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Last one from me as I head out the door for four days of respite and recreational photography! Taken at a disused abattoirs in the Adelaide hills last year whilst mucking around with a Pixelstick. Something I shall try again whilst I'm off & about in the country.


For some reason there's no exif data attached to this, but I know the camera was an Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mk II & I would have been using either the Olympus 12mm f/2 or the Laowa 7.5mm f/2.8.
Deluge of precip in Metro ATL (5 June) on a job site . . . outwards-bound--from a decimeter-wide, roadside drainspout--plops an insecurely-disgruntled amphib (of *cough* a rather mature stature)...


[edit: iP8]


"How Old English frosc gave rise to frogga is, however, uncertain, as the development does not involve a regular sound-change. Instead, it seems that there was a trend in Old English to coin nicknames for animals ending in -g, with examples—themselves all of uncertain etymology—including dog, hog, pig, stag, and (ear)wig. Frog appears to have been adapted from froscas part of this trend." ~anura [wikipedia:etymology]

Old Boy was rather docile throughout the photo montage (additional anura pron vidmeos were recorded (in addition to other, relative, digital recordings (of a benign nature, mind <smile>))), but was most-keen to hop-skip-off at close to 0.0000003214 the speed of light when shown the nearby wood-line.

No surprise there, really ;)


Regards, splifingate
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Final (!) from the current series out at Pawnee National Grassland. It's hard (for me) to get the scale of the place into images. The silence too. It's a mixed use place, so there are people, there is habitation. But the silence is amazing. What I remember about this windmill - which is a water pump I think - is a rather eerie repetitive clanking sound. Nothing else for miles. No doubt cows and other animals find it useful!

Off in the distance, just peeking over the horizon, some snow-covered mountains.

Water by Ray Harrison, on Flickr
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