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I entered my first attempt at light trails in this weeks contest. I was on a motorway bridge, but I think your positioning next to the road looks better.

Yes I saw yours shortly after posting mine so we've both got some car streak action going on in that thread. I've been thinking of getting a shot like yours as I live fairly close to the M1 but the bridges near me are being repaired so I can't see over them. Plus the traffic has to actually be moving to get light trails and the M1 rarely does down here ;)

Can I suggest that the next time you try that kind of shot you go for a longer exposure as that would have joined up all of the lights and given you a nice continuous line. I'm guessing your exposure was between three and five seconds?
Yes I saw yours shortly after posting mine so we've both got some car streak action going on in that thread. I've been thinking of getting a shot like yours as I live fairly close to the M1 but the bridges near me are being repaired so I can't see over them. Plus the traffic has to actually be moving to get light trails and the M1 rarely does down here ;)

Can I suggest that the next time you try that kind of shot you go for a longer exposure as that would have joined up all of the lights and given you a nice continuous line. I'm guessing your exposure was between three and five seconds?

How long was yours? Mine was 5 seconds (good guess!). I wasn't on the bridge for more than 5 minutes, but got honked three times! Very strange. I'm not sure if people thought I was the police with a speed camera.

Your photos are always breathtaking. I love seeing your work although it makes me feel a bit sad and inadequate whenever I look at some of my shots whilst thinking they are decent.

Never stop posting here Phrasikleia.

Simply stunning. How long did you wait in that meadow?

Also did you use the finger tip you told me about the other day to avoid lens flare?

Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the encouragement.

MacRy, don't be silly, you shouldn't be sad about your photos. You've already come a long way in a short time! Just keep pushing. :)

Apple Fanboy, yes, I used the finger trick to eliminate flare. There were several large flare spots going diagonally across the scene, but covering the sun with my finger made them go away completely. I was focus bracketing this shot in order to do a DoF blend in post (to have everything in focus from front to back), and I was also bracketing for exposure. So I shot each focus point (three or four of them, I think) with three values for exposure and then the same sequence with the finger in as well, just to cover my bases. And, of course, I also had a separate shot with the lens stopped all the way down to maximize the sun star.

How long did I wait? Hmm. Well, I got there when it was still quite dark. I happen to have a photo of me arriving in that meadow. The EXIF for that shot of me says 5:08 a.m., and the photo I posted above shows 6:36 a.m. So yeah, I was there for a while. It seemed like hours to me at the time because I was worried that the sun wouldn't play nice, but at least it gave me time to practice the sequence of exposures I would need. When the sun finally crested the summit, I had the whole procedure down pat and was able to zip through it without a hitch. I'm a zombie at early hours, so having a lot of time to get my brain 'online' helps a lot! :eek:
How long did I wait? Hmm. Well, I got there when it was still quite dark. I happen to have a photo of me arriving in that meadow. The EXIF for that shot of me says 5:08 a.m., and the photo I posted above shows 6:36 a.m. So yeah, I was there for a while. It seemed like hours to me at the time because I was worried that the sun wouldn't play nice, but at least it gave me time to practice the sequence of exposures I would need. When the sun finally crested the summit, I had the whole procedure down pat and was able to zip through it without a hitch. I'm a zombie at early hours, so having a lot of time to get my brain 'online' helps a lot! :eek:
See thats why your shots are sooo much better than mine.
Experience+Knowledge+persistence= Your excellent work.

Sadly I'm not quite committed to get up at the crack of dawn just yet. Thanks for the explanation behind the picture (both here and on your website). It gives the newbies like me a valuable insight into the process of that perfect shot.
Keep inspiring us all!

Bit under the weather again this weekend, so did a bit of indoor shooting.

How long was yours? Mine was 5 seconds (good guess!). I wasn't on the bridge for more than 5 minutes, but got honked three times! Very strange. I'm not sure if people thought I was the police with a speed camera.

I thought from the length of the trails it must be about five seconds. Mine was 10seconds.


MacRy[/b], don't be silly, you shouldn't be sad about your photos. You've already come a long way in a short time! Just keep pushing. :)

Thanks for the words of encouragement :)
Don't like the lens flare and the sky's not right, but here is the most interesting motorway bridge I've seen this week.


Fuji X100
I took the liberty of correctly copying the Image Address from your Flickr link. I think this is what you want to show us.

It's a bit dated by now, but there is a tutorial on posting from Flickr in the link in my sig. It's in the first post of the thread, too.


Thanks Mate!
Click through for a larger version and for the story...

Woah :eek:
Pictures like this... make my camera and my limited skills feel weak and pathetic. That's a spectacular picture!! I simply do photography as a hobby and I am very much an amateur, thats a good excuse, right? ;) :rolleyes:
Next stop for me is to finally get a DSLR... Too many other things to spend money on ATM though :)
Really looking forward to seeing some of your other work!!
+1 at the amazing Phrasikleia shot. Never ceases to amaze.
And say what you will, Phras, but you do make some of us feel inadequate. But that's alright. It's quite the amazing experience to see what is TRULY possible with the natural light that's out there.
And it gives me, at least, something to strive for.

And the story behind the shot was quite enjoyable too! Love it.

In other news, got my first speedlite this weekend. Have no idea what to make of it (besides that it can shoot blinding light in any direction!)...
Will be spending the next few days reading up on Off-Camera flash and lighting. That's more up AceArchie's sleeve. hehehe
Was messing around with studio lights the other day....

Rachel 2 by Scphoto_uk, on Flickr

Rachel is lit from above via a soft box (about 30cm in front and 30cm above) and the up light from a triflector (lastolite) - side light diffused by a beauty dish/honeycomb filter. There is a slight highlight on her nose caused by the side lighting - need to look out for that in the future!

Canon Eos 1D Mk II, EF28-70 f/2.8 L MkII - 1/125 - f/13 - iso 200
Oyster Bar

Photo taken of the ice sculpture at the Oyster Bar at No27, Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin. A lovely place to while away a few hours.


Took a quick trip to NYC (Before the government shut down), and it turned out that every tourist wanted to get on top of the Rockerfeller Center for sunset. It was a fantastic people-watching opportunity.

NYC by Melissa.O.Anderson, on Flickr

Cant beat a bit of people I'd have had to get into the throng....nice work!
I've been on MacRumors for years but I've never posted in the digital photography forums. Am I doing things right? Should I be attaching my photos, or should I be hosting them elsewhere? Also, one photo max per day, correct?

Canon 6D, 24-70/2.8L II
1/500, f/2.8, ISO 320 @ 70mm (Cropped)


  • IMG_3892.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 155
I've been on MacRumors for years but I've never posted in the digital photography forums. Am I doing things right? Should I be attaching my photos, or should I be hosting them elsewhere? Also, one photo max per day, correct?

Canon 6D, 24-70/2.8L II
1/500, f/2.8, ISO 320 @ 70mm (Cropped)

Welcome to the POTD thread ImperialX. :) Details for posting can be found on the first page of each month: First Page - October. And...posting from an image host is always preferable to attaching thumbnails.
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