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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
What kind of choices do Apple provide for fonts and styles? Sorry if thats a very broad question. I'm trying to work out how the Nike app looks brilliant (but goes like a cow on a bike...), but all the other apps appear to look very similar (although tend to work significantly better than NRC).

Do you mean in terms of the force touch menu or more generally?

If you mean in terms of the force press menu, then apps can control the icon in terms of its shape but it must be black & white. The font size and style is fixed. Apple also provide standard icons for a lot of operations, such as pause and resume, so it is best to use them if available for the operations in menu.

If you mean more generally then apps have a lot of control over fonts and styles. I guess that Nike either have graphic designers dedicated to how the app looks, or their coders are more artistically talented than the rest of us (which is not difficult in my case)!
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macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
Ah my bad, my question was very poorly worded (partly because I'm not a developer!). Yes, I meant in general. The NRC app looks amazing compared to literally every app.


However, I don't want to seem overly critical of any third party app, because literally, everybody (including you!) has made an app that works significantly better than the NRC in every way.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Ah my bad, my question was very poorly worded (partly because I'm not a developer!). Yes, I meant in general. The NRC app looks amazing compared to literally every app.


However, I don't want to seem overly critical of any third party app, because literally, everybody (including you!) has made an app that works significantly better than the NRC in every way.

I think their font is what makes a difference. That photo only shows a simple table with text items in it, so the only unique thing about it that I can see is the font. It's a great font though!

I am not sure if that font is specific to the NRC app or if it is available to all apps. WorkOutDoors uses the standard Apple Watch font and I think most other apps do as well. Apple spent a long time tuning it for readability and size, so I figured that it was the best one to use. I sometimes use small text to fit a lot of information on the display, so I wanted a font like Apple's which scales well, even if it isn't as pretty as Nike's font when it is larger.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
I think it's the font, and the Nike colour choice. They have a very well selected colour palette :) Even the insoles of the flyknits are amazing. And they use some very nice blends, not just block colours. I'm enjoying reading about the Nike design. The Nike Font is "Futura Bold Condensed Oblique", however, that's a commercial font so probably not available to other apps. "Myriad Pro Cond Black" tends to be used by those making unofficial Nike wallpapers as it's pretty similar.

I take it a selectable font in a Watch app (one that the end user can define), is a lot more work than it sounds like when it's being typed by a forum member who barely knows JavaScript? :D

Edit: I realise this reads like a mad feature request. It's partly me just wondering how much developers can do with the Watch. I've only heard Marco from ATPs side of things, where the watch is a nightmare.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I think it's the font, and the Nike colour choice. They have a very well selected colour palette :) Even the insoles of the flyknits are amazing. And they use some very nice blends, not just block colours. I'm enjoying reading about the Nike design. The Nike Font is "Futura Bold Condensed Oblique", however, that's a commercial font so probably not available to other apps. "Myriad Pro Cond Black" tends to be used by those making unofficial Nike wallpapers as it's pretty similar.

I take it a selectable font in a Watch app (one that the end user can define), is a lot more work than it sounds like when it's being typed by a forum member who barely knows JavaScript? :D

Edit: I realise this reads like a mad feature request. It's partly me just wondering how much developers can do with the Watch. I've only heard Marco from ATPs side of things, where the watch is a nightmare.

Thanks for the font names. That is useful info. I may add some sort of font theming functionality in the future but it would be a lot of work. If you are squeezing in a lot of information (which WorkOutDoors can do if you choose small fonts) then every pixel counts, especially on the small screen of the watch.

To enable the user to choose the font then you would have to make sure that there was enough space for whatever font they chose. This would mean wasting space for thinner fonts and would probably require a lot of testing.

However it would be much easier for the screen layouts that use larger fonts, so if I do add it then I may restrict font choices to just those layouts.

In terms of the watch development system I am not as frustrated with it as Marco is. I guess it depends on what you need from it and WatchKit was less able to meet his requirements than mine. It is pretty restrictive but I usually find that there is a way to do most of the things I need to do.

Sometimes you do have to go to extremes to get around the restrictions though. On iOS Apple allow developers to use their maps, but that isn't the case on the watch where you can only show map snapshots. So I spent many, many months writing the map renderer in WorkOutDoors, just to get around that issue.

In the end it was worthwhile because I could get the map exactly as I wanted, and also tailor it for outdoor workouts rather than being a general purpose map, but I wouldn't have bothered if the watch development system had provided Apple's maps!
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macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2006
Do you know if there's a bug with the app while using AirPods? The volume of whatever I'm listening to seems really low, and when I close out the app and continue listening to the same thing, it gets much louder.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Do you know if there's a bug with the app while using AirPods? The volume of whatever I'm listening to seems really low, and when I close out the app and continue listening to the same thing, it gets much louder.

