Here’s my solution to the noisy fan in the Syba / IO-Crest SI-PEX40129. It’s a 2-pin extension cable with an inline resistor to reduce the voltage going to the fan to make it run slower and quieter, supposedly by 30%. Only cost
$5 for a set of two on ebay and arrived in ten days.
It works great, the fan noise is now effectively imperceptible over the case fans. So relieved. The thickness of the resistor and connector wouldn’t quite fit under the heatsink so I had to route the fan cable so the resistor was outside the heatsink, only minor quibble to an otherwise perfect solution.
Surely SSD temps will be a little higher than before, but I expect still better than most NVMe adapters with no fans at all! The case fan in front of the PCIe slots could be cranked up to compensate too.
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