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macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2018
hi there. Been using the app some more and noticed (at least for my last run) that there was a difference in workout data between the app, using the in app export to Strava option, and export via the HealthFit app (which yields the same data that you captured in the app). The export feature outputted erroneous info for at least for one of the splits.

Happy to share the data if required,

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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Just keep on using the app.
Will you implement a way to see the last workout stats on the watch ? Right now, you can see it just after saving and before you hit "done".
But then there is no way to see it again, until you get back to the phone.
How did I came across this ? My wife went hiking with the kids. Got back to the car and the kids asked how long they walk ... she couldn't tell, she had saved the activity and the screen was gone. Just a little thing :).

Also in the field where you give a name to the activity before you export it, each word wants to start with a capital. Like hitting space automatically setup the keyboard in capitals. And also it does accept character such as "&" .. weird.

Anyway, know that I keep on spreading the words. Recently post a small tiny review on two big Apple users groups on FB, not sure if it helps, but the moderator was ok ... so I posted.

Accuracy of the HR. We discussed this and you proposed to show the source of HR (strap of apple watch sensor) in the app, so user can see what he is relying on but I'm not sure it is necessary. It seems as soon as you pair another source, it will take that one over the Apple Watch. Tried it on a ride the other day, had my strap paired with my Garmin edge as usual and the HR value on the watch was always exactly the same as on the edge at all time.

I do plan to show the stats from the last workout on the watch at some time. It does make sense for the situation you describe.

I deliberately make each word start with a capital as that is what most people like, but you can just tap the lower case button to change it. The '&' symbol is not allowed because it can cause problems in filenames when exported to other systems.

Glad the external HR sensor worked well.

Many thanks for spreading the word about the app on facebook. It is much appreciated!
hi there. Been using the app some more and noticed (at least for my last run) that there was a difference in workout data between the app, using the in app export to Strava option, and export via the HealthFit app (which yields the same data that you captured in the app). The export feature outputted erroneous info for at least for one of the splits.

Happy to share the data if required,


The app uses Apple's estimates of distance by default, and these handle poor GPS by using the pedometer (for running). However GPX files can only contain a route rather than distances and therefore have to use the GPS positions, which is why there may be a discrepancy.

Please send me the data though and I will check. If you tap the Export button 3 times quickly then you can share a ".wkt" file (instead of the GPX file generated by a single tap). Please send that to me at Thanks.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2018
Can there be a way to selectively remove tiles from the map (and/or when removing a route from watch have the option to flush the associated map tiles).

Not a biggy as obviously there’s tons of storage on the watch...but if the map is “kept tidy” it’s more obvious or not if tiles are required to be downloaded for an area you’re about to explore.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Can there be a way to selectively remove tiles from the map (and/or when removing a route from watch have the option to flush the associated map tiles).

Not a biggy as obviously there’s tons of storage on the watch...but if the map is “kept tidy” it’s more obvious or not if tiles are required to be downloaded for an area you’re about to explore.

That has been on my To Do list for a while, but relatively low priority because only one or two people have asked for it and, like you, it wasn't that important for them.

Thanks for the suggestion though - I will raise its priority in the list.
Last edited:
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macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2018

Does the activities done through this application contribute for the IOS activity rings?




macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011

Does the activities done through this application contribute for the IOS activity rings?



Yes - the workouts do count towards the activity rings.

In fact you can even see live metrics showing how the workout is affecting the rings. The app allows you to customise the metrics shown, and one of the default "profiles" is an Activity profile. You can customise exactly which metrics are shown on the screen from a pool of over 180 different metrics, 11 of which are associated with the activity rings.

You can configure multiple screens and swipe through them during the workout. For example this screenshot shows what it looks like when Screen 2 is configured to show the default Activity profile in an 'L' shaped layout:


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2018
On a related note, do activities created by WorkOutdoors contribute to the “20 minute calibration”, or does that rely on the native Workout app?

