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here's my last gadget purchase.
i mainly bought it because i wanted something small that can record widescreen video, plus it was cheap.

it's a casio ex-z19
my brothers sigg had a metal taste so he got kleen kanteen

Yep metal taste and poor temperature retention in my opinion. I'd fill my Sigg with ice water and in 20 minutes the ice would be melted and the water would be tepid. I filled my KK this morning with cold water and it's still chilled. Wide mouth is also good for ice cubes.
Did a little christmas shopping for the family and ex gf slash i don't know.

These were for myself

12" Yellow Vinyl

7" vinyl and CD

7" vinyl

SD Hat

Hard case for my LG Dare

For my dad

My ex gf/i don't know what we are right now


For one of my sisters
Some sun glasses

not exactly those but they look similiar
Switched from my Timbuk2 messenger bag to a North Face Surge backpack.


:eek: But nooo! I'll never give up my Timbuk2 Laptop Commute.

I do need a new backpack though. How much did that North Face set you back? I like the simple, classic but rugged black look.

Mine is also blue and I LOVE it! Much better than Sigg.

I wouldn't know. I've been using Nalgenes for years but I figured it was time to ditch plastic. The Sigg ones do look nice, though. I vaguely remember them being much thinner and seemingly less durable than Klean Kanteens though. Like they'd dent easily because of thinner material.

As for good temperature retention in the Klean Kanteens, I don't particularly think so. The fact is, both Klean Kanteens and Siggs are stainless steel, and they're going to conduct heat very well. Cold water will make your metal bottle extremely cold for a bit, which will make it difficult to hold, but soon the water will lose its temperature as it constantly takes heat from the bottle, which is being warmed by the air. And if you put tea in there, it'll go colder faster, as the metal's going to heat up A LOT and dissipate the heat from the liquid extremely quickly. I notice my old Nalgene tended to keep my water cold better than my Klean Kanteen does, which allows the liquid to equilibrate with the external environment a bit too quickly.
I have never tried that, but it looks good.

Try the 90 and if you can find it and survive the sticker shock, the 120. The 90 is 9% and the 120 is 20%.

I am hoping to get some of the 120 minute (cannot find it in DE right now, go figure...) for my brother and I to celebrate our mutual completion of the first semester of grad school.

I might have to make the pilgrimage down to Milton to grab some.
:eek: But nooo! I'll never give up my Timbuk2 Laptop Commute.

I do need a new backpack though. How much did that North Face set you back? I like the simple, classic but rugged black look.

As for good temperature retention in the Klean Kanteens, I don't particularly think so.

Haha, I loved my Timbuk2, but carrying my MBP and textbooks was really starting to hurt my shoulder. Going to classes each day is a lot more comfortable with the North Face (set me back $108.)

I also have a Sigg bottle and it's pretty good at keeping water cold. I agree with your argument about conducting heat, but for some reason the water stays cold for the whole time I'm on campus (before heading back to my apartment.)
:eek: But nooo! I'll never give up my Timbuk2 Laptop Commute.

I do need a new backpack though. How much did that North Face set you back? I like the simple, classic but rugged black look.

I wouldn't know. I've been using Nalgenes for years but I figured it was time to ditch plastic. The Sigg ones do look nice, though. I vaguely remember them being much thinner and seemingly less durable than Klean Kanteens though. Like they'd dent easily because of thinner material.

As for good temperature retention in the Klean Kanteens, I don't particularly think so. The fact is, both Klean Kanteens and Siggs are stainless steel, and they're going to conduct heat very well. Cold water will make your metal bottle extremely cold for a bit, which will make it difficult to hold, but soon the water will lose its temperature as it constantly takes heat from the bottle, which is being warmed by the air. And if you put tea in there, it'll go colder faster, as the metal's going to heat up A LOT and dissipate the heat from the liquid extremely quickly. I notice my old Nalgene tended to keep my water cold better than my Klean Kanteen does, which allows the liquid to equilibrate with the external environment a bit too quickly.

You're in Toronto...... go to Mountain Equipment Co-op. They have awesome backpacks and the prices are amazing. You just need to buy a $5 membership (at least it was $5 when I joined) if you've never shopped there before. I miss that store.....
As for good temperature retention in the Klean Kanteens, I don't particularly think so. The fact is, both Klean Kanteens and Siggs are stainless steel, and they're going to conduct heat very well. Cold water will make your metal bottle extremely cold for a bit, which will make it difficult to hold, but soon the water will lose its temperature as it constantly takes heat from the bottle, which is being warmed by the air. And if you put tea in there, it'll go colder faster, as the metal's going to heat up A LOT and dissipate the heat from the liquid extremely quickly. I notice my old Nalgene tended to keep my water cold better than my Klean Kanteen does, which allows the liquid to equilibrate with the external environment a bit too quickly.
Actually Siggs are aluminum, KKs are stainless steel. Anyway, in my personal experience, the KK has vastly outperformed the Sigg. Siggs may look nicer and weigh less, but they dent really easily (I think mine dented a few days after I got it) and I wasn't at all pleased with tepid metal-tasting water. Also, I may be wrong but I don't think you're supposed to put hot liquids (e.g., tea) in either type of metal bottle.
the iphone didn't work out too well so i'm forced to stay with verizon. :(
the short time that i had the iphone i really hated texting. besides the reception, everything else was perfect!



i don't really need the space NOW but i couldn't resist this awesome deal at Target.
$68.00 for 500 gb hard drive!

western digital elements:

my brothers sigg had a metal taste so he got kleen kanteen

The big difference between Klean Kanteen and Sigg is that despite what coating is used, aluminium is a poison to the human body. Yep, its use in food is banned in a lot of countries, although funny enough, Westernized countries still use it. Sigg, and most other bottle makers, use aluminium and coat the inside with a coating. Aluminium Coke cans, tinned foods, etc, are all internally lined with something.

Sigg's coating is supposed to be the best of all the water bottles, as it's not made from a plastic epoxy type material that releases a nasty chemical into your water (like older Nalgene bottles do). Most aluminium bottles are coated with a material that's just as bad as plastic, so there isn't much point in switching from plastic to aluminium.

So Sigg's bottles are pretty good, but how long does Sigg's coating last? They don't say. Also, if the coating wears off, then you're not only ingesting the aluminium that the coating is there to protect you from, but you'd also be ingesting the coating itself, since it'll wear off into the water.

What if you dent a Sigg bottle? Will the coating still work? Doubt it. :eek:

Klean Kanteen is made from stainless steel, and so it inherently has NONE of the risks that are associated with Sigg, Laken, and the rest of the aluminium varieties. Also, a non-painted Klean Kanteen bottle can be heated up (i.e. in a campfire), or cooled without issues. You can't heat a Sigg bottle up.

It won't keep drinks any cooler than a Sigg aluminium bottle, but there are certainly reasons why Klean Kanteen is so popular. After all, they all hold water, so something definitely sets them apart. ;)
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