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Hey guys. Just noticed some of you fell victim to this lame arse 'trial' cripple. I have a few things of note to those of you who are having issues getting the 1.33 to function; after 3 hours of troubleshooting I have made it work. Do thus:

1. Forget SSH. Use iphonebrowser to transfer the file to your /root/var directory; extremely easy program that requires no SSH/telnet etc and looks like your standard 'windows explorer' interface. This is google software; free, no virii... good stuff to have for many purposes. Get it here:

2. If you have the latest categories app with the icon update pack (or ANY icon update pack for that matter) you will need to uninstall 'Categories' from cydia to make this work; it will either make the newly restored pdanet app crash or it will not show at all (note: simply removing pdanet's icon from the folder it is in will not fix this bug, that is, if you can even find the icon.. just uninstall categories and save yourself the trouble).

3. Follow the directions using the terminal available on cydia and it will work.

Something of note: After my rollback i actually detect a bit LESS latency. Have fun and a big hello to the Mac community from a windowz guy!

JUST noticed some of you already noticed the category problem... coolness. NOte that I did have to uninstall 1.44 myself.

Could you please give a step by step on how to do this to a newbie who's never done this type of thing before? I need to downgrade PdaNet but I've never done this before. Btw, I've already installed iPhoneBrowser to my computer and I have also downloaded the PdaNet1.33.deb file. What would be my next step?
Thanks, kindly...
re: Complicated it IS my paduin!

Sorry, for some of us it isn't that simple; don't know why... anyway, the steps are there. Just download the .deb, put it in the folder specified in the post. Plug your iphone into your computer... there isn't much to it; sorry if that doesn't help.
Sorry, for some of us it isn't that simple; don't know why... anyway, the steps are there. Just download the .deb, put it in the folder specified in the post. Plug your iphone into your computer... there isn't much to it; sorry if that doesn't help.

It isn't that simple because you're not providing specific instructions for someone that's never done this before. It's like teaching a child who's never ridden a bike before how to ride it. If you don't provide the child the "training wheels" (specific instructions), then the child will keep falling off the bike. Right?

My point is that I've tried it, and it's not working... I wanted to know what you were doing, specifically, that made it work for you! If you don't want to help any further I understand... thanks!
I've asked junefabrics this question to no avail. If I buy this software, Can I install it on my other phone too. I have two phones on my account. Its similar to buying an app on itunes and using the software on the other phone. You don't have to pay twice?

Is it possible I can move the purchased files to the other phone?
Here are my excerpts: Their reply didn't answer my question of using it on two phones. Do they even read the whole thing.

My question to

I heard that 1.40 for iphone is a trial version? Is that true? If so how much will the full version cost?

I have one question. If I purchase this app on my phone, will the same app install on my wife's phone since they are both in the same itunes account? This is the way itunes work as the app is tied to the account.

finally I believe the app should be fairly priced at $10 or so. $30 does not conform to the itunes app's

Here's their reply:

PdaNet is a shareware. It comes with a free version which supports http only and a full version when registered.
On a Mac, forget about SSH as well. Download Netatalk from Cydia which mounts your iPhone like any drive in the Finder! So easy to use. I will never use SSH again.

1. Navigate to var/root. Don't go into stash/Applications like posted above, that is where PDAnet ends up when the .deb is executed, but the command that was posted above needs the .deb o be in var/root. You will have to change the command if you really want to drop it into the /Applications folder.

2. Open MobileTerminal and run: dpkg -i /var/root/pdanet1.33.deb

3. Finished. Go back and delete the .deb from var/root. No need to keep it.

Do NOT uninstall PDAnet 1.40 first.
Am I the only person here that is going to fork out the cash? I use this program several times a day. IMHO $30 bucks one time is better than $30 per month!

I purchased their product for the Treo a few years back. Their updates were regular and the support was fantastic.

Lets face it. Those of us that want to be on the edge of technology will always be jailbroken.

I think they deserve a few bucks..
Am I the only person here that is going to fork out the cash? I use this program several times a day. IMHO $30 bucks one time is better than $30 per month!

I purchased their product for the Treo a few years back. Their updates were regular and the support was fantastic.

Lets face it. Those of us that want to be on the edge of technology will always be jailbroken.

I think they deserve a few bucks..

