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Very nice. I gave up on music for a while. Cant win against 2 girls and my wife. Everytime I go to the music system it had the Frozen soundtrack on it! Let it go, do you want to build a snowman and all that jazz.

So how about a macro shot of a needle in the groove?

Turntable gets delivered on Thursday hopefully so there will definitely be some vinyl inspired shots after then.

Makes me jealous ... had a wall mounted B&O CD/FM years back in my old place , think it was a 2500 , 2800 , something like that . Anyway , went with the house when it got sold .

I've always wanted to own some B&O kit and even though it's just the speakers and they were really cheap it feels like an achievement for me :)

It's still come out nicely though!

I personally would have made the image more punchy, but I am going through vibrant phase at the moment.

Here's mine. Horizon lines were a nightmare and I wasn't sure what I should level too. Any tips?

South Beach Sunrise
by acearchie, on Flickr

Thanks acearchie, love your sunsets. The sea or a lake is usually the definitive horizontal. Here's one with a bit more oomph from slightly earlier in the evening.


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Another picture postcard shot. Nice. Used to live in Scarborough in the old Burniston Road army barracks - i was 3, my dad stationed there. I remember the cliff and the beach...

Sjould go back one day. Was it nice?

I was in Scarborough to see some chums, and to spend a day at the cricket (womens' one-day international, England vs India). Scarborough's been through some tough times in recent years... like most other seaside resorts, I suppose. But the beach is still there... and the cliff... and the little tramway to take you from one to the other... :)
Took a quick snap on the way to the station yesterday of a woman alone at a bus stop, but when I looked at it I saw she had pulled this WEIRD face! Beats flipping me the bird I suppose :)

Stay puft by alex.stedman, on Flickr

A rain drop on a flower petal as I'm still playing with the flash in the garden.

[url=]Image[/url]20140824-DSC_1226 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

Comments always welcome.

Oh yes, love it !!


Took a quick snap on the way to the station yesterday of a woman alone at a bus stop, but when I looked at it I saw she had pulled this WEIRD face! Beats flipping me the bird I suppose :)

Stay puft by alex.stedman, on Flickr


Maybe a burp?

Cheers :)

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