Just keep on using the app.
Will you implement a way to see the last workout stats on the watch ? Right now, you can see it just after saving and before you hit "done".
But then there is no way to see it again, until you get back to the phone.
How did I came across this ? My wife went hiking with the kids. Got back to the car and the kids asked how long they walk ... she couldn't tell, she had saved the activity and the screen was gone. Just a little thing

Also in the field where you give a name to the activity before you export it, each word wants to start with a capital. Like hitting space automatically setup the keyboard in capitals. And also it does accept character such as "&" .. weird.
Anyway, know that I keep on spreading the words. Recently post a small tiny review on two big Apple users groups on FB, not sure if it helps, but the moderator was ok ... so I posted.
Accuracy of the HR. We discussed this and you proposed to show the source of HR (strap of apple watch sensor) in the app, so user can see what he is relying on but I'm not sure it is necessary. It seems as soon as you pair another source, it will take that one over the Apple Watch. Tried it on a ride the other day, had my strap paired with my Garmin edge as usual and the HR value on the watch was always exactly the same as on the edge at all time.