I’ve had to re-pair my watch with a new phone and I really don’t want to have to use the standard Apple Workout app if I can help it when I’ve got a far superior option a finger press away ‍♂️


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
On a related note, do activities created by WorkOutdoors contribute to the “20 minute calibration”, or does that rely on the native Workout app?

I’ve had to re-pair my watch with a new phone and I really don’t want to have to use the standard Apple Workout app if I can help it when I’ve got a far superior option a finger press away ‍♂️

To be honest I don't know. I have Googled in the past and seen conflicting advice. Apple suggest using their Workout app but don't say that it won't work with third party apps. I think that to be sure it is probably best to calibrate by using Apple's app.

Sorry about that, but I am glad that you prefer WorkOutDoors so much!


macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2018
Yes - the workouts do count towards the activity rings.

In fact you can even see live metrics showing how the workout is affecting the rings. The app allows you to customise the metrics shown, and one of the default "profiles" is an Activity profile. You can customise exactly which metrics are shown on the screen from a pool of over 180 different metrics, 11 of which are associated with the activity rings.

You can configure multiple screens and swipe through them during the workout. For example this screenshot shows what it looks like when Screen 2 is configured to show the default Activity profile in an 'L' shaped layout:
View attachment 803874

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macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2008
bay area, CA
Does WorkOutdoors allow app to use only the AW GPS? I've found that the distance on runs with the apple watch with phone are off almost a 1/10 of a mile. When I run without the phone it has been spot on mileage wise. This is running with a Garmin 935 and the AW on the same run. Currently I am using IsmoothRun which allows either option run with phone and without. I really like Workoutdoors - this is the only I am seeing. Not a big on short runs. But on long runs that adds up mileage wise. I can run without the phone, but I like having it handy in case of emergencies, etc.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2018
Does WorkOutdoors allow app to use only the AW GPS? I've found that the distance on runs with the apple watch with phone are off almost a 1/10 of a mile. When I run without the phone it has been spot on mileage wise. This is running with a Garmin 935 and the AW on the same run. Currently I am using IsmoothRun which allows either option run with phone and without. I really like Workoutdoors - this is the only I am seeing. Not a big on short runs. But on long runs that adds up mileage wise. I can run without the phone, but I like having it handy in case of emergencies, etc. totally standalone.

(Think you’re actually better off switching watch or phone to flight mode to be honest, I did have one oddity once when running a couple of warm up laps on track with my car parked nearby with phone in, and app on AW seemed to briefly jump what it thought was my my location to where my car was, which messed things up....oddly the subsequent (automatic, via HealthKit) export to Strava seemed to lose that blip, I guess that’s Strava being smart and manipulating the obviously wrong data?

(Might seem odd below, but does actually make sense that watch only contacted phone at that brief “far” corner of the track...the green between the track and the carpark is a steep downhill (and actually has a building on it), so when I would have been on the near straight, there is actually no line of sight to car as I’d be in the shade of the hill)



macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Does WorkOutdoors allow app to use only the AW GPS? I've found that the distance on runs with the apple watch with phone are off almost a 1/10 of a mile. When I run without the phone it has been spot on mileage wise. This is running with a Garmin 935 and the AW on the same run. Currently I am using IsmoothRun which allows either option run with phone and without. I really like Workoutdoors - this is the only I am seeing. Not a big on short runs. But on long runs that adds up mileage wise. I can run without the phone, but I like having it handy in case of emergencies, etc.

The app works fine with or without the iPhone present. It will even work without any data connection if you make sure to upload the maps for the area to the watch beforehand, for use when offline. Although it will still work without the maps - all the metrics will be fine and you will just see the breadcrumbs instead of a full map.

If your distances are off with the phone then there are two possible reasons I can think of: the GPS is better with the watch, or the iPhone motion sensors need to be calibrated. You can check if it is the former by looking at the average signal strength for each workout. To do this go to the Steps tab for the workout and select "Show GPS". This will give an average value (the smaller the better).

If the GPS is better without the phone then there isn't much you can do about it without disconnecting the phone from the watch in some way (because Apple do not allow watch apps to specify the watch GPS when the iPhone is connected).

