I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. I hope that 2014 will bring me more time for interacting here.
Here's my first attempt with the tubes.
Wow! I've missed you!
Nice! Nailed it mate. I love it!
My effort for today.....just stuff I had on me
I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. I hope that 2014 will bring me more time for interacting here.
I do have some new work in the pipeline and hope to get it out soon. Here is a sunrise from a very memorable morning in the Italian Alps last Friday. As always, you can click through for the story and for a larger version of the photo...
^^^Awesome. Love the reflection^^^
Lovely shot. It's the reflection that really makes it. Every time I get near water it is always too windy to get those kind of reflections.
How jealous am I ??!?!?! I was there in September just when the Tioga Pass entrance opened after the fire . No shots like that when I was there , the haze was over everything .
You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L
You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L
You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L
You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L