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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
An iOS-wide VIP list so that, for example, only text messages from people in my Address Book, or a VIP subset, result in a sound, with the rest silently appearing on the lock screen.

We have this in Mail and now Phone. Need it for Messages.


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2017
- Free moving apps and widget (primarily on iPadOS)
- Legit folders on the home screen (or at least a shortcut of the folders within the files app)
- Removing the horizontal line at the bottom for swiping (we're not dumb, we know how to use the phone by now)
- Expand+shrink the dock. Give us 5 apps, and if we have less than 4 then make it shrink just like the iPad dock.
- Notes: Adjust the size of an image to our liking, horizontal line, font color, highlight color, add moving objects/text-box over general notes.


macrumors 68020
Sep 2, 2013
Stop videos from auto playing in safari

iOS redesign and/or optimize iOS for the different screen sizes. The smallest iPhone shouldn’t have the same layout as the biggest iPhone.

A way to download all your downloaded music. Don’t know how that isn’t a thing as much as they want you to upgrade devices & pay for AM.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
A minor request, but I try to allow the bare minimum of apps to have access to my photos and data. It would be great if the main page of Settings/Photos showed users how many apps have been granted access in each category, e.g., Photos (3 apps), Reminders (0 apps) (or maybe blank for categories that have zero apps with access granted). This way, at a glance, one could perform a quick privacy check without needing to click into each category.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Reminder: As always with bugs and feature requests, squeaky wheels get the grease. Be sure to cut and paste anything you like here and submit at:



macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2021
What are your hopes for ios 16? Mine are updated app icons, redesigned control center, and maybe Xcode for iPad.


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2007
Universal Control! /s

I hope they go a more "pro" direction with iPadOS, especially in terms of the file system. Even if the the most advanced features are still only iCloud-based, adding more finder-like capability (plus open and save dialogs) would go a long way to the iPad "laptop replacement" argument.

Plus: Interactive widgets across all platforms. Improved search on the Files app.


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2016
Mostly four things:

- Allow more granular customization over the Lock Screen. I can't stand anymore having the swipe left gesture to access the camera PLUS the button. I'm fine with the button, swiping is redundant. And swiping left to access the widgets is also annoying. I accidentally swipe all the time when I'm carrying my phone in my hands.

- Better Home controls in the Control Center. I mean: it's supposed to be smart and suggest options based on my habits but it FAILS all the time because I don't have a precise routine. I'd rather have 4 or 5 custom selected shortcuts of the light scenes I want.

- A freaking sub-menu in the Settings for all the 3rd party apps. It's just ridiculous that all the apps are listed in the root menu making it way too long.

- I would like to see some icon redesign, with depth, like the new icons of Big Sur.


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2019
United Kingdom
The ability to fully turn on & off features like spotlight search, App Library and other secondary interface things that get in the way if you accidentally hold, tap or flick the wrong part of your screen.

There's so much you can do now right from your Home Screen and it's just too much. I'd like the ability to scale all of that back as it becomes more of a burden for me.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 8, 2013
In opposite to many users I really would like the app library button in the dock - like ipad does.
I love widgets but the way to library will get too long with many widgets on the screens.
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macrumors 603
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
Stability, low power consumption overall, and being able to natively change apps icons without having to use shortcuts. Extending the lower search bar location from Safari to many other apps, both native and 3rd party apps. Maybe some more privacy features, and that’s it.

Oh, and as @Squillace suggested, being able to customize the lock screen buttons would be nice. I still want to be able to swipe left for camera tho.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
Fixed home screen controls so I can for example move a widget onto an existing stack without pushing the whole two bottom rows of apps to the next page with domino effect, leaving me to spend ten minutes restoring the order which takes that long since the app icons keep sticking together and creating new folders.


macrumors newbie
May 22, 2021
1) Volume control! Coming from Android I’m blown away by how bad volume control in iOS is. Ringers, alarms, notifications, and media should all have individual sound/haptic settings. Put a slider for each in the control center and I’m a happy camper.

2) CarPlay desperately needs gesture control for panning and zooming in maps. It’s downright dangerous to have buttons that need located/tapped to move around the screen or zoom in/out.


macrumors member
Oct 29, 2021
What I am really hoping for, but will laughed at:

Some form of API or interoperability between iMessage and other platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, RingCentral, Google Meet, Teams, etc

It is but a pipe dream.

On a more serious note:
1) Ability to back up iPhone to different cloud providers. I do use iCloud, and it would be nice to be able to end-to-end encrypt to GDrive and OneDrive
2) The type of all handling available on Android; some type of call screening facility which is present on Pixel 6
3) Ability to move voice and FaceTime calls between devices on the same account, same WiFi connection
4) FaceTime: Customised "from" address per contact, in addition to the global setting
5) FaceTime: Ability to screen call before answering; similar to Google Duo
6) iMessage invites: Custom domain option
7) Disposable email addresses: Custom domain name option (instead of being locked to domain)
8) Option to pay by crypto in Wallet (don't know if this already exists)
9) Native dialler integration, as allowed within Android
10) Hardware token authentication with iCloud/AppleID (eg Yubi key) as a secondary or tri-factor authentication method
11) Ability to not have to leave OneDrive unlocked to allow iPhone "Files" app to access content
12) Guest mode for iPhone, as with Android (Lockdown Mode)
13) Camera takes photo when wrong face/password is entered
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