You need to do some lawn maintenance! Mrs AFB always makes me pick them well before they get to the seeding stage!
That's a smart woman!You need to do some lawn maintenance! Mrs AFB always makes me pick them well before they get to the seeding stage!
OK, your new assignment is to get a photo of the "mating wheel".What camera do you use?
A+ You graduate top of the class!Assigment completed.
View attachment 918523
Here you can see the 'mating wheel' in action. Moments later, off she went to oviposit her eggs in the pond, with him still attached. I'm not sure if the male here is having a bit of lunch whilst doing the business, he was quite happily hanging with the leaf in his mouth. Guess he was enjoying cake whilst eating it too!
Comments appreciated.
A+ You graduate top of the class!
Nope, we grade on a curve here, and the class average is a C!Not bad considering there's only me in the class!
Nope, we grade on a curve here, and the class average is a C!
I think my average was an F!
I kid, I kid. Though I do recall from college one of my buddies took an advanced chemistry class where the average was indeed an F, and it was considered normal. And to that, I say...cute tiny chipmunk:
Have to start somewhere. Shoot, shoot, evaluate results, shoot, shoot, evaluate and learn... Easy and inexpensive these days with digital. Quite pricey in the past with film development costs. Enjoy your new approachView attachment 918770
My first try with a real camera instead of an iPhone.
Not too impressive, but I'm still learning.
Canon Rebel T1i