All said and done, the Pixel 3 is still a day one pre-order for me.
Yes, I know I railed and railed on Google and the Pixel 3, and much of those criticisms still stand. I still believe Google is making idiotic design decisions and mistakes, but here's my situation:
I'm ready to move away from Samsung. I gave them 4 years and they've been good to me, but the S9+ camera definitely falls short of the Pixel 2 camera experience. And with the Pixel 3 finally getting a bigger screen and wireless charging, it should close the hardware gap between the two by enough (I'll have to kiss the headphone jack goodbye eventually anyway).
Who else would I consider for the best camera experience? I could return to Apple, but I'm just not ready. Or rather, iOS isn't ready for me. I still think Android is the superior operating system by far in nearly every category. The only major exception is Google's half-baked gestures, which is actually embarrassingly bad compared to iOS' brilliant implementation of it. Luckily, Android still allows for the 3-button layout. There's also the insane $999 price tag (you can thank 3D Touch for part of that price, a feature that will likely disappear soon). Not to mention, it still has a notch! So I can't go Apple.
There's really no one else. LG? Nah. HTC? lulz. Motorola, Nokia, Sony? No, no, and no. Maybe OnePlus, but I'm not ready to trust them and there are concessions, especially with the camera, that I'm not willing to walk back on despite the price.
So that really leaves me only Google. They have the number 1 camera experience, likely topping the iPhone XS. It works perfectly with my Google ecosystem: Mail, Drive, Photos (full resolution backups!), Keep, Maps, all are beautifully synced and all are services that are, IMO, superior to iOS' counterparts. And will have all the clean software and updates you can ask for in the Android world. Having Tmobile's special radio bands also help.
I'm hoping the S9+ will get a good trade-in value or I'll just sell it on Swappa to offset the cost. And my Pixel 2 is planning to go to my mom who needs an upgrade from her dying 5X, so I'll need an upgrade soon.
I'll be the first to point out all the bad decisions with the Pixel 3, of which there are many, but at the same time, it's also the next best phone for me to get in terms of what I'm looking for.
I kind of don't have any other choice, and that's what makes Google's mistakes all the more frustrating. As I've said before, they should be creating the best smartphone experience, not just the best smartphone camera experience.