Having seen his other works Buffy, Angel, and Firefly; I thought I would buy this. Just arrived via Amazon
Yamaha AVENTAGE RX-A2000 7.2 Receiver. I'm pumped to have 8 HDMI inputs now with stand-by passthrough. Going to make my life a lot easier than my old RX-V1600.
why do you need 8 hdmi inputs..what do u have connected?
I'd love to have 8. 3 Isn't enough.
Just use an HDMI switch.
Yamaha AVENTAGE RX-A2000 7.2 Receiver. I'm pumped to have 8 HDMI inputs now with stand-by passthrough. Going to make my life a lot easier than my old RX-V1600.
How much did this receiver cost? Had to cost a pretty penny. I just got my new tv, and now I'm looking and a receiver and speakers to complete everything, but don't want to go to crazy in spending.
I'm with the others here - the more the better. An HDMI switch is yet another box under the TV, yet another remote control and yet another thing needing power.
B&W P5 headphones for the iPhone. Finally got fed up of Apple's £55 ones, and these are really nice, plus they have in-line controls.
Just got a invited to interview for a residency at Johns Hopkins =), so had to change my flight to come back home a few days early!!
Just got a invited to interview for a residency at Johns Hopkins =), so had to change my flight to come back home a few days early!!
Just got a invited to interview for a residency at Johns Hopkins =), so had to change my flight to come back home a few days early!!
Just got a invited to interview for a residency at Johns Hopkins =), so had to change my flight to come back home a few days early!!