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M9 , 35/2 , f8@1/500 , ISO 200
Like it. For some reason I enjoy pictures of fence posts and gates and the likes. Maybe a tad closer next time but yeah nice.

I was walking backwards into a main road with a 70-300mm to frame this, and now you tell me to get closer? :D

Cheers :)

Posted a similar composition to this the other day taken at night with a flash. It's a busy composition, but something about it makes me want to keep shooting it. There may not really be anything interesting here, but planning on moving soon and I won't have access to this as a subject.

The thing that draws me to it is the chaotic pattern of the tree branches. Like the night version with flash a little better as it removes some of the background distraction. Have about a month to think about this more and see if I can make anything of it.

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