Where does one start! Right now, as I type, it's 2:50am here and I really need to be going to bed. But this lovely thing has just knocked me sideways! I just love it; the colours are too pretty for words and I just wanna play with it. Print it out on large glossy paper and then get going with a heated metal pointer(craft-thingy)and carefully start to distort & experiment(have you seen Gerhard Richters' Florence photographs?!)with those colors and shapes.
It looks almost other-worldy and makes me think of Valdores' scintillating HDR's. I liked your shot from yesterday but this baby really takes the biscuit! I know you have a 30sec exposure(which probably contributes quite a bit to the 'look' but is your D300 helping in any major way? I hope to be able to get maybe a D40 or similar sometime next year and begin to play around with long, night-time(and especially sunset/dawn) exposures.
Anyway, many thanks for bringing a huge smile to my eyes shortly before I retire for the morning.
Wow Carl. Thank you for the extremely kind words! When a picture I take can bring a smile to anyone's face it makes worth nearly losing my two big toes to frost bite to get these shots worth it!
Having the D300 helps a bit....but you can definitely get similar results with a D40 or D50 (my old body). I think, straight out of the camera, the D300 looks better for sure, but with a little bit of minor post processing, the D40 and the D50 can get equally good results. I upgraded to the D300 for better low light shooting, better auto focusing system, the beautiful LCD on the back, higher fps shooting, and the 100 percent viewfinder. These things help you get a good shot, but dont get you a good shot alone.
There are a few things that contributed this getting this photo. One...Boston Commons is a pretty beautiful place in and of itself.

Two, the time these were taken. If you look back, i posted a few other night shots, but the sky was pitch black. This is because those were taken around 8~9pm....well after sunset. If you start shooting right at sunset, and keep snapping away a good 45 minutes to an hour later, you can get really cool colors in the sky (same thing with sun rises, but just an hour to 45 minutes before). Even though it will appear dark to the natural eye, a long exposure will catch that tad bit of color that actually exists from the sun. Third, is the mixed lighting. The look is very surreal because there are light sources everywhere in this photo and they are all rendering different colors and they are all various strengths. There are a few street lights rending white/blue, the holiday lights and lights on the bridge are rending yellow, there are some florescent lights rendering green. And there is a chimney stack building unseen in the background that was puffing out smoke which is where that red-ish streaking cloud came from.
I walk through the commons a lot and when I saw all the lights, i knew it'd make a great picture. I wanted some snow shots, so i just waited a bit, got a nice big storm, and from there it was waiting for a saturday where I could actually get out at the proper time as I get out of work a good hour and half after sunset.
So, i'm glad you enjoyed it, and hopefully soon enough we will be seeing your own shots!