What is this? I love how the green neon glow contrasts with the surrounding black area.
It's my new Ubiquiti AmpliFi Alien 6 router!
The unit itself is a black tower a little taller than my previous Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station and then it has this amazing green lighting at the base plus it also includes a small touchscreen that provides all the info one might want to know about what their WiFi is doing, the speed, if all the "clients" are properly connected and functioning, etc. The image was shot of the area just below the touchscreen, which doesn't appear in the photo. The router is positioned on top of a pair of black stereo speakers (no longer used for their intended purpose), and is standing on top of a metal rack, which then provides it with plenty of air all around it, including underneath it. A cool router is a happy router. The rack is standing on a clear plastic plate in order to keep dust away and also to make that surface easier to clean as needed.
I have the habit of automatically assessing anything new which comes into the household to see if it would make an interesting photograph. On the day I bought it and set it up, I shot a quickie ordinary snapshot of the new resident Alien with my iPhone so I could share it with friends but that green base light kept teasing me..... "c'mon, you can get a neat shot of me in my neon green coolness!"
Picked up the RX10 which was sitting on a nearby table, made sure the camera was set in spot metering mode, adjusted a couple of other settings and then took a few shots until I got something that I found appealing and which indeed shows off that cool green base.....