablet. The S4 pro has been a proven performer in my nexus 4. It'll be a hard purchase to justify because of all the devices I already have but hey, almost all of my tech purchases are done on impulse anyway.

Yep, mine was so impulsive I didn't read it properly and accidently ordered the old model Nexus 7 32GB. £200 down the drain. :(
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