If there is no difference or the GPS is better with the phone then it could be the pedometer on the phone needs to be calibrated. Alternatively you can turn off "Intelligent Distances" in the app's Workouts settings and it will use the raw GPS distances instead of Apple's distances, which can use the pedometer. This will mean that the app distances may be off when GPS is poor, such as in tunnels, so it is not recommended unless necessary.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2018
Ps, yes the tracking is broadly accurate, I ran wide down the back straight at right of image as there was a group doing drills on the inner lane...then as I come in to finish I gradually fade off to the side of the track as a group had started some work on the inner lanes on that straight after my first lap!


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
2,475 totally standalone.

(Think you’re actually better off switching watch or phone to flight mode to be honest, I did have one oddity once when running a couple of warm up laps on track with my car parked nearby with phone in, and app on AW seemed to briefly jump what it thought was my my location to where my car was, which messed things up....oddly the subsequent (automatic, via HealthKit) export to Strava seemed to lose that blip, I guess that’s Strava being smart and manipulating the obviously wrong data?

(Might seem odd below, but does actually make sense that watch only contacted phone at that brief “far” corner of the track...the green between the track and the carpark is a steep downhill (and actually has a building on it), so when I would have been on the near straight, there is actually no line of sight to car as I’d be in the shade of the hill)

View attachment 804090

This is a classic example of why Apple should let apps control whether the GPS comes from the watch regardless of whether the iPhone is present. It is not uncommon that people start a workout within range of their phone and then leave it behind. This causes problems when watchOS shifts from using the iPhone's GPS to the watch GPS.

This is bad enough as it is but when you are going in and out of range like this then it would cause chaos!
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macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2008
bay area, CA
The app works fine with or without the iPhone present. It will even work without any data connection if you make sure to upload the maps for the area to the watch beforehand, for use when offline. Although it will still work without the maps - all the metrics will be fine and you will just see the breadcrumbs instead of a full map.

If your distances are off with the phone then there are two possible reasons I can think of: the GPS is better with the watch, or the iPhone motion sensors need to be calibrated. You can check if it is the former by looking at the average signal strength for each workout. To do this go to the Steps tab for the workout and select "Show GPS". This will give an average value (the smaller the better).

If the GPS is better without the phone then there isn't much you can do about it without disconnecting the phone from the watch in some way (because Apple do not allow watch apps to specify the watch GPS when the iPhone is connected).

If there is no difference or the GPS is better with the phone then it could be the pedometer on the phone needs to be calibrated. Alternatively you can turn off "Intelligent Distances" in the app's Workouts settings and it will use the raw GPS distances instead of Apple's distances, which can use the pedometer. This will mean that the app distances may be off when GPS is poor, such as in tunnels, so it is not recommended unless necessary.

That did the trick. Thanks !
Oddly, The watch reported 6.3 miles which is my average for time spent running. Strava reports 6.1 miles. Not sure what happened.

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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
That did the trick. Thanks !
Oddly, The watch reported 6.3 miles which is my average for time spent running. Strava reports 6.1 miles. Not sure what happened.


Glad it's better. Was it calibrating or switching off Intelligent Distances that helped?

The difference could be a rounding error or Strava doing some sort of smoothing. If you want then I could analyse it to see? If so then tap 3 times quickly on the Export button and you can share the underlying ".wkt" file. If you send that to then I will take a look.


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2008
bay area, CA
Glad it's better. Was it calibrating or switching off Intelligent Distances that helped?

The difference could be a rounding error or Strava doing some sort of smoothing. If you want then I could analyse it to see? If so then tap 3 times quickly on the Export button and you can share the underlying ".wkt" file. If you send that to then I will take a look.

It was switching of Intelligent Distances that did the trick. Thanks (Will send the file)
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macrumors member
Apr 24, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Sorry if this has been asked before but can this be used for football(soccer)? Obviously competitive games wouldn’t allow it but I was more thinking of during training and I play 6 a side weekly and it would be interesting seeing my heat map on the pitch.

