With MP51.0089.B00 you are limited to PCIe v1.0 speeds (2.5 GT/s), only with Mojave firmwares ( is the first one, current is all PCIe cards are configured to PCIe v2.0 (5 GT/s) by default by the Mac Pro firmware.
Btw, the Ableconn PEXM2-130 is a x8 card, the switch of the card is an ASMedia ASM2824 x8 switch, even with the Mojave firmwares installed on the backplane the maximum speed possible is around ~2800MB/s - even with a RAID array. This is a limitation of the PCIe v2.0 slots of the Mac Pro.
Only a card with a x16 switch will get more throughput, around 3200MB/s for a high end blade and around 5900 to 6100 MB/s for a high end RAID array.