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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

I wouldn't say there's much wrong with the exposure or the white balance. What's missing, IMO, is light. You're shooting into the sun (well, you would be... if the trees weren't in the way :)), which means that nothing in the composition really stands out.

Lazy Sunday afternoon...



macrumors 6502a
Feb 19, 2008
It was quite hard for me to find Mars and Venus though, because on my screen they were shrinked to two pixels.:rolleyes:
How many photos did you have to take to create the video?

All the items of interest are all lined up on the plane of the solar system, the Sun is lined up too just out of the picture.

Here's a frame with labels

Here's a view from above of the solar system for perspective

It spans from 1:45am to 7am at 1 pic per minute, so just over 300 pics.

link to a higher quality version of the movie (1024x768, 46MB)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 4, 2007

it's a photo every minute, turned into a movie through quicktime image sequence. Mars is in the upper right, then the Moon, then Venus is the bright one that shows up halfway through. I like how the moon moves noticeably from the beginning to the end.

Here's the setup that took it. Can't wait to do this with a better camera.

can you share your equipment specs? I'm not really knowledgeable in this area, but I like to read these posts.


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003

Love this shot. Not sure if a tweak to the exposure (it seems slightly underexposed to me--some shadow detail seems to be lost) or the white balance (maybe a bit less red/orange) would help it. Take this with a grain of salt though as I'm not an expert on tweaking. I have a soft spot for shots like this though. I personally love the composition and the expression on the boy's face.

I am constantly amazed by the images produced by members of this forum. I feel a little guilty that I don't offer praise more often. There are some very talented people here--and also many peeps that are willing to take the time to offer helpful advice. I often find myself blown away by the civility expressed in this forum. It's actually a rarity on the internet.

Kudos to those willing to offer up their shots for scrutiny. Kudos to those willing to spend the time to comment. Kudos to the community at large for creating a place where many people of divergent experiences and interests can all come together to share their photographic visions.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Love this shot. Not sure if a tweak to the exposure (it seems slightly underexposed to me--some shadow detail seems to be lost) or the white balance (maybe a bit less red/orange) would help it. Take this with a grain of salt though as I'm not an expert on tweaking. I have a soft spot for shots like this though. I personally love the composition and the expression on the boy's face.

I am constantly amazed by the images produced by members of this forum. I feel a little guilty that I don't offer praise more often. There are some very talented people here--and also many peeps that are willing to take the time to offer helpful advice. I often find myself blown away by the civility expressed in this forum. It's actually a rarity on the internet.

Kudos to those willing to offer up their shots for scrutiny. Kudos to those willing to spend the time to comment. Kudos to the community at large for creating a place where many people of divergent experiences and interests can all come together to share their photographic visions.

What a great post! I think it's really true that the level of good will on this forum far exceeds the average on the internet. Here people are generally very gracious and considerate, whereas elsewhere people seem all too willing to toss in that apple of discord. There's an impressive level of maturity here.

(I couldn't resist the mythological reference, given your username and signature. ;))


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
C+C Appreciated

Pentax K7 + DA 40mm f/2.8 Ltd

I really like this photograph. It makes me feel like I'm there. My only suggestion, and this comes with the caveat that it might not really help the shot, but I'd be curious to see this - since it's a vertical landscape, aim the camera down to bring more forground (forewater...;)) into the shot and a bit less sky, since there are few clouds for interest there. But, as I said, I'd have to see if that actually improves it or not. Or, maybe just use a wider angle than 40mm. But, I really like this like it is, too.

Sometimes your stuff is artfully over the top, and always interesting. Great wide-angle perspective (almost makes me a bit dizzy...;)) and love the black and white tones here... I haven't tried b/w HDR yet. Maybe I should give it a try, as well as pick up a few wide-angle perspective ideas from you. :)

Nothing special (if ever..) but for those of us (like me) who will never have the experience, a view from the stage.
Love this... always wanted to stand there. This shot makes me feel like raising my voice to the ceiling... but only because the place is empty! :D If anyone came in, I'd run like a rabbit for the exit...!


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
What a great post! I think it's really true that the level of good will on this forum far exceeds the average on the internet. Here people are generally very gracious and considerate, whereas elsewhere people seem all too willing to toss in that apple of discord. There's an impressive level of maturity here.

(I couldn't resist the mythological reference, given your username and signature. ;))

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!! (Yes I realize that my username should more accurately be kallistei in classical Greek to reflect the dative in a "pure" manner, but there's all the confusion between Latin, modern Greek, and English). Also the "freaks" who developed Discordianism as a pseudo-religion (joke religion?) had no classical training obviously. I've always seen a humorous connection between Apple (the computer company), Apple Corps (the Beatles company), the apple (from Judeo-Christian mythology), and the apple of discord (from Greek mythology). Throw in the Discordian element and things get even more amusing.

I was drawn to the Classics in college (always more of a Hellenist than a Latinist) yet ended up in med school at the end. So now I occasionally throw in quotes from Homer or Aeschylus on rounds and the students/residents think I'm an idiot.

More info than you probably needed. More power to you on your chosen career. I have a huge appreciation for those that pursue the classics whether through archeology or textual interpretation. As a history major I am convinced of the importance of Greek/Roman society on all facets of modern life.

I spent my honeymoon in Athens/Santorini (formerly known as Kallisti!!). I love your shots taken in Greece on many levels. Takes me back to my college interests and reminds me of my honeymoon.

Best of luck to you :)


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006
It's not only the great little Pentax camera/lens combo... it's the incredible photographer behind it...! :cool: Again, lovely color and light, Steamie.

Sure is beautiful, but I have to ask what did it look like straight out of the camera? Not to doubt or anything - genuine question.

Thanks very much gents :D

@MrSmith it basically looked the same as this only it was about 4º too high at the lh side and it had 2 dust spots from the sensor on it. I Straightened it cloned out the spots and then posted it.

Todays shot on the hand has been a bit more heavily processed.
Taken yesterday at a shoot for an Alternative T-Shirt company.

Camera: Pentax K10D
Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 16 mm
ISO Speed: 160
Flash Off camera set to 1/16th
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