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macrumors member
Nov 16, 2008
I took this for my photography class and love how it turned out. I would love comments and suggestion I am always looking to learn


  • DSC_0294ForWeb.jpg
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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

The sun was going down and the swan was friendly - hanging around at the edge of the lake right next to me - so I got myself in position and waited to see if it would do anything interesting...then fired of a quick burst when it stood up.

This sounds like another vote for 'patience' and 'hanging around', in the 'patience vs Photoshop' debate. ;)

Terrific pic. It reminds me of all those myths about people turning into swans, with the image being just one frame from an ongoing narrative...

A quiet corner of Cockermouth (it was tough getting the verticals to line up, with buildings leaning at odd angles}...



macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
This sounds like another vote for 'patience' and 'hanging around', in the 'patience vs Photoshop' debate.
Yup, agree with the master here. I wonder if this applies to photographing events too cause I did both, one is hang around and took photos of whatever attracts me and another is stand at a spot, adjust the settings to get what I want (meaning do a few test shots) and look around for a moment and if it looks like something good is going to happen, prefocus and wait for it to happen. Anything I do wrong? or improvements?

For most of the time, eventhough I get less photos by doing the second technique but I am happy with most of it whereas the first one will end up with lots of photos but not that happy with the result. The problem with the second method is if I screw up the shots :(

Terrific pic. It reminds me of all those myths about people turning into swans, with the image being just one frame from an ongoing narrative...
Wow, where did you get that myth from? Never heard of it :eek:

You know what, I love your current village shots, it looks really subtle yet somehow beautifully composed.

dannyboi, interesting shot, never thought of it but I find the top left too dark cause I cannot see any detail, how does the color version looks like?

thanks man, i took it with my canon xsi through a 70-300mm lens. Used a tripod and about 1 sec exposure.
thanks :D


macrumors member
Mar 31, 2009
A Parisian Town Hall

This is a Parisian Town Hall in Vaugirard. Taken with a Nikon D60. Tone mapped in Photomatix Pro and edited in Adobe PS CS4



macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Yup, agree with the master here. I wonder if this applies to photographing events too cause I did both, one is hang around and took photos of whatever attracts me and another is stand at a spot, adjust the settings to get what I want (meaning do a few test shots) and look around for a moment and if it looks like something good is going to happen, prefocus and wait for it to happen. Anything I do wrong? or improvements?

Maybe this is the test of any method: that, one way or another, it produces better pictures. Or a better 'strike rate'. Or a more effective use of the time available. Having the camera on a tripod, and composition 'locked', may seem rather restricting... but I'm finding it frees me up to really watch what's happening, and what might happen next...

You know what, I love your current village shots, it looks really subtle yet somehow beautifully composed.

...My 'method' also makes my pix very still. If I wanted them to look dynamic, I'd have to change my way of working. Of course, a lot of the 'subtlety' comes from the fact that people in these little towns seem very keen to paint their house with pastel-coloured paints. ;)

Wow, where did you get that myth from? Never heard of it :eek:

Myths and legends from many different cultures feature people (usually women) turning into swans... or being turned into swans. Just google 'swan myth' or check out Wikipedia... :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
London, UK
Awesome, great job btw. How fast was your shutter speed and what's the maximum burst ur camera have?

Thanks wheelhot. Photo details were...

Nikon D200 with Sigma 18-50 at 18mm
f8, 1/320, ISO200

The D200 has two continuous modes - 3fps & 5fps I think. I only had it set to the lower one (CL).


macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
London, UK
This sounds like another vote for 'patience' and 'hanging around', in the 'patience vs Photoshop' debate. ;)

Terrific pic. It reminds me of all those myths about people turning into swans, with the image being just one frame from an ongoing narrative...

Thanks Doylem. I don't always have time to sit around waiting for things to happen, but it generally pays dividends when I do. It's very rewarding to plan the shot in advance and watch it falling into place. A little processing afterwards can make a good image even better, but I hardly needed to do anything with this one.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
I took this for my photography class and love how it turned out. I would love comments and suggestion I am always looking to learn

The colors are SO vivid, i love it!

Here is mine for the day, hope you like it.


I agree there is tooo much black in the top left corner, perhaps some cropping could help some...

Thanks, No photoshop. I used Pixelmator.

Cool. How is the ease of use for that prog? (I have not heard of that one)


macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
Awesome sonor, you really captured the moment ;) And its pretty cool u get that shot with 3 fps :D


macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2008
*clickable* I posted this a couple weeks back in one of the photo contest on here but I like it so much I figured I would post it on here to get a little more feedback.

Camera: Nikon D80
Exposure: 1/3200 sec @f/2.8
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Promaster 17-50mm f2.8


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2007
SF Bay Area
My dog, in one of her stranger moments...


She is quite old now, in rapidly declining health, and this is likely to be her last weekend with us :(
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