Alright, I'll bite.
Your lighting is always spot on, your PP is always great, your models are always gorgeous (yes, I'm jealous). But er what's going on with your framing recently? I imagine it's intentional, but I just don't get it care to explain?
It's an attempt at being hip, trendy and cool. The brand that my friend has started is very hipster and cool and this is the sort of thing that they like. The sort of photography that breaks the rules and isn't that traditional.
I don't mind it but I am far from even beginning to get to grips with it.
The other reason was that I had to get multiple shots of 12ish different garments and I needed to have a way to think outside the box and get some variation!
Love the lighting on this. Do you shoot in your own studio or rent?
I remember discussing this one previously! Still feels a bit like it's falling over to me! Is there anyway to get more to the right and therefore more straight on with the chimneys?
Have you ever thought about renting/borrowing a tilt shift and ticking this shot off once and for all?
Another one from me from the last lookbook I did.
As always, comments appreciated!

Candy Cartel 2014 LookBook by acearchie, on Flickr