D300 with 300mm + 1.7 TC
Nice capture.
D300 with 300mm + 1.7 TC
Good to see you posting regularly again! Just had to let you know I'm enjoying the latest additions to "Bandcamp." Your sound is coming together nicely, I could easily see "Lets Be Friends" making it to success! Sad thing is that I was a teen for that sort of sound first time round (in the 80's...)![]()
The Corn Exchange, Leeds
[url=https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5152/14282349281_a094e07bef_b.jpg]Image[/url]The Corn Exchange by Parkin Pig, on Flickr
Nice shot of a beautiful girl; just a bit sexy without being overt.
I have a 28mm Albinar Macro (Minolta MD mount) arriving today; I'll be shooting with it on my Sony, though. I recently purchased 135mm MD lens; I'm loving shooting completely manual again - just the way I was taught/learned (some teaching, but I learned mostly on my own).
Thanks, not only is she beautiful, but she is one heck of a person too!
... Outside of the focus issue, I love these lenses. Great sharpness, awesome contrast and color, and no less flickering when doing timelapse stuff.
Warm Spring Day
[/url]DSC_0086 by CharlieBPhotography, on Flickr
Wish it was here! Been raining all day and more forecast tomorrow and Friday. I'm off for the week, and supposed to be taking photos.
Just looking at this image makes me feel warmer.
[url=https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3718/14106762699_4c17d944c0_b.jpg]Image[/url]The Corn Exchange by Parkin Pig, on Flickr
Sucks doesn't it! It has rained non stop here all day and pretty much did the same yesterday.....and the day before. I haven't been out to take any photos and my house is a dingy un photogenic black hole of a place at the moment. At least I get to do some stalking in London again tomorrow.
Another nice shot.
Took a shot of my dog today just so my camera didn't think I'd fallen out of love with it. He only seems to have two expressions - sad puppy dog or douchebag.
Beautifully sharp. Your bird pictures really put mine to shame.
Tell me about it. I've been shooting sparrows on and off all day through the kitchen window.
Beautiful photograph!
Beautiful photograph!