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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Just returned from a trip to Rome. I now have so many photos on my hard drive that it's causing my desk to sag. ;)


Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
nice pic.. where is this from? it looks like Tacoma, Washington's train line

Dale, I love the colors on this one. Was the train moving, or was it standing still? Not that it matters, it's a great shot!

Thanks, guys. That is the Seattle-Tacoma Sounder commuter rail. It is stopped at the Freighthouse Square rail station in Tacoma, Washington. The photo was taken in October and the train had one North-bound run remaining for the day.

This is the parking garage, bus terminal and light rail station behind Freighthouse Square.




macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2009
Wilmington/Jacksonville, NC
Thanks, guys. That is the Seattle-Tacoma Sounder commuter rail. It is stopped at the Freighthouse Square rail station in Tacoma, Washington. The photo was taken in October and the train had one North-bound run remaining for the day.

This is the parking garage, bus terminal and light rail station behind Freighthouse Square.



I thought as much... Tacoma is awesome :D I knew it looked familiar!

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Just returned from a trip to Rome. I now have so many photos on my hard drive that it's causing my desk to sag. ;)


I'm grateful that you take the time to share these images of antiquity with us. It is always interesting and inspiring to me to see things that have survived for so long, left for us as memories of the distant past. Art is timeless.

The only thing I don't like are the fences, barriers and signs needed to keep people at a respectful distance. But that will never change, I'm afraid.


ps: Have you solved that mass file management problem that was slowing you down? Libraries tend to only get bigger, as you know...:)...


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
The initial shot was a snapshot taken in diffuse light. Didn't do anything for me. I shot again at night where I had more control over the light.

~2-3 cheap flashes, a piece of white foamcore board, some black cardboard and a diffuser or two will give you control over the light no matter what time of day it is. Start with a single flash and re-create the light, then slowly add more lighting elements until you get natural-looking lighting that provides good texture, separation and "fixes" the single-source issues. The only thing that's counter-intuitive to most beginners is that the light source will be softer when you move it closer.

Ja Di ksw

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2003
Yeah it is, i was really pleased with some of the pictures it produces :) and your not allowed to take pictures of the art itself, this was just a board in which people left their thoughts about the turner prize entries. still got many dirty looks though :) nice photo too. b&w, perhaps?

Never been a huge B&W fan, though I see how some people could like it better with this one :).

Really good framing on this one, nice shot!

Another pic from the Paris trip.



macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
London, UK
Piel Island, yesterday: a little island off the Cumbria coast... with a row of terraced houses, a castle and a pub. The pub's been closed for a while :)(), but it's due to open again next year :))). To get a pint, you'll need to get the ferry (a guy in a little fishing boat). Now, that's my kind of pub...

While I was shooting yesterday, a guy from the nearby shipbuilding company (a huge, controversial concern, military submarines, hush-hush, etc) stopped me and asked why I was taking photographs. "Because I want to, that's why"...

Then yesterday evening, a policeman turns up at my shack, to ask some more questions. To his credit, he looked rather embarrassed... but what the hell's going on? I suggested that the photographers they might be concerned about are the ones they can't see... rather than the ones who stand around, camera on tripod, waiting for the light to get 'interesting'.

The policeman left, having asked a few more obvious questions, and me saying much the same thing. All very polite... but what a waste of time. He wasted even more time by getting his van stuck in the mud near my shack, and needing to be towed out by a 4x4... :eek:


Things might be looking up though. Did you see Saturday's Independent...

"Police U-turn on photographers and anti-terror laws
Don’t use anti-terror laws to prevent pictures being taken, officers told"

"Chief Constable Andy Trotter, chairman of Acpo's media advisory group, took the decision to send the warning after growing criticism of the police's treatment of photographers.

Writing in today's Independent, he says: "Everyone... has a right to take photographs and film in public places. Taking photographs... is not normally cause for suspicion and there are no powers prohibiting the taking of photographs, film or digital images in a public place..."
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