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macrumors member
Sep 15, 2009
quick question

I have a quick question for the regulars in this thread:
Do you resize your images for upload when you post them here?
What size/jpg quality would you recomend for exporting to flickr from lightroom?

I know this is probably not the right thread to post the question, but as much of the reason for me getting flickr and Macrumors accounts set up is to post here it seemed the best approach to ask you directly.

I've been enjoying all your pictures for months, and now it is time to start contributing!! (as best I can):D



macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
I have a quick question for the regulars in this thread:
Do you resize your images for upload when you post them here?

Yes, 800-1000 pixels for horizontal orientation and about 600-800 for verticals, depending on the amount of small details in the image.

What size/jpg quality would you recomend for exporting to flickr from lightroom?

About those same sizes, I suppose, unless you have a need to store larger versions with them.

I've been enjoying all your pictures for months, and now it is time to start contributing!! (as best I can):D


Come on in when you're ready; we'll leave the light on for you. ;)


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Patrick Swayze's star on the Walk of Fame, Hollywood, CA. Turned out kind of tacky, actually, but I still like it...


  • DSC_0009_2.jpg
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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Waiting for a train...


This is one of those shots that shows just how clever and adept you are, Doylem. An adorable little train station, apparently in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and here is a guy scanning the board with an outstretched hand, as if maybe by touching it he'll conjure up some better options. Meanwhile, those of us viewing suspect he doesn't have many in such a location; he'll just have to stay there in paradise until his train finally comes in. It's poetic and ironic in all the right ways.


macrumors 68040
Nov 27, 2003
My first upload. Criticism always welcome for this beginner.

Canon EOS Kiss X2/450D/Rebel XSi


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
This is one of those shots that shows just how clever and adept you are, Doylem. An adorable little train station, apparently in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and here is a guy scanning the board with an outstretched hand, as if maybe by touching it he'll conjure up some better options. Meanwhile, those of us viewing suspect he doesn't have many in such a location; he'll just have to stay there in paradise until his train finally comes in. It's poetic and ironic in all the right ways.

Well, thank you... It's one of the things I enjoy about shooting with a tripod: setting up a shot and then seeing what happens within the 'picture frame'.

Intriguing... how the shadow of a leaf reveals a secret underwater world...

Misty morning in Edale, at the start of the Pennine Way...



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
My first upload. Criticism always welcome for this beginner.

Canon EOS Kiss X2/450D/Rebel XSi

Okay... first tip: watch your backgrounds - this one really distracts (I can almost hear the hum of electricity...:eek:) Other than that, your shot appears nice and sharp, but there's nothing to focus the attention. Try to get closer, get something to fill up the frame, and use a low f/stop setting to throw the background more out of focus and emphasize the subject. I'm sure others may have some other constructive feedback, but I hope what I said helps. Cheers. :)


macrumors 68040
Nov 27, 2003
Okay... first tip: watch your backgrounds - this one really distracts (I can almost hear the hum of electricity...:eek:) Other than that, your shot appears nice and sharp, but there's nothing to focus the attention. Try to get closer, get something to fill up the frame, and use a low f/stop setting to throw the background more out of focus and emphasize the subject. I'm sure others may have some other constructive feedback, but I hope what I said helps. Cheers. :)
Great! Thanks for the advice. Every bit helps.


macrumors newbie
Aug 19, 2007
Dover, DE
Okay... first tip: watch your backgrounds - this one really distracts (I can almost hear the hum of electricity...:eek:) Other than that, your shot appears nice and sharp, but there's nothing to focus the attention. Try to get closer, get something to fill up the frame, and use a low f/stop setting to throw the background more out of focus and emphasize the subject. I'm sure others may have some other constructive feedback, but I hope what I said helps. Cheers. :)

Agreed on getting closer and using a more shallow depth of field. I would disagree about the background though, personally. It gives it a nature vs. technology feel that I was really into for a while. However, I think if you were to shoot it more from an angle, putting the flowers more toward a corner, and the tower on the opposite edge it would help make the background less distracting.


macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2004
Oving Buckinghamshire England

A few shots while hiking with a friend.


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  • a-little-walk-in-oving-buckinghamshire-TEL_0542.jpg
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macrumors member
Sep 15, 2009
Love the colour in the Puffin pic ^^^^.

So, first up an experiment. I've never really played with black and white before (not that I'm all that experienced with colour), so here goes...

Inn in Littleton NH

Pentax K7 + DA 15mm f4 Limited

C+C appreciated.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->

Beautiful! The pastel color palette is a really nice departure from the usual carnival aesthetic. The way the wheel is turned up to the pretty sky makes it seems as though it's trying to receive or broadcast happy messages. I also think this one strikes a nice balance between looking like a photograph or an illustration.


macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2008
Very cool, i love the idea behind this. Also, this is quite different from your 'usual' postings. Any reason for the change?

thanks! I like to shoot a lot of different things - which is why i like having a couple of different photoblogs. I look forward to the fair every year now and it's great to shoot different ways and different subjects. It helps to think a bit different, and keep interest up.
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