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macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
Shot this guy out my window earlier. I liked the final look of this. Used the film processing option in photoshop, killed the blue saturation levels and worked with the curves. End result:


View the full size here

You can see that the 30d can still produce some great detail even when overprocessed, with camera shake and shot as a JPG originally...
You can read the metro sign across the street.


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2003
Cardiff, Wales
Here ya go, a quick job. It is hard to brighten it up, because of the lack of light in some of the cracks and crevasis lol, so there is not much you can do ( again, i think you did this intentionally though for the type of photo). Great photo I really like the old fashioned feel of it and composition, like an old farm!
Hope I helped, if you need anything else let me know, id be happy to.

I actually prefer Everythingisnt's picture darker, like the original. The green light though should either be removed completely... OR, brigtened in itself. Why? Because it's a kind of contrast of an older man, in a tool shed doing something manual.. but he still has his mobile phone with him :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
London, UK
I really like it! Its pretty grainy, but its great.
great pic. looks like a cross between ponch from CHIPs and the bad terminator guy :)
A strong portrait (yet, despite all the trappings of machisco - helmet, shades, leather jacket - the guy's got the face of a choirboy. Look at the mouth). :)
Love this

Thanks marclapierre13, Keebler, Doylem, hector


another street, another country

Havana, Cuba

Canon S50​


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
Very neat image, but if you have photoshop cs3, i would suggest using layers, and exposing the bottem a little more, because its under exposed

Thanks for the comment. I don't have any of the post processing software, at least yet. The image was taken at about 8-8:15 pm so there was not a lot of natural light left. Plus, I don't have a tripod. I think that is going to be my next purchase camera wise. I seem to have the need for one more than I thought. At least to get some fun low light images without any blur


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Thanks for the comment. I don't have any of the post processing software, at least yet. The image was taken at about 8-8:15 pm so there was not a lot of natural light left. Plus, I don't have a tripod. I think that is going to be my next purchase camera wise. I seem to have the need for one more than I thought. At least to get some fun low light images without any blur

A tripod will make a lot of difference. OK, it's not 'sexy', like a new camera, or new lens, but, over the years, it will probably do more to develop your 'photographic eye' than any other accessory.

No need to compromise in choice of aperture/shutter speed...

No need to worry if you can hold a camera steady at 1/30sec...

Never take a blurred pic again (unless you want it blurred)...

Keep photographing long after the other snappers have put their cameras away...

Have fun during the 'magic hour', after the sun has set...

'Hold' a composition, exactly as you want it, as you keep shooting...

Slooooow down... and give yourself the chance to really see what's happening 'out there'...

You'll get plenty of advice about what tripod to buy... especially about the wisdom of spending a good deal of $$$ on one. Well, I reckon the best tripod is the one that's small enough to carry... so you have it when you need it... :)


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2008

These are some really amazing pictures guys. Here's my try.

Camera: Nikon D60
Exposure: 1/3 sec
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal length: 85mm
Iso Speed: 100
Lense: AF-S Nikkor 55-200mm


Jan 30, 2006
ertemplin, that photo is nice. I think in B&W it could be even better, it would completely change the mood of the photo, it would be more like the lonely teddy bear who hasn't been used because its owner grew up.:p


Nikon D40x
105mm Micro Nikko


macrumors member
Nov 8, 2007
"Warp 2"


Last month I posted a similar picture from the Walt Disney Concert Hall taken with my Canon 30D. This photo is a film scan taken with my Minolta.



macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
I like the photo Taylorwilson :)

Here is another from the same setting as my last shot:
Screwdrivers lining the walls of the engine room..


Taken about five minutes ago in very low light.


excellent, images, guys!

here's mine for today.
This is Jim, the project manager for the Aflac Expansion Project. He was showing me around the new IT building that's under construction. It's going to be really awesome. I'll post some shots of it sometime.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 5D
Shutter Speed: 1/25 second
F Number: F/4.0
Focal Length: 27 mm
ISO Speed: 320

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