I just downloaded it anyway because I’ll use it for running and hiking. I’m not getting my first watch for a few weeks, it’s a Xmas present from the other half for Xmas, but still picking out what apps I want and need.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2016
West Jordan, Utah
Sorry if this has been asked before but can this be used for football(soccer)? Obviously competitive games wouldn’t allow it but I was more thinking of during training and I play 6 a side weekly and it would be interesting seeing my heat map on the pitch.

I just downloaded it anyway because I’ll use it for running and hiking. I’m not getting my first watch for a few weeks, it’s a Xmas present from the other half for Xmas, but still picking out what apps I want and need.

This one is a good pick, makes the AW into a Garmin fenix 5x.. :)
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macrumors regular
May 19, 2010
Seoul, South Korea
So I've using this app quite intensively for the past 5 weeks, I was in the Himalayas filming a commercial for a trekking company for 15 days, and was using the app all the time so that I could then use the GPX files in Adobe Lightroom to geotag all the photos, as well as having the exact itinerary at hand later on.
The app worked absolutely fine, and I was able to tag all the photos. Only downside is that the Apple Watch 3's battery would only last about 5-6 hours while running the app, and we were often trekking from 7am to 5pm, with a couple of breaks here and there.
On the second day I decided to charge the watch during our lunch break, so I pulled out my powerbank, paused the app and put it to charge.
Unfortunately, when I went to pick up the watch and I opened the app, there was no sign of the paused trek. It's as if by charging it the app had been killed off, so I lost about 5 hours of trek.
On the following days I just ended the trek during lunch breaks before putting the watch to charge, that way it would save the progress to my phone, and then start a new trek after lunch. Not ideal, but it works.
I don't know wether this is a bug, or just the way the apple watch handles apps when you take it off and put it to charge, but just thought I'd point it out.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2013
I have used two times the latest workoutdoors version (3.2.2 then 3.2 final) and it works very well.
One problem that I didn't have before: when I use auto-pause, the workoutdoors data takes it into account, but not the healthkit data.
On previous version, both workout data (workoutdoors and healthkit) were consistent.
Do you know why ?
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Sorry if this has been asked before but can this be used for football(soccer)? Obviously competitive games wouldn’t allow it but I was more thinking of during training and I play 6 a side weekly and it would be interesting seeing my heat map on the pitch.

I just downloaded it anyway because I’ll use it for running and hiking. I’m not getting my first watch for a few weeks, it’s a Xmas present from the other half for Xmas, but still picking out what apps I want and need.

Thanks for buying the app even before you have a watch! It does not include any team sports at the moment. If you use then running workout then it should show loads of relevant stats, including where you have been, but it wouldn't show a proper heat map. I may look into that in the future though.
So I've using this app quite intensively for the past 5 weeks, I was in the Himalayas filming a commercial for a trekking company for 15 days, and was using the app all the time so that I could then use the GPX files in Adobe Lightroom to geotag all the photos, as well as having the exact itinerary at hand later on.
The app worked absolutely fine, and I was able to tag all the photos. Only downside is that the Apple Watch 3's battery would only last about 5-6 hours while running the app, and we were often trekking from 7am to 5pm, with a couple of breaks here and there.
On the second day I decided to charge the watch during our lunch break, so I pulled out my powerbank, paused the app and put it to charge.
Unfortunately, when I went to pick up the watch and I opened the app, there was no sign of the paused trek. It's as if by charging it the app had been killed off, so I lost about 5 hours of trek.
On the following days I just ended the trek during lunch breaks before putting the watch to charge, that way it would save the progress to my phone, and then start a new trek after lunch. Not ideal, but it works.
I don't know wether this is a bug, or just the way the apple watch handles apps when you take it off and put it to charge, but just thought I'd point it out.

Wow, that sounds a fantastic trip and a good test of the app. Did you have your phone on and connected to provide GPS? 5-6 hours sounds good if you didn't have your phone connected, but very poor if you did. If you do not need the heart rate data then that can be switched off by enabling "Workout Power Saving" mode in watchOS.

