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You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L

Maybe me posting one of my average shots will help you feel brave enough.

Another one from my weekend in Ironbridge. For those of you who don't know, it was the worlds first bridge made of iron.

The twig/branch in the foreground is a bit distracting, and the sky is blown.

Your comments are always appreciated.
OK here it goes!

A bit blown out but here it goes...


Charleston SC, during a small window of sunlight.

Comments appreciated!

Thanks for the comments on my last photo. I really appreciate them. :)

So much character in that face!

Great separation between the lit trees and that cool background wall.

Terrific timing with the golden hour light and the sky full of puffy clouds. A charming scene.

Really striking contrasts of hues and forms. Nicely done.

You guys are all an inspiration. I've been following POTD threads for a long time now but I never have the guts to post anything. But who knows. Maybe 2014 is going to be different. Amazing job, everyone!. -- L

If people don’t care for the photo, what’s the worst that can happen? They will ignore it. What’s the best that can happen? They will comment on it and give you some helpful feedback. So really, what have you got to lose? :)

A bit blown out but here it goes...


Charleston SC, during a small window of sunlight.

Comments appreciated!


Happy to see that you took the plunge! It’s a really nice photo too. The meandering tree branches and the road plunging into the distance give the photo a sense of depth and dynamism, while the hanging moss, in countering those lines, provides some wonderful tension. A couple of things you might try if you return to this place: 1) See if there is a time of day/year when the sun provides more backlighting for that moss to allow it to pop a bit more. 2) See if there is a way to keep that sign at the bottom from intruding into the frame (or else just clone it out).
Another one from the weekend.

I like the mist in the background with this one. Just one tree on it's own would have looked better, but this is what was available. Comments always welcome.
I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. I hope that 2014 will bring me more time for interacting here.

I do have some new work in the pipeline and hope to get it out soon. Here is a sunrise from a very memorable morning in the Italian Alps last Friday. As always, you can click through for the story and for a larger version of the photo...


Very close, but the framing bothers me- it's too bunched up on the right and the light draws my eye to the empty space without taking me around the interesting bits. Did you also shoot it vertically? That may give a better balance to the image.

Very close, but the framing bothers me- it's too bunched up on the right and the light draws my eye to the empty space without taking me around the interesting bits. Did you also shoot it vertically? That may give a better balance to the image.



Looks perfect to me.
Very close, but the framing bothers me- it's too bunched up on the right and the light draws my eye to the empty space without taking me around the interesting bits. Did you also shoot it vertically? That may give a better balance to the image.


Thank you, Paul. I appreciate you taking the time to say why the shot doesn’t work for you. Since you asked about a vertical, I’ll just say that losing the rock at the right really would destroy the balance, since its large presence is adding a lot of visual weight to that side, as do the light rays fanning out to the right side of the sky. But that’s how I see it, and I certainly don’t expect everyone to agree. Cheers. :)
Iron Bridge

Maybe me posting one of my average shots will help you feel brave enough.

Another one from my weekend in Ironbridge. For those of you who don't know, it was the worlds first bridge made of iron.

The twig/branch in the foreground is a bit distracting, and the sky is blown.

Your comments are always appreciated.

It's a great place ... here is one of mine from a few years ago.


Looks perfect to me.

Seriously, the elements just don't balance well for me. If I'd shot it, it'd make the "almost hit it" list and every time I looked at it, I'd be trying to figure out what else I could have done. Leading lines, negative space and tonality all affect how your eye moves through an image (as do culture and points of interest, but that's not as relevant here- though right-to-left readers will get more from this image than left-to-right ones.)

