im sorry, newb here
what do you ssh into the phone and how?
how do you drop 1.33 into the var/root?
what do you ssh into the phone and how?
how do you drop 1.33 into the var/root?
im sorry, newb here
what do you ssh into the phone and how?
how do you drop 1.33 into the var/root?
If you want version 1.33, do a google search for "modmyi repo." Click the first link you see, then click "debs2" (or 2debs, or whatever). Scroll down until you see pdanet1.33.deb, right click it and save to your computer.
Then, SSH that into your phone and drop pdanet1.33.deb into /var/root/.
Using MobileTerminal (get if off Cydia if you have to) type in "su," then type in your password, which is "alpine" by default. Then type in the command dpkg -i /var/root/pdanet1.33.deb. Wait for it to get done.
Then restart/respring your phone. This method works as of 11/13.
How long do I need to use PDANet 1.4 before I see the "trial message"? I've had 1.4 installed on my iPhone for a while now, and I still get full functionality from it. Though I haven't used it much since upgrading so maybe that's why.
i followed the directions for downgrading. Uninstalled, dropped the .deb into var/root/, performed the unpackage, but there's no app on the springboard....
I've tried restarting, and respringing through various programs, but only QuickGold (not even appflow) finds the pdanet app, i still can't get it on the springboard....
Any ideas guys? Thanks
BTW: one thing i thought of was that the app was in a 'category' when i uninstalled it through cydia... but that should be fine
tried it and still no go.This happened to me at first too, DO NOT uninstall PdaNet 1.40 before running dpkg -i /var/root/pdanet1.33.deb . 1.40 must be installed inorder to be downgraded it looks like.
tried it and still no go.
No matter what i try, i can't get the pdanet icon back on the springboard (1.33 or 1.4)!?
Still looking for ideas
/\ tried it.
Still the same.
I was able to add it into a category, but it just won't show on the springboard. (luckily i was planning on throwing it in a category anyway...)
Update: Removing it from the category placed it on the springboard!
You do not have to uninstall 1.44 before running the Terminal command on the 1.33.deb