Made a new lack rack to accommodate my Xserve raid
those are so classic and sexy!
Made a new lack rack to accommodate my Xserve raid
It looks great! Thought about getting it, too. How happy are you with it? Is the pixel density enough?
My current setup features a mid 2013 Macbook Air which powers 3 monitors (27'' Thunderbolt display and two other pc monitors. Peripheral wise my desk sports a Caldigit thunderbolt hub, a 2 TB backup drive and an addition 1 TB drive for Time Machine backups.
Almost how I want it...
Yes an 18i6
Awesome! Nice setup by the way, very minimalistic. Would you recommend it? I'm currently looking for a new audio interface.
Thanks! And yes I would, except get the 18i8 if you want one with as many inputs as mine as they don't sell mine anymore, but if you don't need as many inputs get the 2i2 my dad has one of them and that is also brilliant.
No, I don't need as many inputs. Thanks a lot! I've read a lot of good things about them.
Tom Baker (the fourth Doctor Who).Who is the dude in the hat, whose autograph/signature you have?
No, I don't need as many inputs. Thanks a lot! I've read a lot of good things about them.
May i ask are you gonna be using guitars with the interface?
Love the wood table. Where did you get it?
My new monitor! Yay! Unfortunately, the Amazon retailer didn't put the foot into the packet. So, it's kinda useless and goes back to Amazon. Doh.
Awesome setup!Sorry for the crappy images but my HTC One X doesn't seem to like low light...
In the pictures there is :
My i7 3770 hackintosh (Mac Pro killer... Literally. It geek benches higher than most Mac Pros) which is connected to a 25inch 1920x1080 monitor, Creative 5.1 speakers (set up as 2.1), Apple Wireless Keyboard (the newer one with launchpad button after the old one has a little "encounter" with a glass of juice...) and a logitech G5 gaming mouse since my Magic Mouse crapped out.
My 32" 1080p TV connected to an Xbox 360 and a Wii on a cheap TV stand that is also holding my iPad, controllers for the consoles, DS and Printer.
On the bed is some random purple monster that my mum decided to get me as part of a joke 17th birthday present so uhh... thanks mum...
My summer time setup. And Ferrari coffee mug!![]()