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macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2012
Southern California
There is a big thread on android central forums about wake lock issues found in 4.2.1 returning. People are fixing the issue by disabling location services. I don't want to do that though.
I _NOT_ defending, minimizing, or advocating for Nexus, Android, or Google.

That said, I would kindly remind everyone that many people love to complain or "jump on the bandwagon" if they are anti-Android. As such, some of those claims may be exaggerated for ones own agenda.

I have not had one single problem with mine, nor have any of the many people I personally know that have Nexus 7.2 devices. I'm not suggesting this is not an issue, or that ours our perfect.

What I am doing is simply calling attention to the fact that there is _NO_ Perfect product (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc).

As far as the issue you mention, the one great challenge with Android for those who have neither the patience or knowledge to do some basic trouble shooting, is that at the first hiccup they condemn Android as some sub standard OS. Without taking responsibility for the device they _voluntarily chose to buy_ they simply get angry, bash the device, and give up.

It's well known that unlike Apple with an Android you have a greater degree of personal responsibility to sort out issues yourself with the help of a vast community online. However it's not a five minute fix and in lieu of a genuine desire to learn about, and maintain your own device, one is wasting their time.

Some of us are very well suited to Android and others are not.

It might be wise, that before people jump to the conclusion that Android, or the Asus made Nexus 7, or even Android 4.3 has some kind of massive problem, they think twice.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
If I flash stock recovery will I lose root and my stuff?


You can backup via Titanium Backup first. Then after flashing stock recovery you will have to re-root your device, and then install Titanium Backup and then restore from Titanium Backup.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2012
My Nexus 7 (2013) also has none of the problems mentioned on this and Android Central's web site. My GPS is solid and I downloaded the multi-touch app and found no issue with the touch screen. Build number JSS15J.


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2013
Same Here

My Nexus 7 (2013) also has none of the problems mentioned on this and Android Central's web site. My GPS is solid and I downloaded the multi-touch app and found no issue with the touch screen. Build number JSS15J.

I am wondering if it was just a bad batch of Nexus 7's. I haven't noticed any problems with multitouch or the GPS.

When I get home, I am going to download the app to test multitouch and 'GPS Status and Indicator'. I have to run a few errands, so I will just take it in the car with me.


macrumors newbie
Aug 20, 2013
So with the reoccurring gossip of the retina ipad mini, is anyone thinking of ditching their Nexus 7 for it?
Nope, I buy the ecosystem too not just the device. The things that clinched the deal for me are Application interoperability, ability to set third-party apps as default, UI, Google Now integration, price value.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2008
I haven't even visited this website in a while since I got my N7-2013. That's how happy I am with it.

For reference: I come from the myriad of iOS devices in my signature plus a 32GB iPad Mini 4G jailbroken on 6.1.2 and also had a launch N7 last year, a Note 8.0 and a Galaxy Tab. (Yes I'm quite a busy guy bouncing through tablets)

The N7 from last year felt:
Slower than lower-specced tablets. Felt clunky despite being a small form factor. Felt like it made compromises on features to be affordable. It felt choppy and slow when I had multiple apps running and this was even on a fresh install/restore. It couldn't seem to handle a lot of my daily tasks.

The Note 8.0 SMASHED it in comparison. Felt like what an Android tablet SHOULD be like and for some reason, 720p on the Note 8.0, despite being an inch larger with lower PPI, looked BETTER than the N7 screen.

As far as the iPad Mini/4:
You can't beat having something that works and works great. iPad set the standard for mobile OS tablets and you can just tell based on how well they work and how well they're built.

Gaming on iPad? It's not even a contest. It beats the 3DS/Vita, let alone Android.

That being said, the N7-2013 steered me back to Mountain View and here's why:
Better resolution/screen. It just looks better than the N7 last year did.
Feels better. Feels stronger and more capable. It handles everything I throw at it and then some.
The bezels make sense. Sure the top/bottom bezel is slightly awkward but we have the same type of bezel difference with the iPad Mini. The top and bottom have to be bigger for the sake of speakers/microphone/front facing camera/etc.
It's for the most part, better built.