There is an issue where the volume drops after the first voice message and stays low until the app is closed. I have worked around it in the code, so it will be fixed in the next version, but in the meantime you may need to increase the volume after the first message. Sorry about that.


macrumors newbie
Jun 14, 2017
Just a little question:

Are there plans for this app, that i would be able to see my started activity on both devices (Watch + iphone)? For example, i take a ride with my roadbike. I start a new activity on my AW and at the same time i have my iphone in front of my handlebar like a normal cyclocomputer and see the activity on my iphone display, too?

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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Just a little question:

Are there plans for this app, that i would be able to see my started activity on both devices (Watch + iphone)? For example, i take a ride with my roadbike. I start a new activity on my AW and at the same time i have my iphone in front of my handlebar like a normal cyclocomputer and see the activity on my iphone display, too?


I will probably add that in the future because it would definitely increase sales if the workout was shown on the iPhone (especially if it also worked without the watch). However at the moment I am concentrating mainly on the Apple Watch.

I like to think that it is the only workout app that is aimed specifically for the watch. The iPhone app is a helper for the watch app, rather than the watch app being an after-thought for the iPhone app, which is sometimes the case.

However, as I say, it will probably happen at some time in the future.


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2006
There is an issue where the volume drops after the first voice message and stays low until the app is closed. I have worked around it in the code, so it will be fixed in the next version, but in the meantime you may need to increase the volume after the first message. Sorry about that.

That's good news, but unfortunately turning the volume up isn't an option because sometimes it's already at its max.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
That's good news, but unfortunately turning the volume up isn't an option because sometimes it's already at its max.

Sorry about that. The new version should be out in a couple of months.


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2018
Your app continues to amaze, and has made it to the essential must-haves for all major sport review sites! Well done and I love the app, it has allowed me to get off garmins for everything other than long triathlons, enjoying everything else the watch has to offer over the garmins (like better GPS, better OHR)

Now,wishlist time :)
Garmin have added a feature to their topend watches called climbPro ascent planner... essentially it spolits up a planned route into climb sections, then displays details around them while on that climb. This is extremely nice for hiking and biking
Here’s a quick explanation

Any chance of getting something similar sometime in the future? I know it is asking a lot, but your app is simpoly that good it competes with the big players!
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
Your app continues to amaze, and has made it to the essential must-haves for all major sport review sites! Well done and I love the app, it has allowed me to get off garmins for everything other than long triathlons, enjoying everything else the watch has to offer over the garmins (like better GPS, better OHR)

Now,wishlist time :)
Garmin have added a feature to their topend watches called climbPro ascent planner... essentially it spolits up a planned route into climb sections, then displays details around them while on that climb. This is extremely nice for hiking and biking
Here’s a quick explanation

Any chance of getting something similar sometime in the future? I know it is asking a lot, but your app is simpoly that good it competes with the big players!

Wow! It's great to hear that you like the app so much.

I do plan to improve the functionality of the route features with graphs and stats that show where you are along the route. I was even thinking of doing something similar to what you describe to isolate individual climbs, but wasn't sure how to separate the climbs. It's good to see that Garmin have something similar because it shows that it is possible.

There are lots of parameters in such an algorithm. For example what gradient is considered a climb? And how far do you have to go down before any further ascent is considered a new climb? If it is relatively flat for a while and then continues ascending then how long does it need to be flat for before the next ascent is considered a separate climb? Hopefully most people won't mind as long as the algorithm does a reasonable job of splitting the climbs, but I know that some people will want more control, so maybe I need to make these parameters configurable (but with reasonable defaults).

To be honest I will probably start with simple stats for the whole route (ascent remaining, percentage of ascent done etc) and then look into isolating separate climbs afterwards. I was planning to do this sort of thing in the next version but most people wanted intervals, so I now plan to do it in the following version.

Thanks for letting me know about it because that has put it back on my radar. I had considered it but decided that an algorithm to split the climbs was too subjective. But now that I know it can work then I will definitely look into it when I improve the route feature.

And thanks again for your kind words about the app!


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2018
You are very welcome, your dedication is nothing short of phenomenal.
I post some completely out-there wish that Garmin took quite some time to produce (and then it doesn't work perfectly either), and 30 minutes later I have a reply, and an analysis of possible implementation strategies... AWESOME!

