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macrumors 6502
Nov 26, 2007
Heres an attempt at HDR


SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
I took this one during summer, as you can tell I'm not a Macro Photographer. The DOF is all screwed up, but still for a first attempt....
This was taken with my crappy P&S that I take Flyfishing with me.




macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri. USA
Does Kansas City ever have blue skies? :) What time of day do you find best to take your shots that ultimately end up HDR? Do you find it easier to create from one RAW, or do bracket exposure on 3+ shots?

Sure KC has blue skies, it just hasn't lately. Been a constant cover of clouds for the past few days, and will for the next few also it looks like. :)

I think HDR has the most "dramatic" impacts around sunrise and sunset, but really there isn't a period of the day where I haven't found it useful in some extent. I think it's great on partly cloudy or mostly cloudy days, but not all that useful when the sky is totally cloudless and blue everywhere - at least if they sky is supposed to be a key ingredient in the composition.

When I first starting doing HDRs back in Oct. of 06, I always did it with a tripod and three bracketed shots from the camera. Imagine my giddyness and elation when I discovered it could be done with one RAW. Basically if the scene you are shooting has no movement at all (no people, cars, or traffic lights changing color), and you happen to have your tripod and cable release in tow, then definitely try for the multiple bracketed exposures. Since I do cityscapes so much though, I use the single RAW method a lot since it's hard to get a scene with no movement. :)


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
I was out on the lake in my dinghy a few days ago, when I saw about twenty geese flying in formation... except they were flying along the surface of the water like stealth bombers... and heading straight for my boat. In any kind of collision between a canada goose and me, I know who'd come off second best (imagine a roast turkey being fired out of a cannon). At the last minute the formation split into two, and I got off a couple of shots as these geese past. They were very close - to the water and to me - and this is a wide-angle shot. Phew...

Not a patch on ClixPix's shot, but the same bird, I think. In UK we call them canada (not 'Canadian') geese; maybe a different name in US.



great story! i LOVE the 2nd pic. fantastic.

Here in Canada, we call them all sorts of names...some i can't repeat here. They are so many in some places, that i know joggers who have been hissed and chased by these birds. They walk in parking lots and crap EVERYWHERE! there are too many imho.
BUT, they are great photographic subjects at times eh? :)

Canada geese is a popular name.


macrumors member
May 14, 2007
Last night shot i'll post in a long time. promise!


Nikon D50
17-55 2.8 @ 38mm
8 second exposure
ISO 200


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2007
Scottsdale, AZ
Guys, I joined this site just few minutes ago, and I did only because I am amazed by your photographs. It's my hobby as well, so I guess being around here will teach me few things about photography. You are amazing!!!

Here is my first one:
- Sedona, AZ - Devil's Bridge


  • IMG_0069.jpg
    649.5 KB · Views: 95


macrumors newbie
Jul 3, 2006


Camera: Sony DSLR-A100
Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 100


macrumors member
May 14, 2007
Let's not be too rash--some of us like night photography!
This is a great shot--where was it taken?

Thanks for the kind comments! This was taken a block away from the last night bridge shot i posted (it's back on page 3 or 4). This one is the Western Ave bridge which is just west of downtown Boston crossing the Charles river. I am standing on the Cambridge side. I am not 100 percent sure what the building is, but I think it is the building of a pharmaceutical company novartis, I could be wrong.

I love taking night shots with lots of mixed lighting to get all the different colors to really come out.


macrumors 6502
Nov 26, 2007
Heres another picture I took and made it into HDR. Not sure if you will like it, i just kinda like this comic book HDR style.



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
No, we're not ZZ Top....

A black and white film project I did on a northwest neighborhood in Portland gave me a chance to try out a cheap, yet sharp little Konica Big Mini with a fixed focal length 35mm f/2.8 AF lens and exposure compensation capability. Very tiny, very quiet for a film camera. These dudes were panhandling on the street and I proposed a trade - I'd give 'em each a buck, and they'd let me photograph them. We managed three shots (this was the first) before they accidently knocked over a lifesized paper mache horse in front of a cigar shop when one of them leaned on it thinking it must be sturdy (wrong...) When the shop owner ran out they split in a flash before collecting their "fee." Within 30 seconds cops were there, and these boys had turned the corner at a fairly quick pace. Laughing my a$$ off, I managed to catch up to them. They were surprised, but grateful I had bothered to keep my word, and looked like they were really ready for a drink. We all had a good laugh. Anyway, here they are - my contribution for today. Scanned from work print.


Konica Big Mini 35mm w/ 35mm f/2.8 lens
Kodak TMax 400


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
I've been a visitor for too long. Love Apple stuff; adore Macrumors, but Photo of the day has been my favourite haunt. The photo's are great and the community spirit, on the whole, is wonderful. I've been reticent about posting my stuff as I worry about their reception, simply because mostly I am taking these night shots where I create these abstract pieces that I hope to use further in other ways(illustration, basis for further painting/digital development etc)but obviously they are not photos of a recognizable 'something' that has required photographic skill and compositional awareness and the other skills so aptly demonstrated by, well, all of you. I don't want to be seen as some sort of photographic fraud! I think they are lovely and have artistic merit and I am using a camera(3yr old Nikon p+s)as a tool, but .... I have to admit that a hell of a lot of randomness is involved and... I worry. But that's that and I do take photo's of other stuff, it's just that these are really doing it for me at the mo! Sorry for the verbosity; next time a quote, and then few words!
I do agree with Doylem that reality is better than anything we can invent but I'm taking these photo's to both(hopefully)have a photo that I love and also to create something unique with which to work in different directions.
Here's my first and it's cool if anybody thinks it's pointless or whatever. Honestly!!
By the way, the only post-processing(mostly)is simply a click on Enhance in iPhoto and the odd single click on edge blur and that's it; photoshop soon. Basic technique - me in my girlfriends car, moving, at night(sunset best(blues!!) but rarely get chance), moving camera(which is set on fireworks mode as it's the only way I know to keep shutter open longer on this camera(4 secs). Also, fireworks mode probably 'blows' the colours somewhat which helps for these images.
Finally, love the avian shots Clix Pix.
((*Title of wonderful short story by Mark Helprin))

Like you, I've been doing a few 'abstract' shots; like you, I wonder if there's any skill involved. I suppose the answer is that there can be.

No skill in this shot, though, none at all. While photographing a waterfall, I carried my camera - on the tripod - to another position. Purely by accident, I fired off a couple of frames... and this is one of them. I'm fascinated by the colours, the 'depth', the sinous curves, and I'm trying to find ways to replicate it. No luck yet. Sobering to find that a shot taken by the camera on its own is better than the ones I'm taking... :)



macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
Like you, I've been doing a few 'abstract' shots; like you, I wonder if there's any skill involved. I suppose the answer is that there can be.

No skill in this shot, though, none at all. While photographing a waterfall, I carried my camera - on the tripod - to another position. Purely by accident, I fired off a couple of frames... and this is one of them. I'm fascinated by the colours, the 'depth', the sinous curves, and I'm trying to find ways to replicate it. No luck yet. Sobering to find that a shot taken by the camera on its own is better than the ones I'm taking... :)

reminds me of a windows vista desktop :S
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