The issue isn't with people not wanting to shell out the money, but the shady way in which Junefabrics pretty much pulled a bait-and-switch on everyone. They were not forthcoming about the fact that upgrading from 1.33 to 1.40 would actually cripple current users' features instead of upgrading them significantly like they had touted, and as a result many people feel deceived and instead would gladly downgrade to get the functionality that they had before rather than pay. Instead of cautioning users that upgrading would be a trial and would cost money, they instead got greedy and made everybody believe they were getting a better product than the free one that they had before. It was a very unprofessional move and as a result, the devs lost a lot of revenue that they could have easily made had they been honest in the first place.
On a Mac, forget about SSH as well. Download Netatalk from Cydia which mounts your iPhone like any drive in the Finder! So easy to use. I will never use SSH again.

1. Navigate to var/root. Don't go into stash/Applications like posted above, that is where PDAnet ends up when the .deb is executed, but the command that was posted above needs the .deb o be in var/root. You will have to change the command if you really want to drop it into the /Applications folder.

2. Open MobileTerminal and run: dpkg -i /var/root/pdanet1.33.deb

3. Finished. Go back and delete the .deb from var/root. No need to keep it.

Do NOT uninstall PDAnet 1.40 first.

Hello, thanks very much for the instructions. I'm currently on MobileTerminal and this is what it says: "dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege".

Any idea what this is? :confused: Thanks very much!
While I can understand people's frustration at how they were 'tricked' you should probably consider that 1.33 was not a stable release. It locks up during heavy usage (after every couple of megabytes transferred), it drains the battery fairly quickly, and it doesn't support VPN connections. In my opinion, 1.33 was not stable enough for anything other than a very quick email check here and there, and 1.4 is well worth the $30 price tag.
Wow. This worked instantly for me. Who the heck thinks of these things, honestly??

What is dpkg anyway, that's what I would like to know.

Now, whoever gets this working should pay their $30 to the person who figured this little thing out. Guy, whoever y'are, y'all could be RICH. [reference: "I AM RICH"]

I've had PDANET 1.4 probably since the day the update came out on Cydia, but I haven't used it all that much. I was using it today, and I haven't been prompted for a registration or to purchase the app. Perhaps only people that have recently upgraded to 1.4 are being prompted?

I will also say 1.4 is much more stable, and the battery on the iPhone can actually charge when you are surfing (like I am right now). It seems that applications besides just HTTP are working (trillian works, with AIM and gtalk).

Just sharing my PDANET experience.
I've had PDANET 1.4 probably since the day the update came out on Cydia, but I haven't used it all that much. I was using it today, and I haven't been prompted for a registration or to purchase the app. Perhaps only people that have recently upgraded to 1.4 are being prompted?

I will also say 1.4 is much more stable, and the battery on the iPhone can actually charge when you are surfing (like I am right now). It seems that applications besides just HTTP are working (trillian works, with AIM and gtalk).

Just sharing my PDANET experience.

^ That's your problem, you haven't used it all that much. And eventually, you will be limited to viewing only HTTP sites, and no other program (like AIM, Trillian, etc.) will work.

And for what it's worth, i haven't noticed any difference between the battery life/stability with version 1.33 and 1.40, other than 1.40 having VPN support and having a numeric battery meter.

Here's what it looks like when your trial expires, photo courtesy of usrbin over at HoFo:

The link to buy PdaNet for iPhone is (it linked there from the button on the http://my.iPhone page). That page has the license agreement that others in this thread asked about, such as whether it is $29/iPhone (it is). Personally, I'm going to wait to see if there are any holiday sales on this before buying a license since I find $29 to be too much for this software.
FYI, perhaps it's just Mac VPN you are referring to but I tried TightVNC on v1.33 and it appears to work just fine.

I don't think anybody has a problem paying for the software as it's incredibly useful, but people's biggest understandable complaints are:

1) This is a "stealth" purchase item. They didn't create a separate "PdaNet PRO" package and advertise that they would be charging for it, nor did they announce anywhere that versions 1.4 and higher would go from freeware to trialware. Nobody likes to feel deceived, especially when it comes to electronics.
2) The general population feels that $30 is too much, and that it's more than a little convenient that they decided to charge the exact amount that the Apple is rumored to charge for official iPhone usage. On top of that, this is a backdoor usage of the internet so it can be closed at any time and there is nothing you, PDANet or anybody else can do about it.

