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Agreed about the speeding - I think it's sorta human nature to speed just because. However, 100 in a 60 is hella extreme. I don't doubt a well maintained car can handle 100mph just fine but take a really good pothole or huge bump and you might blow a tire or something, and it's scary enough to do that at 60mph nevermind 100!
Agreed about the speeding - I think it's sorta human nature to speed just because. However, 100 in a 60 is hella extreme. I don't doubt a well maintained car can handle 100mph just fine but take a really good pothole or huge bump and you might blow a tire or something, and it's scary enough to do that at 60mph nevermind 100!

100 in a 60 zone? That's nothing! I heard a story on Top Gear the other day about a Veyron driver doing over 200 in a 70 zone in California. The fine was $500.

$500! If you did that in Europe, they would have shot you without any warning and burned your car. Well, first burn your precious Veyron, then shoot you. :D

Seriously, last year or so a SLS AMG driver has been caught on a speeding camera in Switzerland doing 180 in a 70 zone. The fine for that was 780000€ ($1.15 million!). I'm not sure whether he had to pay that, though.
That must've been on I-5, and if it was I really hope he was in the left lane. XD

Still, there are some overpass grade drops (the overpass settled I suppose) on I-5 where you do NOT want to be going that far north of 70, you'll smash things. :D
100 in a 60 zone? That's nothing! I heard a story on Top Gear the other day about a Veyron driver doing over 200 in a 70 zone in California. The fine was $500.

$500! If you did that in Europe, they would have shot you without any warning and burned your car. Well, first burn your precious Veyron, then shoot you. :D

Seriously, last year or so a SLS AMG driver has been caught on a speeding camera in Switzerland doing 180 in a 70 zone. The fine for that was 780000€ ($1.15 million!). I'm not sure whether he had to pay that, though.

The other day back in the summer of 2009:!5318413/top-gear-played-by-bogus-210%2B-mph-bugatti-veyron-ticket-too!5311819/bugatti-veyron-ticketed-in-california-going-210-mph%2B

It was bogus. At the very least California will impound the car for 30 days if they decide to get the complete and undivided attention of someone exceeding 100mph.

This is what my poor 1999 Acura 3.0CL looks like now

That is the result of loosing rear traction while following a curve on a slick Garden State Parkway here in New Jersey. The damage was caused by spinning out of control at 100+mph and hitting the median multiple times. I am unsure of exact details since I blacked out from panic once the rear end stepped loose. I literally stepped out of the car with just a small cut on my head, a scrape on my neck from the seatbelt, and a little soreness about two days later. Awaiting insurance payout to hopefully get a newish Honda Accord coupe.

Back on topic, 100+mph on a slick road is asking for it. I am glad you're not injured. I am especially glad no one else was injured. Now cut that ***** out.
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The guy wrecked his car and Im sure has heard enough crap about it. Also for anyone not familiar with NJ highways, seeing people do 100+ is not unheard of. I have witnessed far worse.
The guy wrecked his car and Im sure has heard enough crap about it. Also for anyone not familiar with NJ highways, seeing people do 100+ is not unheard of. I have witnessed far worse.

Thanks you, iZombie. For everyone's knowledge, the road did not look to be wet at all. I was with my friend in his car beforehand and I don't even remember it raining. It must have lightly drizzled outside while we were inside or the rain missed where I was going home from. Will I be more careful from here on out? Absolutely. Am I just going to dwell on it for years? I'd rather not because driving is something that has become essential in today's world and I do not want to dread it every day I live. I want to look at this as a call for more caution and a mistake for me to learn on to be a more cautious person in general; especially as a driver.
Aw that sucks, but.. yea 80mph I can understand. 100? You NJ guys are crazy lol :D

Then again I always hear about east coast guys paying like $600 a month to heat a little shack in the winter o_O
Aw that sucks, but.. yea 80mph I can understand. 100? You NJ guys are crazy lol :D

Then again I always hear about east coast guys paying like a month to heat a little shack in the winter o_O

Try doing 100 for a while on a straight highway then go back to 70 :p sometimes it feels so slow that u could almost open the door and walk out lol :rolleyes:
Try doing 100 for a while on a straight highway then go back to 70 :p sometimes it feels so slow that u could almost open the door and walk out lol :rolleyes:

Motorcycle racers have a rule for this.

When you crash, and slide, count to (at least) 5 before attempting to stand up. If you try to get up too soon, and you're still moving, the cartwheels are going to do a lot more damage than the crash did.
The guy wrecked his car and Im sure has heard enough crap about it. Also for anyone not familiar with NJ highways, seeing people do 100+ is not unheard of. I have witnessed far worse.
I'm not sure you can give someone enough crap for that. Speeding a little is one thing, we all do it here and there. But 100mph anywhere other than a track is simply irresponsible and dangerous, both to you and other drivers. You should never hold back when giving crap to drivers like this. They need to learn this.
I'm not sure you can give someone enough crap for that. Speeding a little is one thing, we all do it here and there. But 100mph anywhere other than a track is simply irresponsible and dangerous, both to you and other drivers. You should never hold back when giving crap to drivers like this. They need to learn this.
Well, you are right when it comes to driving fast in populated areas, noone should ever do it, but on an empty highway or whatever, 100 isnt that much of a safety issue.

I think the persons that should get an infinity amount of crap is the one that: dont give a **** about turn signals in roundabouts/when they gonna turn and someone is waiting to drive out on the road but dont give a crap about signaling it so you have to wait forever just to see them turn in the last second sou you have waited for nothing...../changing lanes infront of you, people that think it is a good idea to just throw themself infront of you when you are driving on the main road so you have to slam the breaks to not crash into them and dont give a single **** to knownledge their mistake and accelerate accordingly, people that is tailgating 1 inch from you, the list goes on........we have a show here in Sweden called "Worst drivers in Sweden", a couple of them let go of the wheel and brakes and covered their face with their hands when various situation turned up, and this was on a closed track, they have driving licenses and they did the same on the road before, imagine meeting that person on the road.......

Never ever in my 10 years of driving have i ever had any situation caused by a speeder that made me want to womit my intestins out in fear, cant say the same about the above mentioned *******s......there is responsible speeders to you know, not only kids that drives 100mph in populated areas.
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Well, you are right when it comes to driving fast in populated areas, noone should ever do it, but on an empty highway or whatever, 100 isnt that much of a safety issue.
I disagree with you, but this thread isn't the right place to argue about it, so I'll just leave it at that.
Motorcycle racers have a rule for this.

When you crash, and slide, count to (at least) 5 before attempting to stand up. If you try to get up too soon, and you're still moving, the cartwheels are going to do a lot more damage than the crash did.
Been there, been knocked out afterward. :eek:
If 100 wasn't a safety issue why did he crash?

Ran out of talent, therefore it wasn't a safe speed for him to be going.
Time and a place for everything.

Probably came into a corner and either got spooked and dabbed the brakes too hard or was heavy on the throttle and jumped off quick, lift oversteer. Have to make a big mistake to get a long FWD car sideways at that kind of speed on a highway corner.
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Just found out today how many mistakes I make when aggressively driving a car that is setup better than I had imagined....on a closed autocross track....going 60 with lift throttle oversteer....WHY ARE THERE CONES IN THE AIR!!!!!:eek::D

If anyone sees an E30 front left brake duct at the Camarillo airport...I call dibs, because it WAS mine ;-)

Pics and vid of event to come!:p
^throttle oversteer sucks!

Holy hell, lets see more pictures and less bickering about idiots crashing their cars while speeding in poor driving conditions.

More of my bimmer:


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