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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
A big favour to ask of all you good MR folk. My new business is up and running... well, kind of...

We’ve booked the venues for our first landscape photography workshops, starting about Easter time. The website is live Magnetic North

The favour is this: I’d be very grateful if you could give Magnetic North a link - or a mention - on your website or photo-blog. I’d be happy to email the logo, or pix, to use alongside. Comments about the website would be helpful too (I’m a photographer, not a designer... ;)). Just PM me...

If any MR folk would like to join us on a workshop, I’d be happy to heavily discount the first few sessions of ‘zen photography’. The pic below shows the kind of landscape to be seen on the very first session in Swaledale.

Apologies for introducing the bitter taste of commerce into these hallowed halls, but, hey, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. And I need to drive more traffic to our site. PM me for more details, or email from the website. Many thanks... :D

Lost and lonely Crackpot Hall...



macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
Wow, Maxxamillian ^^

Nice website too Doylem. If I could make a suggestion, you could bold some of the text to form headings (Looking at the workshop page for example, specifically "The topics we cover include..." and "And a few apparent contradictions to conjure with...") - to break it up a little.

I really enjoyed looking through your galleries.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Nice website too Doylem. If I could make a suggestion, you could bold some of the text to form headings (Looking at the workshop page for example, specifically "The topics we cover include..." and "And a few apparent contradictions to conjure with...") - to break it up a little.

I really enjoyed looking through your galleries.

Captions would help, yeah. Also, Doylem, do you really need to restrict the participants to owners of a "digital SLR"? Wouldn't any camera with manual controls be sufficient? Even a point-and-shoot with M mode?

I'm sure your participants will get a lot out of your workshops. I almost feel as though I owe you a workshop fee for all I've gleaned from your contributions to this forum! :D


macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Some great shots in the last week or so. Maxxamillian that's a great shot, nice and messy!

I could go for a little of that right now. January in Canada.

Can you bring some of that cold weather to the west coast. Olympics in 3 weeks, meanwhile we're experiencing one of the warmest winters in years.

Thanks in Advanced. :p

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space

^^^ Reminds me of that portrait of Salvador Dali with the cat and water by Philippe Haslman. Did she have to "snap" the cookie to get it to explode? If so, how many shots to get it right. Very unique and expressive capture.

^^^ Wonderful mix on hard and soft going on here. Love the wisps of steam. Super! I liked the way you worked your signature/copyright into that bird photo of yours.



macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
Well, I applaud the ambition and planning here, but am puzzled by the concept. Care to elaborate?

No concept. Pure artistic expression :D Read into it what you want or nothing at all ;)

^^^ Reminds me of that portrait of Salvador Dali with the cat and water by Philippe Haslman. Did she have to "snap" the cookie to get it to explode? If so, how many shots to get it right. Very unique and expressive capture.

The photo is actually the combination of three different pictures taken in the session. None of the three had the look and feel I wanted and were therefore fused together. Surprisingly, it only took 4 shots to get the milk. The cookie crumbs are actually stuck to her face. :cool: We ran a series of poses with that look.

Thanks for the kind words :)

The Reef, NathanCH, & Jaro65: thanks for the comments on this and my previous pic!


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast

Nice production work, expression, exposure, etc... but, there's just one thing - the messy look with the crumbs all over her face suggest she was like a little kid, shoving cookies in her face, and I like that concept... but you forgot her teeth. They're so perfectly clean and shiny that they kill the illusion. At least the way I see it, and I've been known to see things 'different.' (wasn't that an old Apple slogan?? ;) )

Sorry to always be the dissenting voice, but just trying to be the constructive critic, since you obviously have a lot of talent with this studio and post-processing work. Just think of me as your cranky 'editor.' :D


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
Nice production work, expression, exposure, etc... but, there's just one thing - the messy look with the crumbs all over her face suggest she was like a little kid, shoving cookies in her face, and I like that concept... but you forgot her teeth. They're so perfectly clean and shiny that they kill the illusion. At least the way I see it, and I've been known to see things 'different.' (wasn't that an old Apple slogan?? ;) )

Sorry to always be the dissenting voice, but just trying to be the constructive critic, since you obviously have a lot of talent with this studio and post-processing work. Just think of me as your cranky 'editor.' :D

As always: Astute observations :cool:

I considered this and dismissed the idea outright. Pearly whites may kill the illusion, but gunky teeth would have killed the picture, demolishing almost any chance of the shot becoming an advert. Please continue in the cranky editor role--you have a sharp eye and a solid knowledge of what constitutes good photography.
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