I would imagine that watchOS killed off the app whilst it was charging. It aggressively kills off processes that are not being used, but usually workout apps get protection from this because they are high priority. However it could be that protection does not apply when the watch is off the wrist and especially when it is charging, so it is probably best to end the workout before doing that.

Out of interest were you doing anything else on the watch whilst it was charging? I have charged at lunchtime and not had problems, but maybe it happened because watchOS was doing something else. Or even if it had to display a notification. It could be that workout apps go from being protected to being the most vulnerable because of the resources they use.

Sorry you had to discover this the hard way. I may add a "continue last workout" option in the future.

Glad that the app was so useful at geotagging photos. It's always great to hear about it being useful for something that it wasn't specifically designed for.
I have used two times the latest workoutdoors version (3.2.2 then 3.2 final) and it works very well.
One problem that I didn't have before: when I use auto-pause, the workoutdoors data takes it into account, but not the healthkit data.
On previous version, both workout data (workoutdoors and healthkit) were consistent.
Do you know why ?

I have heard that before and came to the conclusion that it was a bug in watchOS. The new workout system that Apple provide with watchOS 5 is supposed to store events like that in HealthKit automatically, but doesn't seem to be doing so. I considered adding the auto-pause events manually but didn't want to get duplicate events when they fixed it. I will have another look though in case there is a different way around it.
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macrumors regular
May 19, 2010
Seoul, South Korea
Wow, that sounds a fantastic trip and a good test of the app. Did you have your phone on and connected to provide GPS? 5-6 hours sounds good if you didn't have your phone connected, but very poor if you did. If you do not need the heart rate data then that can be switched off by enabling "Workout Power Saving" mode in watchOS.

I would imagine that watchOS killed off the app whilst it was charging. It aggressively kills off processes that are not being used, but usually workout apps get protection from this because they are high priority. However it could be that protection does not apply when the watch is off the wrist and especially when it is charging, so it is probably best to end the workout before doing that.

Out of interest were you doing anything else on the watch whilst it was charging? I have charged at lunchtime and not had problems, but maybe it happened because watchOS was doing something else. Or even if it had to display a notification. It could be that workout apps go from being protected to being the most vulnerable because of the resources they use.

Sorry you had to discover this the hard way. I may add a "continue last workout" option in the future.

Glad that the app was so useful at geotagging photos. It's always great to hear about it being useful for something that it wasn't specifically designed for.
No the phone was always off, cause there was never any signal up there so I thought it was best not to waste battery.
I was also interested in checking by stats like heart rate, calories etc, so I was quite happy to keep the heart rate monitor on.
Overall I'm extremely happy with the app, and 90% of the time I actually use it to create the GPX file that I can later use to track where I was, makes life really easy when it comes to tagging images.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
No the phone was always off, cause there was never any signal up there so I thought it was best not to waste battery.
I was also interested in checking by stats like heart rate, calories etc, so I was quite happy to keep the heart rate monitor on.
Overall I'm extremely happy with the app, and 90% of the time I actually use it to create the GPX file that I can later use to track where I was, makes life really easy when it comes to tagging images.

That's good to hear. Apple quote 5 hours for a new series 3 using GPS, so 6 to 7 hours was good going. If your iPhone was on then the watch battery would have almost certainly lasted the 10 hours you needed. If necessary you could have charged the iPhone instead of the watch, although it should also last the 10 hours on one charge.

Thanks for the feedback - as I say it's always great to hear about the app being used for different purposes!
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macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2013
I have heard that before and came to the conclusion that it was a bug in watchOS. The new workout system that Apple provide with watchOS 5 is supposed to store events like that in HealthKit automatically, but doesn't seem to be doing so. I considered adding the auto-pause events manually but didn't want to get duplicate events when they fixed it. I will have another look though in case there is a different way around it.

Ok, so we have to wait for a WatchOS fix ...
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