I received my new D80 yesterday and i was practicing with a teddy bear after my little sis got bored..anyway today a friend of mine came by with his Falconand i was shocked when i saw that thing..now here is the shot...its not perfect ,i'm still a beginner
I know this is seriously underexposed and this happens with many of my pictures, did anyone had a similar experience with a D80? should i change the ev to - 0.3 or -0.7 to fix this problem?
At the risk of telling you what you already know, it's a low-key pic: ie a fairly dark subject against a black background. Even the cleverest of camera metering systems will try to 'average out' the information in your composition. The camera would also be 'fooled' by a very light background. In these conditions, I'd switch to 'manual' and make some small adjustments... based on a quick review of the pix while shooting.
When I used film cameras, I'd regularly under-expose by, say half a stop, to get the effect I wanted... not what the camera 'wanted'. This disparity was consistent, at least, so I never felt it to be a problem. If you feel your camera gives you a consistent level of under- or over-exposure, then you could adjust the exposure compensation.