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Bliss... But Flatter. • Canon EOS 350D • 37mm • 1/100th at ISO 100 • f/11

Canon EOS 350D • 37mm • 1/100th at ISO 100 • f/11

My very last shot with the faithful 350D, my 'gateway drug' to DSLRs, as I've got a T1i on the way!
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It's June 3rd, my 9th wedding anniversary - so an appropriate pic is that of my beautiful wife, taken today. :) Forgive the lack of editing ability... and sharpness, too. Tried a different lens and I'm not 100% happy with the results (and I had no flash, either), though the subject is as stunning as always. :D

EDIT: Forgot my technical info... :) Taken at a historic bridge in our town (nearly 100 years old, now closed to vehicle traffic, though I very distinctly remember riding across it as a kid!) on an overcast day. Don't have my EXIF data right now b/c I'm at work, but it was taken with my Sony a290 and a Sigma 70-300 DG lens whose autofocus broke about 10 shots later. Shot was at 70mm, ISO 400, and f4, I know (aperture priority) - don't recall shutter speed, though.


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Interesting composition. Plays with my head.
It was one of those throw away shots taken on the way back to my car, but there was just something about it that I liked. Can't quite put my finger on it...
I’m a stickler for little details. With this I would have probably got dead on the middle of the path and made sure there was a straight line of symmetry down the middle.

In this shot have you thought about correcting the horizon?

Well I can't get it bang on the middle of the path and maintain the correct centre (because I as you say should have made sure I was in the middle of the path! To busy trying to get a shot with no people!), but at least the horizon is correct now.
20140530-_DSC2728-2 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

And a fresh one for today.
_DSC2706_DxO by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

D7100 , 18-55@55mm , f5.6@1/320, ISO 250

I was going to crop it for just the bee and flower head, but I like the tower in the back out of focus as well for a bit of context.
Hope you don't mind apple fanboy...but I tried taking a step to the right ;) :)

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Hope you don't mind apple fanboy...but I tried taking a step to the right ;) :)


Don't mind at all. I think it works better, but you didn't just re-crop did you? you have manipulated the path a bit! I guess you used photoshop. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that in LR (if it's even possible).
I guess the real issue is to concentrate on the composition a little more when I take it!
Don't mind at all. I think it works better, but you didn't just re-crop did you? you have manipulated the path a bit! I guess you used photoshop. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that in LR (if it's even possible).
I guess the real issue is to concentrate on the composition a little more when I take it!

Yes spot on a bit of photoshop was involved!
Yes spot on a bit of photoshop was involved!

Good to know, because when I first looked I was trying to work out how you could get it central and I couldn't! Thought I was loosing it for a minute.


Fine by me, I'm working from home today (hence my earlier than usual posts!)
To be honest it was on my list of things to do, and I kind of got distracted talking to my daughter. I'll sort it out tomorrow, but yes it needs the horizon and crop doing.
Glad to see you back posting BTW. You have been missing in action for a while.

Quality not quantity isn’t it!

It’s mainly because my time has been used up on lots of other little projects and I haven’t had a chance to see my friends and take some snaps!

Also shooting Hasselblad and essentially costing £1 each time the shutter is pushed means that you don’t get as trigger happy as with digital.

I am looking forward to going on holiday with these two odd balls in under a months time.

Flo & Katherine
by AcearchieArchive, on Flickr
Quality not quantity isn’t it!

It’s mainly because my time has been used up on lots of other little projects and I haven’t had a chance to see my friends and take some snaps!

Also shooting Hasselblad and essentially costing £1 each time the shutter is pushed means that you don’t get as trigger happy as with digital.

I am looking forward to going on holiday with these two odd balls in under a months time.

Flo & Katherine
by AcearchieArchive, on Flickr

I hear your pain. I guy I work with has taken up photography and has decided to go the film route. He has saved a fortune on his camera etc, but the processing is not cheap. Also as he is just learning, it is a very steep and expensive learning curve. He is going the home developing route next (B & W only) to cut costs.
He has saved a fortune on his camera etc, but the processing is not cheap.

Ha don’t advise on a Hasselblad kit then! It’s insured for more than my digital kit.

