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Lake front and beaches finally opened in Chicago 😃taken with Xs No editing

Alex, get a proper hobby, such as photography. Ant counting, prfft. Did you know that in dutch you can accuse somebody of ant-fornication ( dutch: mierenneuken )? Fiddling with the details, not seeing the bigger picture, looking for tiny mistakes, being very meticulous at ones job
My dear, @oblomow , once a ped-ant, always a ped-ant! ;)

I have learnt to embrace my Asperger quirks!
Wow. This is a beautiful shot of a beautiful bird. In the wild? I envy you.

Thank you! Indeed, shot in the wild -- but as it happens, his habitat happens to be at the foot of the small lake where my condominium apartment is located. We are really treated to some amazing sights with four different species of herons plus other lovely birds and wildlife. Definitely a wonderful place to live when one loves nature!
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