So far I have:
Rooted it.
Installed a ton of applications and games. I play DraStic on it to enjoy hundreds of DS titles on demand.
I also play games like Dead Trigger on it.
I manage my class schedule/homework assignments on it.
It fits in my basketball shorts so I take it with me to class and have it playing music as an MP3 player.
It has amazing battery life so some times I can record entire lectures and upload them to Dropbox (I have 120GB of Dropbox storage. Yeah, you mad)
I read books on it because the picture quality on PDF's is high enough that I can zoom in and use it for my textbooks.
I sideloaded Snapchat so I can use that app as well. (Good luck doing that with an iPad)
I find myself using it more than my own laptop. My MacBook has been sitting on a desk. It's been demoted to "Nexus 7 Content Gatherer". I literally download movies/shows, upload to Dropbox and watch them from my Nexus 7. I don't even do anything remotely like that with my Retina or before with my Note 8.0.
Where the N7 2012 was stuttery, the N7 2013 is brisk and fresh. This has validated what people always say, "The second version is always better."

That being said: While I do not personally experience any of the issues others have, I can testify that it is a problem/issue. The Multi-Touch issue SOME TIMES happens to me, but they just released an update for it.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2009
If someone could give me tutorial guide to flash the ota with custom recovery without linking to another thread that would be great.

Stock ROM.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
New Jersey
I am wondering if it was just a bad batch of Nexus 7's. I haven't noticed any problems with multitouch or the GPS.

When I get home, I am going to download the app to test multitouch and 'GPS Status and Indicator'. I have to run a few errands, so I will just take it in the car with me.

Yeah it could have been a bad batch.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Good Anandtech review.

The point he makes about doubling the storage size for only an additional $40 dollars (from 16GB to 32GB) really drives home how ridiculous Apple's markups are for storage upgrades. The iPad Mini is less spec-ed already, costs more, and will cost an additional $100 dollars per storage upgrade. Apple's "premium" markups can sometimes be ridiculous.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
Good Anandtech review.

The point he makes about doubling the storage size for only an additional $40 dollars (from 16GB to 32GB) really drives home how ridiculous Apple's markups are for storage upgrades. The iPad Mini is less spec-ed already, costs more, and will cost an additional $100 dollars per storage upgrade. Apple's "premium" markups can sometimes be ridiculous.

Most are hoping the new iPad comes with 32gb for $499 instead of 16gb. I am not holding my breath though.

I will look forward to the update for the new N7 and also check out the review previously linked. Thanks folks!


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
It's about time Apple started bumping the minimum storage up to 32gb. OEMs are starting to do that or at least make upgrading the storage a lot cheaper ($40 vs $100)


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2009
I flashed the update from xda, and lost root binary and recovery. But I didn't lose my data or my twrp backup. So all I had to do was DL the twrp Mac toolkit from androidrootz do the magic, go into twrp and install the supersu 1.51 zip from there so only needed the computer for twrp. Took me a couple times to figure out, I was over complicating it.

Just a sort of casual guide for anyone in my situation.

Side note: ever since I rooted last week my screen goes kinda half black in locked landscape mode after the nexus boot animation any ideas on how to get rid of this? Its not too big a deal I guess.


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2010
Is anyone still waiting for that Nexus 7 update that pushed out last week? Cause I still am.

I just got it 2 days ago.

I am not really happy as I have seen a noticeable degradation in performance since then, mostly on loading apps and I have no idea why that would be. As far as I know it shouldn't have changed anything to cause that. It's really odd. It's like it's using more RAM type- slowness

I have powered off/on once since the install so even that didn't fix it.

Is anyone else noticing this or is it something I'm experiencing.

1st Gen Nexus 7

If it gets more annoying I may start eliminating running processes/apps and see if that helps.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2009

This was last week. I got 5 more minutes today at the exact same battery percentage. The standby seems to drink pretty fast though, and for some reason it will eat two percent screen on, every 10 percent or so.
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