The fact is, my previous phone (Treo 650) can use free, unlimited and OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED tethering. And for as little as I tether, I'm fine with keeping my old phone in my backpack and spending 30 seconds to swap my SIM card if I have to. The idea that iPhone users are being punished for having a popular piece of equipment infuriates me.
I was going to do the right thing and purchase the software. HOWEVER... I just read their agreement below.

You are about to purchase PdaNet for iPhone. Please read the agreement carefully before you continue.

1. The price of a single license is $29. Each license only activates one phone. After the purchase you will be emailed a serial number to register PdaNet.

2. This is a one time purchase for the version you are using and there is a two weeks refund policy. So make sure PdaNet works for you before making the purchase.

3. We do not provide any sort of warranty for our software. It might stop working for various reasons we do not control. So check with us for compatibility first before upgrading your iPhone OS or switch to a newer model.

4. We are not responsible for any charges you may incur from your cellular service provider as a result of using PdaNet. Though we do not expect any in normal cases.

Look at number 2! No future updates included. That total BS!

Add me to the list of 1.3 users if they respond to my email confirming this!
I was going to do the right thing and purchase the software. HOWEVER... I just read their agreement below.

You are about to purchase PdaNet for iPhone. Please read the agreement carefully before you continue.

1. The price of a single license is $29. Each license only activates one phone. After the purchase you will be emailed a serial number to register PdaNet.

2. This is a one time purchase for the version you are using and there is a two weeks refund policy. So make sure PdaNet works for you before making the purchase.

3. We do not provide any sort of warranty for our software. It might stop working for various reasons we do not control. So check with us for compatibility first before upgrading your iPhone OS or switch to a newer model.

4. We are not responsible for any charges you may incur from your cellular service provider as a result of using PdaNet. Though we do not expect any in normal cases.

Look at number 2! No future updates included. That total BS!

Add me to the list of 1.3 users if they respond to my email confirming this!

You'r probably right ! I was going to purchase too.. Let me know if you hear back. I've asked if I can use it on both my phones and they said yes.

Please let us know if you hear back as I'm very interested to know.
Here is a work around that I figured out (if you don't mind doing these steps each time you connect pdanet1.4 to you computer).

1-Connect as usual
2-On computer, go to http://my.iphone/
3-Click on "Purchase Licence"
4-Click on "I agree"
5-Wait for the purchase page to load
6-Start surfing with limitations lifted

They have to remove the limitations in order to process the purchase, however they can't put the limitations back until the next time you connect and it confirms that you have not yet purchased, at which time you simply repeat the steps.

Takes a few seconds to do at each connect, but until its cracked for good, this will keep you going without paying those crooked "bait and switch" fools $30
Hello, thanks very much for the instructions. I'm currently on MobileTerminal and this is what it says: "dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege".

Any idea what this is? :confused: Thanks very much!

Hi Alisstar,

I left out one step, sorry. First you need to type: su

MoTerm will then ask for your password, which by default is alpine. Type that.

Then run the dpkg command and you will be all set.
If you want version 1.33, do a google search for "modmyi repo." Click the first link you see, then click "debs2" (or 2debs, or whatever). Scroll down until you see pdanet1.33.deb, right click it and save to your computer.

Then, SSH that into your phone and drop pdanet1.33.deb into /var/root/.

Using MobileTerminal (get if off Cydia if you have to) type in "su," then type in your password, which is "alpine" by default. Then type in the command dpkg -i /var/root/pdanet1.33.deb. Wait for it to get done.

Then restart/respring your phone. This method works as of 11/13.

Read the thread guys, i posted instructions on the first page ;)
Here is a work around that I figured out (if you don't mind doing these steps each time you connect pdanet1.4 to you computer).

1-Connect as usual
2-On computer, go to http://my.iphone/
3-Click on "Purchase Licence"
4-Click on "I agree"
5-Wait for the purchase page to load
6-Start surfing with limitations lifted

This worked for me. Great idea, however I'll still buy it if they support upcoming updates. If not this is the way to go !
hmm i keep getting this on mobileterminal

Errors were encountered while processing:

cannot access archive: no such file or directory


what am i doing wrong guys?

i placed the .deb in the var/root folder
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