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macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
phased to this universe


macrumors newbie
Jan 4, 2010
Newport, Wales.
We hardly ever get blue skies like this in Wales.
So i kind of made the most of it while i was out in my garden earlier.
composition isn't the best, as it's hard to judge what the camera is actually looking at.
and i forgot to shoot RAW so hdr process and editing has injured the image slightly xD


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2004
Magnolia, Delaware, USA
I did. Did I overdo it? It's one of the very few things I can do in Photoshop. :)

Not at all. When I saw it I thought they are so straight you couldn't have taken it from that close unless you had a T/S lens or did it in PP. I know you usually use a kit lens, so I figured you must have done it in PP. Great job.

I haven't posted a pic in a while, so here is one of mine for today...


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Yoga at 111ºF

I posted a b/w version of this shot in the challenge thread, but I think I like the color version better because the tonal differences in b/w between the colors is so slight. This was my first time shooting any type of yoga. I was asked by a friend who teaches to take some photos of her class... so it was an experiment to figure out which lenses, what lighting (if any) and what types of images would convey the sense of these classes in an honest way... with towels, water bottles, sweat... It was harder than I thought--with natural light only from one primary direction but with two mirrored walls, a peach-colored wall and orange-ish incandescent lighting. And I didn't know what moves were coming next... just as I'd see something really interesting, and would try to compose to get the background right, they'd move... I felt I was always one step behind. Now, I get to go back and do some held poses in a couple of weeks where I can do more planning of the shots, and in a non-heated studio environment--thank God! ;) In the meantime I'll post a few of my first efforts here over the next week or so...

D300, 17-55f/2.8, 1/60sec, f/4.0, 40mm, ISO 800


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2007
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

taken on my last day of school:D. junior year. high school of course.

[edit] canon t1i with rokinon 8mm fisheye at f/8

Congratulations on your last day... and best wishes for your future days ! What an exciting time for you and your buds!

Mine for today: Fireweed at Laurentian Lake Conservation area. Fireweed is a great nectar producer for honey bees !

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