When I say this, it goes in perspective: My father was not a redneck, he was a fairly well respected and well educated person - on the subject of Japan he even lived there a couple of years. However, he was a Ford guy, and because of that I've grown up with him driving his Fords.
I also grew up in the Bay Area of California, in a town where the most popular cars are Nissans, Toyotas, and Hondas.
That said, I don't understand the stigma about Japanese cars being these finely built automobiles with impeccable build quality and solid reliability. I see them on the side of the road about as often as I see cars built by European and "American" brands on the side of the road.The newest vehicle I've seen on the side of the road with the hood up (obviously not working) was a 2007+ Nissan Titan.
Granted, I've seen lots of beater Japanese cars with a couple of hundred thousand miles on them going around. I've also seen about as many ancient "American" cars going around with hundreds of thousands of miles as well. For example, the majority of taxis out here are retired cop cars with 500,000+ miles on them. XD
That, and a lot of the busses I've seen on the road with ridiculous mileage numbers are running "American" engines......
I don't really see the big deal, and I'm not going to make statements about reliability with second hand+ knowledge. However, I can say that my family (and some of my friends) have various "American" cars that run perfectly fine.
We just sold our 1995 Mercury, it had 130,000 miles and was running great! The current owner is pleased with it (and he got a hell of a deal, the interior was much nicer than any 95 Toyota or Honda I've seen and it was about half the price).
The 300C has been great, when I discuss it with strangers they always seem to think it's a brand new one when it's a bit over 4 years old. At the price I paid, I only could've gotten a slower, smaller car with fewer features. The Hemi + mercedes transmission combination is a rather well respected one out there and both parts are well known for their reliability, plus it's pretty easy to work on.
And then there's the handling - all I can say is it's extremely underrated in that department, particularly by stupid people that go rent the base 2.7 and think that a 300C or SRT8 handles exactly the same. *sigh* If stock isn't enough, there is a suspension kit that the car can pull 0.99 gs with (and maybe better).