Thank you, Paul. I appreciate you taking the time to say why the shot doesn’t work for you. Since you asked about a vertical, I’ll just say that losing the rock at the right really would destroy the balance, since its large presence is adding a lot of visual weight to that side, as do the light rays fanning out to the right side of the sky. But that’s how I see it, and I certainly don’t expect everyone to agree. Cheers. :)

I meant vertical but wider- I agree losing that rock would kill it- I was just wondering if there was a better framing option that you might have shot. It may also be that some exposure adjustments would make it more agreeable. The bunching seems to affect me too, but not really in a good tension/release sort of way- though I could see some folks liking the tension a bit more. Anyway, I love seeing your work, so that's my two cents done.



^^^Awesome. Love the reflection^^^


Very nice! Captive or wild?

Nice shot!

A bit blown out but here it goes...


Charleston SC, during a small window of sunlight.

Comments appreciated!


Nice shot- the lighting looks fine to me, the only thing I'd do is re-shoot trying to get that sign out of the lower right.


It's good to be the king. (Mel Brooks)

This is just such a cinematically cracking shot!

Where were you and what did you shoot out from to have such a height over everything else?

Mine is a technically imperfect photo but one of those ones that when you care about the people in the shot it doesn’t matter!

As always comments appreciated!

Fiona, Dad & Ellie by acearchie, on Flickr
Here's to 2014

2013 has been somewhat catastrophic for the Parkin family. I lost an uncle, 2 aunts, and a lot of my spare time has been taken up helping my mom convalesce after cancer surgery. Ugh - that makes it sound like I begrudge helping my mom. Not at all, but it's frustrating when your life seems to be on hold (and you've just got a new camera). 2014 can only get better, and hopefully I can get out snapping, share the spoils and get some feedback as I get acquainted with my new hardware.

I managed to get out and about in Brighton while visiting my brother over Christmas. Took an evening stroll down the pier to test the low-light capability of the PEN. I was pleased with the results - I thought it handled the mixed lighting admirably. Also this camera has the most awesome image stabilisation - this was taken hand-held at 1/6 of a second. I had the EVF attached and my back against a wall, but the in-body IS has done itself proud.

C&C always welcome.

Brighton Wheel by Parkin Pig, on Flickr
Well technically it's another day, and before I go to bed, here is one more. I liked the arch within an arch on this one. I did not like the shadow of the fence in the bottom right though. A bit distracting. Your comments are always welcome.
This is just such a cinematically cracking shot!

Where were you and what did you shoot out from to have such a height over everything else?

Mine is a technically imperfect photo but one of those ones that when you care about the people in the shot it doesn’t matter!

As always comments appreciated!

In the Harz (Germany). Shot from the main building of the castle that was a bit higher than this tower.

No comment on yours though. As you said, a photo of loved ones.
2013 has been somewhat catastrophic for the Parkin family. I lost an uncle, 2 aunts, and a lot of my spare time has been taken up helping my mom convalesce after cancer surgery. Ugh - that makes it sound like I begrudge helping my mom. Not at all, but it's frustrating when your life seems to be on hold (and you've just got a new camera). 2014 can only get better, and hopefully I can get out snapping, share the spoils and get some feedback as I get acquainted with my new hardware.

I managed to get out and about in Brighton while visiting my brother over Christmas. Took an evening stroll down the pier to test the low-light capability of the PEN. I was pleased with the results - I thought it handled the mixed lighting admirably. Also this camera has the most awesome image stabilisation - this was taken hand-held at 1/6 of a second. I had the EVF attached and my back against a wall, but the in-body IS has done itself proud.

C&C always welcome.

Brighton Wheel by Parkin Pig, on Flickr

I hope 2014 is a good year for you, your mom and the rest of your family. Hope too that you can get out and shoot some photos again. I'm thinking of last January when I got a new camera too and we had the longest winter I remember and instead of having blossom on the trees everything just got more and more colourless. Frustrating!

Well technically it's another day, and before
I go to bed, here is one more. I liked the arch within an arch on this one. I did not like the shadow of the fence in the bottom right though. A bit distracting. Your comments are always welcome.

Funny how we see things differently. I like the shadow of the fence on there and would call it an interesting detail! To me, it just lifts it somehow. :)
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