FYI, Oracle has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to defend its does ANY patent holder!
That's trademarks. Patents can go submarine for a few years. You can even overlook infringements. Next time check before posting.
As for this and people saying things like "Java sucks!" Or "Google did like MS!", you all need to educate yourselves a bit about Java first before commenting. The most important thing to know about Java is that it doesn't refer to a single entity. Java is actually 3 things :
1- The Java VM or JVM. This is the executable that's written for your platform that takes Java compiled bytecode and executes it. It contains a default set of libraries (referred to as platform, see #2) which when paired together (the VM and libraries) are referred to as the runtime. On Android, they don't use the Sun runtime. They use Davlik as the VM as their own libraries, nothing is called Java because it isn't Java or Sun stuff.
Microsoft partly infringed on this by calling their VM MS JVM when it wasn't a Sun compatible runtime. Part of the judgement in Sun vs MS was that Microsoft could not use the Java name. Google does not.
2- The Java platform. These are the libraries bundled in the runtime and the SDK by default. There are 3 platforms currently shipped by Sun/Oracle : J2SE (Standard Edition), J2EE (Enterprise Edition), and J2ME (Mobility Edition). These are standard function calls, an API if you will. Again, you can't name your stack a Java platform if you don't fully implement these APIs.
Microsoft's platform contained a lot of extensions but failed to implement many that were found in the normal J2SE at the time. Google calls their platform Android. They don't pretend to be using Java and they don't call what they use Java, so again, not a naming issue.
3- Java the language. This is basically the standard for type definitions, namespaces, syntax, heritage, object definitions, etc.. Boring stuff if you've ever read a language specification. It gets compiled to bytecode which a VM can then execute. This is what Google uses. And you know what ? Their Java language is 100% compatible with Java the language.
So when you go and say things like "Java is a nightmare, it's slow and buggy", you're just showing your ignorance of Java in general. What is slow and buggy ? Is it the VM which is running slowly and not correctly interpreting your bytecode ? Is it the platform in your runtime that contains bug in certain API calls ? It can't be the language per say... (looking at you Warbrain).
As for the lawsuit, notice it is a patent lawsuit, not a copyright/trademark lawsuit. This means while Google decided to go with a VM/Platform/Language model that includes Java for the language part, Oracle doesn't really have an issue with that. They have an issue in the fact that Google might have used Oracle patented technology in their implementation of a VM/Platform that is not called Java.
This is not what Sun feared and Google respected Sun by not calling their stuff Java.
And btw, guys, let's drop the Apple mentality here. Oracle makes great products, their database software is best of breed bar none. Larry as always been a bit of an edge case, but that doesn't affect the merits of their product. Stop thinking that everytime a company does something negative it means they 100% suck. Real life isn't black and white.
I work with Oracle databases all day long, we would never replace them with other products. They are fast, reliable and resources for troubleshooting are vast.