It’s a labour of love though. If I didn’t spend it on photography I’m sure there would be some other vice or hobby that would use up my money. At the end of the day it’s there to be spent isn’t it?

I did quite a bit of home developing and really enjoyed it. Sadly up in London I don’t quite have the dark-closet-under-the-stairs setup that is needed!

One piece of advice from me to him is to check out recently expired film. It sells at nearly 50% off (or more) and if it’s been refrigerated then there should be no issue. I am still using some slides film from 2012 and haven’t noticed any issues!
Ha don’t advise on a Hasselblad kit then! It’s insured for more than my digital kit.

It’s a labour of love though. If I didn’t spend it on photography I’m sure there would be some other vice or hobby that would use up my money. At the end of the day it’s there to be spent isn’t it?

I did quite a bit of home developing and really enjoyed it. Sadly up in London I don’t quite have the dark-closet-under-the-stairs setup that is needed!

One piece of advice from me to him is to check out recently expired film. It sells at nearly 50% off (or more) and if it’s been refrigerated then there should be no issue. I am still using some slides film from 2012 and haven’t noticed any issues!

As an ex-Londoner (Barnet & Forest Hill), I know what you mean!
He has some really cheap Pentax camera and lenses from the 60's I think. Like £15 each. He has bought a few and is planning on selling some to turn a profit (maybe!)
Trouble is they are all pretty knackered as they haven't been cleaned or serviced in years.
I'll pass on the film tip, but I'll keep buying SD cards thanks! So much easier to go digital IMO, but good on those keeping the tradition alive.


I was considering this for this week's 'Classic Headshot' contest, but settled on a more traditional entry. Thought I'd share it anyway...

[url=]Image[/url]Moai by Parkin Pig, on Flickr


A little further afield. Easter Island in the South Pacific. I was there for the solar eclipse in 2010. The light and the weather was awful for the 4 days we were on the island, so I've had quite a task processing the shots I took there. Thankfully the skies cleared for the eclipse and it was sensational.
A little further afield. Easter Island in the South Pacific. I was there for the solar eclipse in 2010. The light and the weather was awful for the 4 days we were on the island, so I've had quite a task processing the shots I took there. Thankfully the skies cleared for the eclipse and it was sensational.

I was only messing with you. Sounds like a fantastic trip. The weather can really be the pain in the rear end for us photographers. Especially when you are at a once in a lifetime place or event.
American Bison

After my enjoyment of the San Diego Zoo last month, I went to my local zoo today. Got some nice pics of a snow leopard, but going to take some time to sort through them. May end up posting a thread asking for help in that regard :)

Liked this one of an American Bison. Uncropped. I'm discovering that shooting zoo animals with a long-tele zoom has a learning curve....

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Bliss... But Flatter. • Canon EOS 350D • 37mm • 1/100th at ISO 100 • f/11
Canon EOS 350D • 37mm • 1/100th at ISO 100 • f/11

My very last shot with the faithful 350D, my 'gateway drug' to DSLRs, as I've got a T1i on the way!

I came back to look at this a few times, which prompted me to want to give some feedback.

The horizon isn't level. At first I was thinking this was a result of cropping with lens distortion on the right, but I think it's just that the horizon isn't level.

While the ground and sky aren't evenly split, they also aren't following the rule of thirds. I personally think the foreground is more interesting than the top bit of the sky in this, so I would consider cropping out some of the upper portion of the pic. There is nothing on either side that is vital to the image, so I don't think this would adversely affect the elements within the composition. For *most* images of landscapes with a very clear horizon, you should decide whether the sky or what's below the horizon is more important to the image and then go with it. Having them both roughly equal usually doesn't work well.

Take this with a grain of salt. Enjoy your new body!
A little further afield. Easter Island in the South Pacific. I was there for the solar eclipse in 2010. The light and the weather was awful for the 4 days we were on the island, so I've had quite a task processing the shots I took there. Thankfully the skies cleared for the eclipse and it was sensational.

Look for Easter Island Statues with bodies. There was a news item a few days ago.

It turns out that many of the heads have bodies buried beneath the ground.

Enjoyed your photograph too :)
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