Yes agreed there are lots of parameters, and it is something even Garmin struggles with (essentially they went the route of deciding themselves with no configurability).
I personally have no need for intervals, but yes that seems to be something that most people are interested in (or inddor workouts in general), so by all means do that first :)

I still think road cyclists and hikers will love the split climb feature, even if it is fully static and can't be configured in any way... just seing a graphic thing that shows "suffering is over in 10 km" is already a huge help :)

Thanks a lot for the quick reply!
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I will definitely have a go at implementing it the future. I am actually looking forward to coding it because it sounds fun (although the testing sounds hard work!).


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2012
I'm just randomly reading this thread, as I like to use apple workout app to track both indoor walk / outdoor walk. This app looks great (as i always imagine there's a full screen map when i'm doing outdoor walk/run). And with one-time purchase without subscription fee, it's fair enough to have a try !!
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I'm just randomly reading this thread, as I like to use apple workout app to track both indoor walk / outdoor walk. This app looks great (as i always imagine there's a full screen map when i'm doing outdoor walk/run). And with one-time purchase without subscription fee, it's fair enough to have a try !!

If you do try it then many thanks, and please let me know what you think.


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2012
If you do try it then many thanks, and please let me know what you think.
I just purchased the app after the post. Will try tonight and leave my feedback :) I'm living at Hong Kong and will try to see how it perform!! I also love the idea of indoor activities (through the new features thread) and can't wait to try it when release!
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I just purchased the app after the post. Will try tonight and leave my feedback :) I'm living at Hong Kong and will try to see how it perform!! I also love the idea of indoor activities (through the new features thread) and can't wait to try it when release!

Great, thanks for buying it!


macrumors 6502
Nov 28, 2007
I love your app.

I’m using an AW3 and it doesn’t seem to provide much heart rate data and is inaccurate (recording readings that are impossible for my age and contradicted by a supermarket chest strap device I use at the same time.)

Is there any functionality for a separate brand heart monitor to communicate to the the watch and your app? Or is the heart rate locked to the Apple Watch data?

Linked, but separate, and perhaps aimed at users of your app, does the AW4 do any better with the heart rate data compared to a dedicated strap device?


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2018
I love your app.

I’m using an AW3 and it doesn’t seem to provide much heart rate data and is inaccurate (recording readings that are impossible for my age and contradicted by a supermarket chest strap device I use at the same time.)

Is there any functionality for a separate brand heart monitor to communicate to the the watch and your app? Or is the heart rate locked to the Apple Watch data?

Linked, but separate, and perhaps aimed at users of your app, does the AW4 do any better with the heart rate data compared to a dedicated strap device?
Not sure if it’s a function of the app or simply the watch built in functionality, but I get good, believable heart data from my AW4 that I can rationalise back against the effort at a particular time.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I love your app.

I’m using an AW3 and it doesn’t seem to provide much heart rate data and is inaccurate (recording readings that are impossible for my age and contradicted by a supermarket chest strap device I use at the same time.)

Is there any functionality for a separate brand heart monitor to communicate to the the watch and your app? Or is the heart rate locked to the Apple Watch data?

Linked, but separate, and perhaps aimed at users of your app, does the AW4 do any better with the heart rate data compared to a dedicated strap device?

I am glad that you like the app but sorry that the heart rate looks inaccurate. This is down to the hardware and can vary according to the user. If you connect to an external Bluetooth HR belt using watchOS then the app will automatically use that instead of the wrist sensor.

The AW4 is supposed to be better at detecting HR than the AW3, but all wrist sensors are subject to various issues, as explained on Apple's website: . In particular cold and tattoos can cause problems.


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2018
I love your app.

I’m using an AW3 and it doesn’t seem to provide much heart rate data and is inaccurate (recording readings that are impossible for my age and contradicted by a supermarket chest strap device I use at the same time.)

Is there any functionality for a separate brand heart monitor to communicate to the the watch and your app? Or is the heart rate locked to the Apple Watch data?

Linked, but separate, and perhaps aimed at users of your app, does the AW4 do any better with the heart rate data compared to a dedicated strap device?

Like @cfc said, you can use any other bluetooth hr. Personally I have used chest straps for many years and I don't have a lot of love for the HR sensors built in the AW. I have the AW4. It is a little bit of hit and miss when I'm running (the HR locks on random values for minutes ...), but consistent for indoor cycling for instance. Even tight strapped to my wrist.
Anyway I just keep on using my Wahoo chest strap instead and it is flawless, I paired it once with the watch and never had issues. The BONUS is also in battery power saving, as the "high energy consuming" optical sensors on the watch will not kicked in, so ... more battery saving on the watch.

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