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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2012
It's just horrid.

My current N7 has such a nice comfy back with just enough grip to keep it from being slippery. When I saw the newest version of the N7 2 back it caused me to do a double take.

Could be a smooth rubberized back like the Nexus 10.


macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
All this time they couldn't come up with better design than a big bezel? Already looks outdated.


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2012
It's hilarious that cosmetic appearance means more to the haters than functionality. Yet Steve would be proud of them for repeating the Apple mantra.

What else is there to judge and comment on? Functionality is really unable to be determined without getting hands-on. The raw ugliness of all that stupid bezel is there for everyone to see at a number of angles.


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2012
Southern California
What else is there to judge and comment on? Functionality is really unable to be determined without getting hands-on. The raw ugliness of all that stupid bezel is there for everyone to see at a number of angles.

In retrospect you do have a good point. In my case while I agree it's not great looking, my first hand experience with my original Nexus 7 reveals the useful grip space it provides.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
It's hilarious that cosmetic appearance means more to the haters than functionality. Yet Steve would be proud of them for repeating the Apple mantra.

If the appearance involves a bezel that is literally 10" wide, would it not be less functional? Let's not be so naive as to think design and functionality are unrelated. Ever heard of the design principle form follows function?

If the function of this is to be a portable e-reader, then large bezels on the top and bottom and pointless. If the function is web browsing, the bezels are still pointless. The bezels just don't make sense. And even if you pull the argument "oh well you need bezels in landscape!" what is your reasoning for there being minimal bezels for portrait? Plus, most people use smaller tablets like this in portrait mode a majority of the time.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
I actually understand more bezel for landscape use. It makes sense. You're holding it differently than you would in portrait and the weight of the device (even if it's light) acts differently when held in portrait vs landscape. In portrait, you can hold the device "from behind" so to speak, with your fingers around the sides. With landscape, you can't do that and have to hold it from only one side (top or bottom) so you'd need more space for better grip.

However, there is still way too much bezel. More than it's required to hold it in landscape comfortably.

I have to believe ASUS simply couldn't fit the dual cameras and dual speakers without increasing the bezel.

BTW, the off-center front facing camera is to compensate for use in landscape mode, for whoever was concerned about that in an earlier post.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
I'm still very much considering it, definitely.

Especially if you wait a few months and the deals from Staples, Best Buy, Radioshack start kicking into high gear for the holiday season. :D

I know I won't be waiting. I would like to buy once it comes out. I am just worried my local Staples will be sold out and there will be problems with Google Play.


Jun 21, 2010
I'm sure there will be great deals on these during Black Friday.


I know I won't be waiting. I would like to buy once it comes out. I am just worried my local Staples will be sold out and there will be problems with Google Play.

Staples? lol

Get it at Best Buy. They usually get a pile of inventory when something this important launches.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
I'm sure there will be great deals on these during Black Friday.


Staples? lol

Get it at Best Buy. They usually get a pile of inventory when something this important launches.

I have heard Staples is getting it as well. The nearest Best Buy is quite a drive.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
I don't mind waiting for a few reasons:

1) Not fully convinced the Android tablet experience is really up to snuff yet. I'm willing to try with the new Nexus 7, but I have my reservations. In other words, I'm not in a terrible rush.

2) I'm wary of ASUS. There were a slew of quality control issues with last year's model. The main one I kept reading about was screens popping out. I'll be patient and let the first batch through.

3) I want to read some reviews and true hands on of the device, too. You know... just in case.

4) Nexus 7 devices seem to always drop in price with discounts or deals pretty quickly. Again, no real rush for me, so if I can save some money, that'd be nice.

5) I don't know if I'm truly ready to give up the larger screen tablet. I fear the Nexus 7 will just be a slightly bigger version of my Android phone (One). Will I have it set up almost the same? Maybe. I don't know. Might be overkill on the Android experience... ?

I'm very much looking forward to early impressions and reviews from adopters. Bring 'em on!


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place

That bezel (top & bottom) is just disproportionate to me...


macrumors 65816
Apr 28, 2008
In retrospect you do have a good point. In my case while I agree it's not great looking, my first hand experience with my original Nexus 7 reveals the useful grip space it provides.

Understandable but my first hand experience with the original Nexus 7 reveals how much harder it will be to use a longer tablet for gaming when my thumbs will have to stretch even farther to reach all touch inputs. It's a little bit of a stretch with the current Nexus 7 already.

Edit: ok I watched the video on Engadget. I think otherwise it looks like a nice tablet and the screen certainly looks nicer IMO. I'll probably stick with my original Nexus 7 for now though.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Nov 6, 2008
I was really considering this new Nexus 7 as my first Android tablet. Then the detailed shots of the bezels popped up. This tablet got hit with the fugly stick and it got hit HARD. Might be a bit too ugly for me to buy, honestly. My iPad mini is safe for a few more months.


macrumors regular
May 3, 2010
After watching the video, i'm now sold on the device. It seemed very smooth performance wise in the little that was shown but i'll wait for a few reviews just before i pull the trigger.

As others have mentioned, i''m still a little apprehensive about the tablet ecosystem but if there is any device i'm willing to test the waters with it's this one. It may or may not replace the iPad for me depending on how i use it.

One thing i am happy about is the ability to download apps and do things which would have otherwise required a jailbreak on iOS.
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