hola mi nombre es fran,tengo un macbook 2008 blanco instalado yosemite ,tengo problemas con imessages y facetime,dices que tu lo tienes todo bien , me podrías decir como lo hiciste,graciasI have everything thing installed and is working good. Maps, FaceTime and imessage work fine. There's still no graphics correct? Mine say 6mb
hola mi nombre es fran,tengo un macbook 2008 blanco instalado yosemite ,tengo problemas con imessages y facetime,dices que tu lo tienes todo bien , me podrías decir como lo hiciste,gracias
Call Apple support, provide the Macbook's serial number, explain that Yosemite was installed using our guide and that iMessage isn't working and provide the validation code. Apple then unblocks your Macbook, allowing iMessage and FaceTime login immediately and in the future updates without other issues.
Llame al soporte de Apple, proporcionar el número de serie de la Macbook, explique que Yosemite se instaló con nuestro guía y que iMessage no está funcionando y proporcione el código de validación. Apple y luego desbloquea tu Macbook, permitiendo iMessage y FaceTime acceso inmediato y en las futuras actualizaciones sin otras cuestiones.
hola soy Fran , tengo una duda en el macbook 4.1, se puede hace algo para que funcione los maps,,,,,gracias
If you're hoping on the 64 bits kext support for GMA GPUs not a chance. He is just repackaging what we are doing right now. Plus adding the option to install ML "on legacy systems".
Well, not that I expected anything much different anyway...
They get choppy anytime Vibrancy is involved. More specifically in
- Mission Control
- Launchpad
- Show all windows
- Show a Dock's stack in grid mode
And maybe in some smaller little things I didn't notice. Unfortunately the option to disable Vibrancy in the Accessibility settings does nothing in our systems, since it is practically disabled already due to the lack of drivers.
Also I believe there is an issue in Yosemite with the I/O. It took me half an hour to copy Xcode (~ 7GB) from one partition to another.
I tried everything I could, follwing the guide and following others, but I still have troubles with Audio Card, which is not working at all, not with AppleHDA.kext nor with VoodooHDA.kext
The VoodooHDA app doesn't seem recognize any VoodooHDA device.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you for the guide
EDIT: Just reinstalling AppleHDA.kext and IOAudioFamily.kext it actually works but only with headphones. That's odd.
I was hoping to upgrade my late-2008 MacBook to Yosemite, but after reading this thread I'm doubtful that doing so will leave me with the level of usability I want from my main computer. Just to double check, though: do the problems people are listing here (inability to use sleep function normally, play videos in VLC, etc.) occur on all machines with GMA graphics cards or just those that can't support 64bit operating systems?
Wow, thanks for the fast reply. I'm assuming that "all machines without Graphics Acceleration" includes all machines with GMA graphics cards. Am I right to assume that? I'm a little confused because some of the problems are being talked about as 64-bit kext issues, and while I'm pretty sure my MacBook can run the 64-bit EFI, I thiiink the issue with the kexts is not solely a problem for 32-bit EFI users but for all users with older graphics cards. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.
For me, deal-breakers that would prevent me from upgrading include:
- No video in programs like DVD Player or VLC
- Inability to adjust screen brightness
- Inability to put computer to sleep normally
- Significant slowness
- Ugly/broken graphics
It sounds like at least a couple of these issues are going to be around for the foreseeable future on machines like mine, though. Am I understanding correctly? And if so, do you happen to know if Mavericks can be installed on unsupported Macs without some of these issues?
Go to System Preferences > Sound > Output then change the output to Complex . Go back to System Preferences and play around with the complex settings in the VoodooHDA Pref pane
Hi, I had to install again VoodooHDA.kext because for some reason it was unloaded. It's impossible to hear anything with the speakers, because either you have very low volume to the speakers or they begin to emit high frequency whistle. We are currently using headphones and external speakers.
Instead, we have big issues concerning power management and expecially the DVD drive. Any suggestion in how to fix at least the DVD drive?
On the subject of audio, I got all the audio working perfectly on a MacBookAir1,1 without using VoodooHDA. (after many attempts at that route!)
I have an original Snow Leopard install disc, so using remote disc from my MBP I grabbed the Snow Leopard versions of AppleHDA.kext and IOAudioFamily.kext and loaded those into the Yosemite install using Kext Utility. Once complete I rebooted and presto, audio input/output working perfectly and correctly displayed as "Internal Speakers" within System Prefs.
If only it was that simple for sleep/wake and graphics acceleration!
Even with the problems, 10.10.1 runs much faster than 10.7.5 on the Air! Just have to remember not to let it sleep if it's being used...![]()
We will look into the original sound Kexts today and test multiple models. What version of Snow Leopard did yours come from?
The sleep issue can be 'kinda' remedied with the NoSleep extension. it will prevent your Macbook from turning off the display when closing the screen lid.
They came from an original 10.6 retail disc.
Edit: would this solution work for the sleep/wake issue? Seems to work for the hackintoshers?
Hi, I had to install again VoodooHDA.kext because for some reason it was unloaded. It's impossible to hear anything with the speakers, because either you have very low volume to the speakers or they begin to emit high frequency whistle. We are currently using headphones and external speakers.
Instead, we have big issues concerning power management and expecially the DVD drive. Any suggestion in how to fix at least the DVD drive?
Edit: would this solution work for the sleep/wake issue? Seems to work for the hackintoshers?
No Sleep works a treat, thanks!
Finally took the plunge, backed up Lion, erased the internal drive and permanently moved the Air over to Yosemite. Removing the animations from Mission Control and Launchpad has made them both very usable (not that I ever really use launchpad anyway!)
Overall I find the little old MacBook Air to run 10.10.1 adequately, but it struggles with video content. It is capable of mirroring the screen/extending the desktop to my AppleTV with AirParrot, and audio Airplay is already natively supported.
Now that I have played with it for a while, I think the next step is to throw in a 128GB SSD. As well as the benefits in booting/loading applications, I'm hoping it will speed up general operation due to much faster virtual memory.
You don't think there would be any way to modify OpenGL.Framework to enable hardware acceleration do you? I recall reading something about MLforAll doing something of that nature with Mountain Lion to enable QE/CI.
MLforAll had a beta of the OpenGL.framework for Mavericks and Yosemite that we been looking at for a couple of months. It is now available on MacPostFactor and we'll release it in the next update in post 1 soon. It will likely cause WindowServer crashes immediately at the login screen so we encourage only people who know what their doing (I.e. Developers) to work on it.